
Avatar The Last Airbender: The Last Ancient Race

In this fanfiction of Avatar the Last Airbender, the Atlanteans, the most powerful water benders of all time, were sealed deep within the ocean to maintain balance. However, their seal has weakened and Krea, the older brother of the king and general of their armies, is sent to prepare for their invasion. The Atlanteans are characterized by their pale complexion, blue tattoos, and pale blue eyes with the royals having white/silver eyes the mirror the color of the moon which make their water bending stronger. Kre'as is by no means a hero, he has conflicting ideologies, but is haunted by his duty to avenge his family and kingdom, and his morality is somewhat grey.

nonrefundable_72 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Battle of the Republic City (3)


Above, a shadow loomed as vast as the despair that had settled on Republic City, but its arrival sparked not dread, but a flicker of warmth in the frost-numbed souls below. Fire Lord Zuko descended from the swirling chaos astride his dragon, an inferno incarnate against the bleak canvas of winter's fury.


"Zuko!" Aang's voice cracked through the air, barely audible over the dragon's guttural snarl. He squinted upward, shielding his eyes from stinging ice and wind, as the beast exhaled a torrent of fire that cascaded down like a river from the heavens.


The blizzard recoiled before the dragon's breath—steam erupted where fire clashed with ice, and for a moment, the world was shrouded in a veil of mist. Aang created a strong wind and cleared some of the icy mist, the battlefield emerged once more, a landscape of warriors trapped in ice thawing slowly under the resurgent fire of their hopes.


"Push forward!" Zuko commanded, his voice a blade cutting through resignation. His elite unit, an assembly of the most skilled firebenders in a fleet of airships and war balloons, followed suit and sent a barrage of fireballs that covered the sky, aiming for one person. With a synchronous motion honed by countless drills, they expelled flames from their hands and mouths, a synchronized dance of destruction that painted the sky with streaks of orange and red.


The protective barrier encircling Kre'as, a dome made of intertwined ice and water, fizzled and pulled back as it faced the relentless attack. The Atlantean's once-bright blue tattoos now appeared dull, like stars fading at dawn. Despite the intensity of the situation, his expression remained unchanged, and he even wore a sly smile - a clear indication that he was no stranger to adversity. This fiery resistance was unexpected but certainly welcomed. "Good," Kre'as said with an air of anticipation as he observed his opponent. "Let's see what the fearsome fire nation is capable of."


Kre'as backed away, his retreat grudging, as if each step weighed heavy with unspoken reluctance. But there was no choice; the wall of flames grew higher, wilder, urged on by the determination of Zuko and his unit. They were the embodiment of flame itself—unyielding, consuming, and above all else, a beacon of light in the dark hopelessness during the Republic City's worst day since its founding, he had no choice but to retreat, Kre'as was no coward, but he was not stupid either.


"Come on!" Toph shouted, her voice rising with the tide of battle. Freed from her icy prison, she found her footing again, the earth beneath her responding to her call as an old friend long missed. The firebenders' heat had returned her senses, and with them, her indomitable spirit.


Without a moment's hesitation, Toph unleashed her ability to manipulate the earth. "Kre'as," she called out as she formed waves of earth, "how do you like my version of ocean waves?" The ground beneath Kre'as' feet shifted and tossed him into the air as she hurled massive blocks of earth towards him. Despite being thrown around, Kre'as had to admit it was an impressive display of mastery over the element. As they continued their intense battle, the soldiers below watched in awe and renewed their fighting spirit. They too joined in, sending attacks towards Kre'as. However, the waterbenders were instructed to only use their abilities for healing wounds, as they were useless against Kre'as and would only add more fuel to his waterbending. Kre'as body for the first time since he had invaded, showed signs of damage and fatigued, which further spurred the soldiers on.


As the ice completely melted, and the mist was almost gone and swept away by Aang, leaving behind only the memory of cold, the defenders surged forth, emboldened by the sight of the Fire Lord leading the charge and Aang using his mastery of the air element. It was a turning point, a break in the storm, and through the newly forged path of fire and smoke, they saw a chance to turn the tide.


For the Avatar and his allies, this was more than a mere reprieve. It was a declaration, a testament to their resolve that no matter how fierce the winter's grasp, the eternal flame within them would never be extinguished.


Kre'as noticed the mist created by Zuko and the fire nation being dispersed by Aang, and he didn't want it to go to waste. With determination, Kre'as raised his fists as if gripping an invisible enemy, and the mist transformed into water that soared towards the airship with multiple tendrils. However, before the water could reach its target, bolts of lightning sliced through the tendrils like an eel and struck Kre'as' hand, causing him to recoil in shock. The tendrils disintegrated into droplets and fell to the ground. This not only surprised Kre'as but also Aang and the others; the only known person who could generate lightning was Azula. Despite rumors of her deteriorating mental state, she appeared just as powerful and terrifying as she did during her days of chasing the Avatar. Standing tall and confident, she gazed down at the Atlantean from her elevated position, a stance she was well accustomed to.


"Zuzu, I hate to say it, but we have a lot of work ahead of us to clean up the damage this man has caused, I don't think it is possible to defeat such a man," Azula said, her gaze fixed on Kre'as. "It's not like you to admit defeat, sister," Zuko remarked. "Well, being imprisoned by your own family during a mental breakdown can do that to a person. Self-doubt tends to linger," Azula replied with a mocking smile. "Very well, if you help defend against the Atlanteans, you will earn your freedom and as decree of Fire Lord be reinstated as a princess of the Fire nation," Zuko announced loudly enough for those around them to hear. Azula simply smiled as a breeze swept past her and Aang suddenly appeared next to Zuko.