
Avatar: Running to Death

Breton necromancer when escaping from the Thalmor bloodhounds enters the World of the Four Elements. Will the benders be able to stop the unscrupulous wizard who sees everyone as an enemy? This is a translation of fan fiction from the Author : Anarhyst737 (https://ficbook.net/authors/1051445)

Vandalizer · Anime & Comics
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Bonus insert.

  Name: Gregory / ***** *****

  Race: Breton

  Class: Mage

  Subclass: Necromancer 

  Life: 10000/10000

  Mana : 2500/2500

  Necros: 15000/15000




  Strength: 63-Ability to break stone walls with your bare hands? What about hardened steel sheets?


  Dexterity: 15 - The limit of human abilities without magic enhancement.Can do the splits.


  Stamina : 90 - HOW TO KILL IT?! Not if you're not an archmage.


  Intelligence: 21 (73) - You can't tell if he has a very sharp mind, or if he's good at pretending. 


  Wisdom: 10-Let's just say that some alcoholics will be wiser. And sober.


  Charisma: 37-Well, some people think that the scars make him cute.( When he's not keen, gutting some poor guy. Although, there are also options here...)


  Additional characteristics: 


  Will: 100-Quite capable of performing an amputation operation on his own limb without anesthesia, along with explaining what and how exactly he does it.


  Perception: 30 (90) Strongly tied to Auric Vision, but with it-sees a lot. And yes, he can also spy on girls in the shower, although he won't.




Master Blacksmith-after spending time forging various items ( armor, tools, weapons for some undead), he can forge almost anything, with very few exceptions.


  Enchanter-Power-up rings, armor strengthening with runes, magic blades? All this is a long-passed stage for Gregor. A true creator of magical items is waiting for the opportunity to create a great masterpiece! Even if it's a chamber pot.


  Killer-The ability to take others ' lives and not feel remorse is worth a lot to some. But not for a sorcerer, that's their professional trait.


  Master Necromancer - Some people take years to learn how to use necros. For Gregor, it's already as natural as breathing. He can also breathe it like a dragon, but then there will be a smell from his mouth.


  Master of the school of Restoration - Almost complete indestructibility with ordinary weapons, and some enchanted swords may not take, unless they are stuck in the brain. Plus there is a good knowledge of anatomy, which is important for a necromancer. 


Expert of the School of Change-An equivalent exchange? No, I didn't hear it. Put in more energy, and then at least turn daisies into a dragon bone.


  The leader of the dead horde. - Can command large units, but if they are not undead, then putting a log at the head will be more effective. Much.


  Puppeteer - Can take over and control directly created undead creatures. Have you ever wondered what a fleshless skeleton feels like?


  The barbarian principle - No matter what weapon he has in his hands-will still hit like a club. But strongly.


  Master of wearing heavy armor - Can cheerfully fight in plate armor, without losing mobility. However, he himself is not very fast, so...


  Sculptor of dead flesh-To assemble from pieces of different bodies, quite a decent-looking lady? No problem, just use it outside of my lab. 




Slight mental shock-It is not known why, but some of Gregor's memories cause him quite physical pain and have a strong effect on the psyche. Possible bouts of rage.


  An alien Necromancer finds himself in a different world, but still he thinks by the criteria of his homeland. This can lead to a complete misunderstanding of some things.


  Perseverance of the dead - Without feeling pain, and without knowing fear, he goes to his goal. However, not always in the right direction.