
Avatar: The Legend of Another Aang

Katara and Sokka free Aang's New Avatar from the iceberg, but... not quite. The body of a 12-year-old Air Nomad is the mind of an adult guy from another world, who now has to take responsibility for the world and end the terrible war, having fulfilled his duty as an Avatar. Ahead of the new Aang is a whole new world and bending subject to him. It's not that bad, right? ------------------- Chapter release schedule: Tuesday & Friday. My patreon: patreon.com/Lazybender There you can find 20 additional chapters. ------------------- P.S. No Harem P.S.S. English is my third language, so don't expect perfect grammar, although I will try my best. ------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any character, all rights belong to Nickelodeon. I found the picture on Pinterest, if the author wants me to remove it, let me know and I will do it. -------------------

Lazybender · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


"Aang, are you awake yet?" - asked the Water Tribe girl loudly, peering into the ice igloo in which I spent the night.

"Yes, Katara, don't worry. Give me a couple of minutes to clean myself up and I'll be out." - I said calmly, pulling a sweater over my head and trying not to pay attention to the gaze of the girl, who shamelessly examined my tattoos and my thin body.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you, and then I'll show you our village." - realizing that looking at a half-naked person is not very polite, Katara was embarrassed and quickly throwing a few words, returned the skin of the polar bear-dog, which replaced igloo door, again leaving me alone with my thoughts.

And I had something to think about. And how…

Well, I guess let's start from the very beginning… Last night, two teenagers, a brother, and a sister who were from the Southern Water Tribe were able, through unforeseen circumstances, to discover an iceberg that had been resting in the icy waters of the South Pole for almost a century.

Thanks to the poorly controlled Waterbending abilities of the youngest daughter of the 'White Wolf' tribe leader and her garrulous older brother, who failed to realize that angering his little sister was not a good idea, especially in the middle of the water, the aforementioned iceberg was raised from the depths of the icy sea.

And the iceberg was not simple at all, because inside it, as if in a cryo-capsule, a 12-year-old boy and his guardian animal were immured, who spent almost a hundred years in this trap.

It was myself (if someone didn't guess) and Appa, now my flying bison.

After discovering that there was someone inside the iceberg, the 14-year-old girl, having a good heart, despite her brother's sound fears, opened the iceberg and freed the young air nomad, who turned out to be the last airbender and the new Avatar, although no one but me, about does not know this yet.

Only now, the boy whom Katara freed yesterday and brought to her village is not quite the same boy who, a hundred years ago, due to a raging storm, fell into the sea and, in order not to die in the water, froze himself in an iceberg (more precisely, this was done by a hidden power inside him, so that her master does not die), even though nothing has changed in appearance.

To be more precise, it was a completely different person. That is, I... Not to say that there is nothing left of Aang, yet I have all his memories and abilities, as well as feelings, which, however, do not affect me, but still I am not HE.

I am far from being the good-hearted monk who, out of fear of responsibility, because he was the Avatar, ran away, which eventually led to a 100-year war.

It's not that I blame him for this, because he did not imagine that everything would lead to this, and let's be honest if I were in his place and his situation, I would have done the same.

Yet, his burden is too heavy, no matter what anyone says. True, now I just took his place, and this is the main problem.

I don't know how it happened. All I know is that in a past life, I lived in another world and died due to an accident (falling from a great height) at the age of twenty-three, and then... and then I woke up in Katara's arms.

And how it all came to this, one can only guess. At least no one contacted me and explained what the hell happened...

Possibly, am I Aang, who remembered his past life, and because of the difference in experience, the dominant role was taken by me from another world.

Possibly, I ended up in this world after death and accidentally occupied the body of Aang, whose soul went to rebirth after a hundred years in ice.

And possibly some higher being of immeasurable power was involved in this, which, for the sake of fun, threw me into this strange world. It may even be that the Spirit of Light is involved here - Raava, who sits inside me, BUT... all this is not important.

There are many options and assumptions, and maybe I'm right about something, or maybe I invented some stupidity, but this does not change my situation. I am now Aang and now I am the Lord of all four elements - the Avatar. And I have to rake up all the problems of this world... Damn.

I have to end a terrible war, a century-long, to stop the expansion of the Fire Nation, which, let's be honest, is just one step away from victory. And frankly, I don't want to get into it. And to be more honest, I'm scared.

And it's not that I would be afraid for myself, because I already died once, and since I already know that this is not the end, I'm not so afraid to meet her again. Although I don't want to, of course, I just started living again and I don't mind living as long as possible. Just, I'm afraid for this world and for its inhabitants...

Being an Avatar is a big responsibility and my one mistake can lead to the collapse of everything. And I am far from exaggerating. After all, I need to deal not only with the world of people but also with the world of spirits, which is mysterious and no less dangerous than the world of people.

Moreover, somewhere there is a mad Spirit who wants to plunge the whole world into chaos. It's, if anything, I mean Vaatu.

Although, of course, this can be thrown off on the next Avatar, the mere knowledge that such a monster exists is, to put it mildly, frightening.

In any case, aside from smaller goals, I have a war on the agenda, then the problems that will come after it, and the need to restore the Air Nomads culture that the Fire Nation destroyed.

And between these far from simple things, it will be necessary to fight evil people and evil spirits to restore Order in this world. And the problems that cannot be solved by force, but only with the help of politics and bureaucracy, I don't want to remember at all.

Fortunately, there is no need to independently restore my entire race using the traditional method, since after the Harmonic Convergence, in 70 years, this problem will be solved by itself, but before that, you still have to live. And it won't be easy.

I can honestly say that, like Aang, I am afraid of the responsibility that being the Avatar has placed on me, and unlike him, I know much more and understand the situation better than he does, and this only makes it worse.

But, also unlike the former Aang, I understand that I cannot escape anywhere and nothing can change my situation. And as much as I would not like it, I can only accept it... F#ck.

Of course, I can just hide on the very edge of the world, so that they never find me (with Appa, it's possible) and give up on everything, living the rest of my life alone, but... This is not life. And frankly, I will never forgive myself for this.

If a 12-year-old can take charge and defeat the Fire Lord after a year of training, then how can I a 23-year-old guy and back off without even trying?

Especially with my knowledge of this story, which, If everything is planned correctly, everything will be greatly simplified. And don't forget about the powers of the Avatar, which I have yet to develop, but still, only I have the privilege to use all four elements and this is a very significant trump card...

Answer: no way. I may be a not proud person, but even I cannot leave this world to its fate and just walk away, especially if I have an example that all this is doable.

True, one must still be careful and not rely too much on knowledge from a children's cartoon, this is still a real world torn apart by war, and not a fairy tale, but despite what others may think, everything is going in my favor.

Of course, there is another option to switch sides and go to the Fire Nation to help them win the war, but I don't even want to think about it. I still have to live in this world and I want the best for it, and under the rule of people like Ozai and Azula, this world does not expect anything good, so the canon plan remains in force.

And now, I have to start implementing it. After Sokka and Katara took me to their village and left me alone in this igloo, which seemed to belong to some lonely man who went to war with Hakoda, I stayed up all night and tried to come to terms with reality.

My past life, which, frankly, was not very interesting, ended before it could begin, and this one has just begun, and I'm not going to waste it how much in vain.

Perhaps if my memories of the past world were clearer, my feelings would not fade, and my close people would not be erased from my memory, then it would be much more difficult to accept this new alignment, but thanks to Aang's memory, which also did not put pressure on me, I can accept with everything, it turned out to be quite simple. Although, this did not cancel the very savagery of my situation.

I can be called a new person, a new Aang, which turned out to be a mixture of old Aang and a guy from the 21st century. It seems like I got the experience and memories of two people at the same time, but at the same time, I'm not one of them, I'm a completely different person. A blank slate that has yet to write its own story, with the help of two drafts. And it is, to put it mildly, exciting.

And despite all the problems and my confusion, a new life and new opportunities await me. It won't be easy to get used to and it will take time, but I think I can handle it.

Everything is not as depressing as I imagine, yet a new, exciting world full of possibilities awaits me. After all, I became a Master of Airbending (the youngest in history, by the way) and this is only the beginning, there are many more interesting things ahead of me, nevertheless, I am an Avatar.

And I will not lie when I say that I am very attracted to the opportunity to learn local magic and acquire such great power. Of course, to get all this, I have to work hard, but considering what lies ahead for me, I have enough desire to improve myself.

Considering that mentally I am already an adult, I have enough perseverance, to learn new elements and become better than Aang, which is also a good goal... To study all possible elements and sub-elements... For me, a good goal for life.

In addition, Airbending can be developed further, because there is no limit to perfection and I have no problems with fantasy. That's what I'll probably do until I find a teacher of Waterbending.

Although, now the most important thing is the war. But, the resolution of such a conflict is not a matter of one day, so I will think and decide what to do next, but for now, I need to establish relations with new friends and possible allies.

After all, without Sokka and Katara, Aang wouldn't be able to do it, and I too can't do it all by myself, so I need comrades and allies.

Putting on my boots, I used my bending and, taking control of the surrounding air, which turned out to be surprisingly easy, I pulled my staff into my hand and headed outside, to the awaiting Katara. There is still a lot to do, but also a lot of adventure...

My pa*treon: pa*treon.com/Lazybender

There you can find 20 additional chapters

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