
Start of The Magic Kight Exam

Sue's POV:

My life has been a series of ups and downs to this point. Times like this are the moments, where you question if the happy times were enough. Here I am holding the person I like in my arms while they are going through an existential crisis.

As a child I lived a life that many people would kill for. I had both my parents that loved me and each other. Only to one day have them be taken away from me. Then I got lucky again. I joined the family at the Hage church.

The year before going to the church was lonely. My aunt had to leave before me. My friends tried to support me but they couldn't replace my parents, no one can.

By the time I joined the church I was mad. No that is just the tip of how I was feeling. I felt like I was thrusted into ocean while not knowing how to swim. Everything changed, even my aunt. I can tell, when ever she looks at me it hurts. She sees my father, her brother.

The only thing that stayed the same was that I wanted to be a knight. When I arrived at the church I heard there was a boy my age, who trained by himself. I decided having a training partner would be better than training solo. After my rather embarrassing first day with Roku, we did almost everything together since then. We trained, ate, talked, and even took brakes together.

I could tell since that first day, I want to be by him. At first I was attaching myself to someone strong, then I learned more about him. He helped as much as he could, and practically helped raise his siblings. I felt myself grow closer to him and I started liking him.

Everything changed when he got his grimoire. I had seen him worried before, usually when one of the kids got hurt. Seeing the look on his face I knew there was something I wasn't thinking about. Seeing the increase in the worry when the kids asked to see it I stepped in as distraction.

I was so alone the four days he was away. I just wish he told me before he left. Since auntie was away I had to step up around the house, which was a nice distraction. When he came back a mess and for such a small matter I knew I was going to punish him for it.

These last four months apart was enlightening. That cougar that trained me taught me plenty of things. I learned the reason his grimoire being different was such a big deal. Most of my time away was spent on getting stronger. Learning that she isn't even a captain blew my mind. Even though I'm not strong enough yet, I now have a goal to strive towards.

When she released me from my hell, I headed straight towards the headquarters, knowing Roku would be there.

I was shocked to see Roku standing in front of a destroyed building. Hearing me approach he turned towards me, and my heart jumped in my throat. His face covered in tears, with a look I am familiar with. It's the same face I had when my parents died. So I grab him and hold him, just to let him know I'm here for him.

As I hold him I can't help but notice his breath steady. I feel his weight fall on me. I don't budge. I carry him to the only complete building, and lay him on an empty bed. When I go to leave I feel him hold onto me. Knowing this is him seeking comfort, I lay down next to him and hold him close. During the night I wake occasionally to the sound of him crying.

Roku's POV:

Waking up I feel warm, and comfortable. Keeping my eyes closed I try to think of how I got here. I remember... killing Alfred, but I don't know how I got to bed. The smell is familiar it reminds me of home. Trying to place the smell. My eyes snap open, and somewhat expectedly I am greeted with the face of Sue. I pull my arms away that were keeping us close. I quickly get out of the bed and try to remember last night.

I remember turning around when I noticed Sue approach. Then all I remember is feeling warm, and comfortable. On the inside all I could feel was turmoil. On one side there was the loathing and self-deprecating, facing it was what can only be described as love. Though the love was not from myself.

"Thank you" I say to the sleeping Sue, before leaving the room to make us breakfast. The idle work of cooking gives me time to think about what I have to do in the next month before the exam. Although I did train these past few months, most of the time was spent trying to learn what I would need to know before I become a captain.

Sighing I focus on my link with Rock. One thing I have noticed in this time is that since becoming his partner, my control over all things earth related has increased drastically. I learned that in general my mana is best controlled with movements, but if combined movements with 'force' than my earth magic is even more efficient.

One of the things I learned is that the best way to get stronger is what I call the 'Black Bull' method. You have to reach your limit then push past it. So in this next month that is my goal. As I get ready to start my training I remember something important, I need to make my own residence. Although I enjoyed waking up the way I did today, for the sake of my sanity I need my own space.

I decide to embrace my inner earth bender, I chose to make an earthen home. I focus on an image in my mind, bending down to touch the ground with both hands I start pushing my mana into the ground. I will the earth to change and bend to my will, sometimes having to be more forceful when the need arises.

Once I feel my abode match my vision I open my eyes. I'm greeted with the sight of stairs going into the ground. Traversing down I see an earthen door, that I bend open. The room is simple, no empty would be the better description. The room is small, just big enough for a bed and little walking space. In the walls are cutouts that can be used as shelves or storage. Overall compact and efficient. Not my best work, but I don't plan on being in here long anyways.

Leaving my bare room, I head up and start stretching while thinking of what kind of training I'll be doing. I decide that even though using multiple elements will give me my biggest advantage, I want to raise my earth bending to a captain level. Raising earth bending should be the easiest due to my connection with Rock.

Part way into my earth bender training, Sue came out and started training as well. We didn't talk much, but having her around was pretty calming. After a day of training we both went our separate ways. Resting in my bed I can't help but find myself missing the warmth I woke up to this morning.

Third Person POV:

One Month Later:

In the largest city in the Clover Kingdom, we can see an influx of a huge amount of people. Most of these people are coming for one thing and that is the Magic Kight Exam. Those not here to partake in the exam, are here for two reasons. One is to sell their wares in the capital on the second busiest day in the city every year. The second is news. For some reason this year there have been never ending rumors of huge news being announced at this year's exam.

At the coliseum there are two very different lines. In the shorter line we see that it is filled with what could be called the noble elite. Although some of these people are guaranteed to join a squad most squads don't allow entry until after the exam. One of the reasons is due too the captains wanting to see the new recruits potential. The second line is more than twice as long, this line is filled with what are the commoners, and peasants.

These lines are here to process those that want to attempt the exam. One of the things that make this exam different to others is that they are allowing no contestants to watch the exam take place. That just shows how important the news to be announced is.

Although the exam isn't for another three hours none of the contestants seem bothered. A matter of fact most seem to relish in the assumed attention they will be getting. Little do they know that the news will be so Kingdom shaking that the contestants themselves will be mostly forgotten.

In the coliseum there is a conference room. This room has a large table with ten seats of which seven are occupied. Those in the seats are the current captains. Most of these captains are new to their roles, and have their vice captain behind them. The ones that don't follow this example are the Blue Roses, Grey Deer, and Coral Peacocks. The last two of which have new captains but they don't share the youth of their counterparts. This trend is extremely common when a new Wizard King takes over they replace the captains as well. This is to allow the new Wizard King to enforce their policies with less resistance.

This room is usually used as a rest room for captains before the exams, but occasionally like today they are actually having a meeting before the exam. Interrupting the silence the door open to reveal the Wizard King himself. All of the people in the room stand and salute the man, which he waves off. Once he gets to the head of the table he sits and motions to the others to do the same.

He starts "I'm sure you all are wondering why you are here, and why the meeting before the exam. Starting today there will be three other squads joining us." After he states this the door opens revealing four individuals.

The first man in the front is an almost six foot tall foreigner with dead fish eyes. He has black hair is smoking a cigarette while wearing a black cape embroidered with a bull. Most present know him as Yami former member of the Grey Deer.

The second man was also known to those present. Even with the bad reputation of Yami, this man was even more notorious the convicted criminal Jack. This tall lanky man has long greasy black hair. He is wearing a green cape embroidered with a mantis.

The last two people come in together obviously together. What shows their solidarity is that they are both wearing brown capes embroidered with bears. The other thing they have in common is their age. They appear to be fifteen, especially the boy in front who is the smallest person in the room.

The boy is in front of the girl leading her into the room. He is short of five and a half feet, has black hair, and is currently wearing a blindfold. Even with the blindfold present he doesn't seem impaired by the lack of sight. The girl following him is around the five and a half feet mark, has red hair, and an obvious nervousness showing.

As if unaffected by the glances their way each of the new captains claim their seats around the table. Unluckily for Yami, he ends up next to the Blue Rose captain, unaware of the effect he is having on the vice-captain. The building tension almost bubbles over before Julius can state, "let me introduce our newest members."