
Avatar The Last Airbender: Not Avatar

Everything has an end. Everything has a limit of strength. There is a ceiling beyond which it is impossible to grow. But at the end, you can find a new path, repair or reshape a broken object, and break through the ceiling. Weaknesses can be overcome, and shortcomings turned into an advantage. I know that well. I learned it on myself. {Author: Шэтэл-Соркен (shatal-sorken)} https://ficbook.net/authors/1711049

Vandalizer · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 57

Additional chapter for power stones

200 power stones equal an additional chapter


"They're close," I whispered into Azula's ear, then, after giving her a cheek kiss, I stepped away behind one of the metal columns.

Meanwhile, the door to the grand hall, which was quite richly decorated, I must say, was blown off its hinges by a powerful gust of air, and they flew a couple of meters away from the entrance through which three figures rushed in.

All of them, upon seeing Azula sitting on a richly decorated throne, froze in place, until the tattooed bald guy finally spoke.

"Where is Fire Lord Ozai!?"

Azula lifted her head and, with sadness in her eyes looking at the intruders, started to play dumb and stall for time.

"Isn't my presence enough for you? How sad, I was so looking forward to our reunion, but you are so cruel to me..."

"You're weakened now, so tell us, where is Ozai!" yelled Suki, preparing for battle.

"And I advise you to speak the truth, I will know if you try to lie!" said Toph Beifong, now in battle gear, ready to use her earthbending at any moment.

"Oh really? You know, I'm very good at lying. I'm 400 meters tall, I'm a pink unicorn, and I have pink wings, and my tail is made from a rainbow," Azula responded to Toph's words, and indeed, nothing in her gave away the lie. Excellent self-control.

"Fine, maybe I can't tell your lie, but I still advise you to tell the truth!" with those words, Toph sent an earthbending pulse towards Azula, however...

...nothing happened!

"What? How?" she was surprised and tried again, but again nothing happened.

"What, didn't work?" I asked, stepping out from behind the metal column.

"You again! How come... why can't I feel you!?" yelled Toph.

"Well, you see everything around thanks to vibrations, right? So I suppress my own vibrations, remaining invisible to your seismic sense. You should have long understood all the weaknesses of your abilities, Toph. And hello again, Aang, hi Suki, glad to meet you again, although I'm very sorry it had to be under these circumstances.

"What? We know each other?" the warrior was confused.

"Hmm, it doesn't matter right now, but yes, we do. So, guys, and you, Aang, in particular, your invasion plan has failed, you realize that by now, right? It was known long before you started organizing it, simply because it was hardly the best chance for an attack. The other firebenders lose their bending and can't oppose you..."

"What do you mean, 'the others'? Are you an exception?" asked Toph.

"Me? Heh. You have no idea how right you are right now."

I stopped suppressing my vibrations and now became visible to the blind girl, then began to change my appearance, returning to my original, true form.

"Can't be... Freo..." said Aang, as I finally took on my original appearance and stood before him with a smile on my face.

"Surprise! What's the matter, Aang, are you surprised? But by what exactly? By the fact that, despite your efforts to kill me, I still survived? Or perhaps by the fact that I've been hiding in such a manner all this time? Or maybe by the fact that I'm now on Azula's side? Or that it was ME who killed Sokka? Yes, Suki, I killed him, don't think I just decided to tease you here. If so," I turned all attention to Aang, "then you're about to be even more surprised!" I shouted the last words and released a wave of white and blindingly bright flame at the avatar.

The brightest fire covered the entire hall, from wall to wall, and when the flow subsided, one could see the slightly melted metal of the columns, the stone of the floor red from high temperature where the flame had passed, and a glowing red stone blade in the midst of all this.

"But the solar eclipse..." I heard Suki discussing with Aang behind the stone blade.

"In my case, it's absolutely useless. Only with the eclipse did I understand - the other firebenders from birth are used to absorbing and utilizing the ambient fire energy, which the Sun supplies to the planet in large quantities. However, during a solar eclipse, the Moon drastically changes the spectrum of energy flowing to the planet. It's neither the spectrum of water nor fire. Something neutral. Ordinary firebenders are accustomed to using the surrounding force and mostly rely on it, but cut off the energy flow from the Sun, and their own personal strength and control over it are only enough for a weak burst, maybe a faint stream of fire from the strongest of firebenders - they haven't learned to use these forces. But here's the trouble! Guys, I wasn't born a Firebender! I was born a Waterbender! The Moon nourished me from birth, and then I entirely rejected any external sources, even if I didn't realize it myself. And all my powers are solely Mine!" I yelled and sent a new stream of blinding fire into the blade. "And I don't give a damn about any Moon or Ocean spirits, unlike the other Waterbenders! And I don't give a damn about the Solar Eclipse! I am always fully battle-ready!"

I spoke and used everything I could. I spoke and told anything, even what I recently learned from Azula about an incident at the North Pole. And I only paused to again send a stream of fire, although I felt that on the other side of the cover, the stone was being cooled by a stream of air from Aang, and they were retreating towards the exit.

However, soon I felt that the space around was again saturated with fire energy. I had accomplished my main task.

"You know what's the funniest thing, Aang? All this time, I was just dragging out the time and preventing you from leaving, and now the firebenders have regained their power, and your whole plan has gone down the drain!" A wave of my hand and a stream of air cools the entire stone. "Run, Aang, run and save yourself, because this is our last meeting when I allow you to stay alive. Try to save as many of your allies as possible."

Not understanding anything and looking at me smiling, Aang, Toph, and Suki, who was still in shock looking at me, not believing it was really me, ran towards the exit, leaving only me and Azula in the room.

Azula came up to me and hugged me from behind, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Why did you let them go? You could have killed them right here."

"The others - yes. But the Avatar could have survived a direct attack. And in his rage, he would probably enter the Avatar State. And we are inside a volcano, after all, and you are here too. Better let him go. I'm more than sure that I'll meet him again. Now tell me, Azula, haven't you changed your mind? Maybe, after all, you'll leave with me?"

"Sorry, Freo, I would like to, but you understand, right? They will hunt us down later, if not now, then after my father's victory. He won't let this go."

"Yes, I understand, and that's exactly why I plan to overthrow him from the throne after his victory. Agni Kai is still allowed, right? You'll sit your beautiful self on it and we won't have such problems. We'll deal with the people somehow, or I'll disguise myself again! But now," I turned to Azula and kissed her, enjoying her lips, but eventually broke off the kiss, "I have to go. Your servants are already coming here. Until we meet again, Azula."

I took a few steps back and suddenly sank into the stone, immediately beginning to move beneath it.

Now there are no particular tasks, so it's time to finish with lava and start with metal. Every new element in battle can become my advantage!

Dear readers, the second chapters of the second book began to appear on my Patreon's page, if you want to read it, please follow the link

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