
Reborn as an abomination in another world

please do ensure to join the discord group. https://discord.com/invite/YVUvFUrH Gods, demons, primordials, and supreme beings have waited for thousands of years, weaving meticulous plans, spinning webs of conspiracy, and manipulating the fates of millions to alter the balance of the world. All their efforts are suddenly disrupted by a single youth. "Who is this boy? A supreme being in disguise? A new race altogether? An ancient humanoid beast? Or perhaps a primordial? No matter, I’ll hunt him down and uncover the truth myself." Join Erakis, a boy blissfully unaware of the colossal danger he is in, as he embarks on a perilous journey through the enchanting yet treacherous world of Aragrakh. In his quest for purpose and self-worth, he will face unimaginable threats and uncover secrets that could change the fate of the world.

perverted_scribe · Fantasy
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22 Chs



The thunder reverberated through the atmosphere, louder than it would have usually been. The flash of lightning just a few moments earlier had never looked so ominous.

It was raining cat and dog, almost like the skies themselves were furious.

In front of a building stood a large crowd, a few with umbrellas, a few with expensive flights and some just barely fit among the gathering.

No matter who among the groups they were, they were all wet in one area or the other, but none were as soaked as the young man who stood at the top of the building.

The crowd looked towards him, their expressions varying. Some were scared, some were terrified, others didn't even know how to feel. Some felt like this was a waste of time, some thought the youth stupid and they had sneers on their faces; they believed he was just seeking attention.

Although the youth was high up, at the very edge of the top floor of the school building which was about ten stories, he could still see all their expressions.

Even though he had bad eyesight, he could see their sneers. Even though he was too far to hear what they murmured amongst themselves, he could hear their derisive remarks, he could feel their scorn and it made his skin prickle.

The boy was soaked to the bones, his uniform clung tightly to his body and his hair to his scalp. His large framed glasses made his eyes a bit obscured but the darkness in his pupils still sent a shiver down one's spine.

The boy shivered, not from fear but from anger and frustration— and a bit of cold.

There was no expression on his face, just plain poker. He would have been a good gambler.

The boy's ears twitched, he could hear the wailing of the sirens as the police and ambulance rushed over, no doubt preparing for the worst case scenario.

But his eyes remained trained on his classmates, his dark pupils boring through them and drilling through their souls.

Finally, the boy moved. For the first time, he did something that wasn't the instinctive twitching of his flesh as his muscle spasmed involuntarily.

He took a deep breath, not an invigorating one but one of resignation. But although the boy looked tired —the dark circles under his eyes forming a separate layer of skin— his eyes burned with intensity, the malice within them thick enough to make the devil shudder.

"You… you caused all this," the boy began and the crowd below immediately became quiet. For some reason, they could hear the boy loud and clear even though he didn't so much as strain his vocal cords.

If they had been in the right state of mind, they might have noticed the small speakers connected to the outer walls of the building.

(Looks like someone came prepared.)

Instead, they were focused on his voice. The voice seemed to be several octaves lower even though it wasn't and it reverberated through their bodies.

The teachers who had previously had sneers began to frown as realization suddenly began to dawn on them.

Some of the ladies had tears in their eyes as they imagined the worst case scenario while others had fear.

But of course they weren't afraid of the boy or what he was about to do or say. No, they were afraid of the aftermath. If the worst case scenario did happen, then this building will most likely close down.

Not because anyone cared about the boy but because it was a good chance for people with certain interests to come up with ideas.

The youth knew all these but he didn't care. He just wanted to say his piece.

"You were the spectators to my tragic life show, watching from the sidelines and occasionally pitching in but doing nothing else outside of that. A bit of laughter here, a bit of sadness there. You are all equally at fault."

The boy's eyes scanned the crowd and landed on a particular youth, his hair was blond and he had piercing blue eyes. His features were sharp and he had the body of an athlete.

He was the school prince and the well known bully but at this moment, his eyes were just blank. There was no fear but no joy either, just nothing.

But it was all a façade, one that the youth on the roof could easily see through even with his bad eyesight.

"Are you happy? You've finally gotten your wish. I'm about to kill myself for you."

The crowd all looked towards the youth in question, his expression remained blank but one could notice the bulge on his jaws, a sign that he was currently gritting his teeth.

"You took everything from me. My self esteem, my dignity, my identity and my freedom. And now,... Now you have taken my will to live."

"All the beating and humiliation, the show you so enjoyed putting on for all these hypocrites around you, the façade of bravado just so no one will know that you are just a scared little boy who wants daddy's attention. Well,... Now you've gotten it, haven't you?"

This time, veins could be seen bulging in the blond youth's neck and head and he looked like he was about to explode.

"I hope you get to spend some quality time with your father as he tried to buy half the city to stop you from paying the price of causing my death. That's all I have to say…. Fuck you all."

The blond youth's eyes widened as he watched the young lad fall off the roof of the building. Only now did he finally realize the gravity of what he had done.

He had thought the youth was bluffing but as he watched the boy fall, heard the audience gasp and the yells and shrieks around him, he realized he had really done it. He had killed someone.

Just before the young lad hit the floor, their eyes locked and he could see the smile on the boy's face. It wasn't a happy smile or a sad one, it was a relieved one.







Hi there everyone and thank you for reading my book. I hope you stick with me to the end and I'll do my very best to make sure you have one hell of a journey with me.

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