
Avatar the Last Airbender: Deep Waters (SI) (Reincarnation)

Reborn as Zerun, our protagonist is gifted with the powers [Adaptive Development], [Power System], and [Bonded Familiar] Watch Zerun, an orphan of the Northern Water Tribe (Avatar the Last Airbender), mark the elemental world and then the further multiverse in his own brand of chaos

Jellyfish_Rogers · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Nami watched her angelic nephew sleep. His tiny chest slowly rising and sinking. She stood there with a sweet smile on her face. Humming a relaxing lullaby, she basked in the sunlight that entered the room. The front door unlocked, and through the sound of his heavy footsteps, Nami knew her husband had returned. He quietly entered the room, confused at first, before realization struck him.

"How's Kaya?", her love, Noraq, asked.

"She passed away this morning", she leaned into her husband, "I wish to hold her funeral ceremony tonight"

"I'll help you arrange it", Noraq kissed her, "I'm sorry. I know how much you loved each other"

The Ocean had blessed her with a caring husband. He, being handsome, was just a bonus. She loved her life, but occasionally, a traitorous thought would enter her mind, what if she had a child of her own?

'Well at least I get to raise Zerun as my own son', she thought, before guilt and shame at such a thought swashed away her happiness.

"She would have wanted you to raise him as your own", Noraq held her tighter.

'This man can read my mind'

"I'm the worst sister, Noraq. I feel happy at the idea of Zerun being my son. Kaya died a few hours ago, and I'm happy holding her child, imagining him calling me, her mother", she whimpered.

"It's okay, it's okay", Noraq rubbed circles behind her back, "you always wanted to be a mom, and now you can mother this one. He's beautiful"

"That he is", Nami beamed with pride, "Our family always produced pretty people"

"They sure did", Noraq laughed, "What's his name?"

"Zerun. Kaya named him, Zerun", she pushed away from her husband, delightfully bouncing on her heels, "His eyes, Noraq, his eyes are mystical"

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

She sang an upbeat melody, scrubbing the dishes by Zerun's cot, continuously watching him observe the world around him with his magnetic eyes.

Sometimes, she swore the baby could understand her. He couldn't crawl or tilt his body sideways, but he could understand the language. Oh, Tui and La, what had gotten into her.

Distracted, she failed to notice a small blob a water float its way over her nephew's head. Swirling around, she rubbed her eyes, her mind was surely playing tricks on her. 

Zerun, a three-day old child was waterbending.

He was a three-day old waterbender.

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

"The spirits have blessed him. There is no other explanation to his talent", Noraq held his head in his hands, a headache threatening to split it open, "he can barely move his arms, yet he waterbends"

"Should we tell someone?", she panicked, "what if, this affects his Chakra points?"

"Not yet, let him grow older", her husband advised, "no harm will befall him. The people of Fire Nation test their newborns as soon as they are born"

 A silence permeated their home before Noraq started to cackle.

"Why are you laughing?", she twisted his ear.

"No, no. Forgive me", Noraq pulled away, "It's just that Nami gave you a massive responsibility, a highly unusual one, while she's skipping away in the Spirit World"

"I know", she groaned, 'Keeping Zerun safe had become a whole lot harder'

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

A week had passed since he reincarnated into the Northern Water Tribe. Looking around, he observed colors swirling around him. He had concluded the colors to be Chi, a metaphysical energy he could now see. He had obtained this power with [Adaptive Development] and [Power System] working in tandem.

[Supernatural Vision]: User has supernatural vision, allowing them to see with amazing clarity, distance, and color. Not only does it augment their vision, but it also grants extra abilities as well, including but not limited to seeing in the dark, perceive things that are too small for the naked eye, see distant objects and beings, have incredible accuracy, and perceive supernatural energy around them. 

His other basic senses were heightened as well, but he quickly got a hold of them.

Zerun had discovered he could waterbend, his third day here. His mother, Kaya, had passed away after giving birth, and all he remembered was hearing about the spirit world. Maybe, that's where she went.

It was cold in the North Pole, yet somehow, he now liked the cold. Most hours of the day he slept to the sound of rushing water. The hours he was awake, his aunt hovered over him, cooing, and kissing him.

Zerun stared at the translucent screen in front of him

[Power System

Adaptive Development {Level MAX}

Supernatural Vision {Level MAX}

Meditation {Level 1 (12%)}

Waterbending {Level 1 (23%)}]

That was the progress he made in his week here. 'Not bad', he giggled.

"Oh, someone's a happy baby", his aunt's voice echoed from the kitchen. She was a tall, fair-skinned woman with silky hair, and artic blue eyes. Nami, his aunt was a wonderful woman, if slightly overprotective. She had slept by his cot, in a sleeping bag for the past week. Her husband Noraq, insisting her to join him in their bed, right next door.

'First-time mothers', he thought.

Life had been pleasant, but he missed Luna.

'Where is she?', Zerun questioned.

 <<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

Noraq watched as his nephew gazed out the open window, and stared at the stars above, happily waving his arms about.

His wife sported a stupidly wide grin, "he's been extremely happy for the past few hours. I've no idea why"

"An excitable child. That's good", he remarked.

The scene continued for a few minutes, before Zerun grew quiet, itching closer to the open window, mumbling words.

"He's calling out to something", Nami concluded.

"Is he?", Noraq was unsure. 'Maybe, he just trying to mimic sounds we make'

Noraq was proved wrong in the next few seconds as a bird swooped into the house and landed by his nephew.

Both the adults rushed by the baby, only to gasp in shock as Zerun happily wrapped his arms around a little bird with majestic white feathers and eyes like pools of gold.

"It's a raven", he said

"Or a spirit", Nami finished

Moonlight illuminated the young pair as they peacefully slept in each other's embrace.