Bo Riley is hurled into the world of avatar with some gifts! Ps: Short story = will not be long English not first language I uploaded first chp on another account but had issues so I’m uploading on this acc
Bo Riley awoke with a gasp, looking around him what greeted his eyes wasnt the regular sight of a messy room with tattered posters but a old fashioned room with the smell of mold.
Orientating himself, Bo got out of the thin mattress he had waken up on and stood on his feet while still questioning everything that was happening.
'Where am I?'
'What year is it?'
'Why does it smell so bad?'
Deciding to find some answers, Bo walked to the door of the worn down room to figure out where he was.
While he was walking to the door, he caught a glimpse of someone in a mirror laying against the wall.
"Who the hell is that?!" Bo yelled.
Taking some steps back at seeing a stranger appear in the mirror, Bo quickly put the pieces together.
It wasn't someone else… it was him!
Replacing his old brown hair with a pitch black and his grayish eyes for an even darker black Bo did a double take.
"Ok… not only am I in a strange and old fashioned room, but I look different and have no recollection of the past 24 hours."
Speaking out loud because he was trying to stay together, Bo soon said what he knew was true.
"I've been reincarnated!"
Bo let out a depressed sigh as he strolled along a dirt path with endless forests to his right and left.
Bo had walked out of the little shabby hut he had woken up in and realized he was in the middle of nowhere.
For a few moments, Bo contemplated doing all the things his predecessors had done.
Which was immediately do a thousand squats, pushups, and sit-ups for a decade in order to surprise any young masters with his power.
Buuut after some thought, Bo realized that he didn't know what sort of world he was in and that he was a lazy bum.
Okay so maybe it was more of the latter but still, Bo reasoned that so long as he either reincarnated in the same world as his last life, or in the world of some romcom than there was no need to stress the details.
Whistling a tune while walking down the dirt path, dressed in some blue pants, a black shirt, and some neat sandals, Bo contemplated his life decisions.
'All my life I've been a bum, to lazy to do anything… maybe in this life I'll be different!' Nodding to himself sagely, Bo decided that with his new lease on life he'd put in the hours to achieve his goals.
Naturally it hadn't occurred to him that he already put aside a training arc at the shabby hut and instead decided to walk down a dirt rode to luck out.
After a few hours of walking in the cool spring breeze Bo finally came across a little settlement.
Surrounded by a cobblestone wall, the little village rested in the middle of a valley.
Bo took note that though the village was small, there was still many people bustling about doing this and that.
Grinning at the sight, Bo sped up his pace and headed towards the village gate.
Arriving at the gate, Bo craned his neck around to see if there was anyone to let him in, realizing people where to busy with their tasks, Bo hollered, "Hello there! Can I come in"
Like a deer in headlights, the entire village quitened and stared at Bo like he was some alien.
Soon whispers began.
"What's a traveler doing in these parts?"
"Where did he come from?"
"Is that a weirdo mommy?"
"Hush Timmy that's not nice."
A little annoyed by the loud whispering, Bo had it in mind to just tell them he could hear them but before he could an elderly man with a hunched back wobbled forward.
"Hohoho! A young whipper snapper has come to our little rock village." The old man said while jerking his arms around strangely.
"We must welcome him with open arms, for it is just as the 'Great One' intended." The old man said mysteriously.
After hearing what Bo thought was the ravings of an old coot, the townsfolk work quick to calm down and looked at Bo with a renewed warmth.
Glad to see things were sorted by the elder, Bo said, "Thanks old timer! Sorry for the commotion…"
Waving his stubby arm in dismissal, the old man said, "Everyone calls me grandpa Jang, welcome to Little Rock village"
The old man continued on about something about a mythical rock that the town was named after and looked like he was in a near state of ecstasy whenever the word 'rock' was mentioned but Bo didn't pay it much mind.
After all, his plan was to freeload some dinner from the villagers and head off tomorrow to begin his quest of a protagonist.
Which would probably involve him swooping around and saving some damsels in distress.
So as the duo walked through the village towards the village center they painted quite the picture.
An old man who was rambling on about the great tale of his villages creation, and a black haired youth daydreaming about his soon to be glorious future.
As the duo reached the town center, the sun had begun to set and the village folk began to start a large bonfire in a fireplace in the village center.
Taking a seat of honor at a long table by the large fire, Bo began to ask the old man some questions.
"So grandpa Jang, what's going on in the world?" Bo asked innocently.
Hearing the broad question, grandpa Jang took a philosophical expression on his wrinkled face, "The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and -"
"That's not what I mean gramps! I literally want to know what's going on, like the news from outside the village." Bo clarified.
Pouting after being interrupted, old man Jang thought a bit longer, "Well young whopper snapper… our Little Rock village doesn't pay to much mind to the outside world, after all we have everything we want right here. Thanks to the Great One of course!"
Ignoring everything the old man said after he was clueless, Bo took a look around the village square.
Villagers were hustling and bustling, some carrying wood for the fires, other carrying food to the table, it all painted an image of prosperity and peace.
' I guess I really lucked out huh? This seems like a fine world to be in.' Bo thought after looking at all the smiling faces around the fire.
After all the food was set and everyone took there seats, they waited while looking to grandpa Jang for some sort of confirmation.
Bo could hardly hold himself back from jumping onto the feast before him but he new it would be kind to follow the locals customs and see what the old man had to say before the meal.
Noticing all eyes on him, the old man began, " This is a fine feast that even kings would envy, so of course I would like to give my thanks to the hunters; Joe and Moe, as well as to the ladies that cooked this fine meal; May and Hay. But! I think we all know who we really owe this meal to…"
Bo hearing this, couldn't help but blush at the coming ovation for being a guest at their humble village.
However, what came next wasnt what he expected.
Adopting a look of ecstasy, old man Jangs face warped into a zealous grin, "We owe this meal to the Great One! The Great Creator of Earth! The Mover of Land! The All-Father… the Great Rock!" By the end, tears were streaming down his eyes and all the villagers were openly bawling.
'What the-'
Unable to finish his thought, Bo akwardly looked around as the once peaceful townfolk seemed to morph into mad cultists, all the chanting together;
"Hail the Great One!"
"Hail the Great One!"
Soon, a pair of men carried an object enshrined on a raised pedestal.
Looking at what was driving everyone into a frenzy, Bo decided to see what was such a big deal.
Looking onto the pedestals surface was… a pebble?
"You guys worship a pebble…"
Immediately, there was a silence.
"Whoops, did not mean to say that out loud..hahaha?"
Trying to laugh it off and failing miserably, Bo began to slowly get up and back away from the eerily staring eyes of the villagers.
Not forgetting to grab a few pieces of chicken, Bo said, "Well, I'll leave you all to it! I have a…plane, yes a plane to catch so I have to go now but have fun with your thing and don't mind me!"
At this point grandpa Jang, or should I say cultist Jang was boring holes into Bo's face with an expressionless stare as he walked away.
Soon, the walk turned into a jog, the jog into a run, and the run into a sprint.
"What the fuuuuuu-" Bo yelled as he dashed through the village entrance and down the valley, all the while questioning everything he had thought about this world.
"What happened to my tutorial! What happened to my feast *chomp*" Bo yelled with tears down his eyes as he chomped on some chicken leg that he had managed to swipe.
Bo knew one thing, and that was that he had a long road ahead of him.