
Day of Reckoning Part 1

Deep within the Qindora desert, (a desert between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom) the remains of the DOJ leadership prepare for their next grand attack. Zerrel stands in his hideout as Beruto and Voren walk toward him. The walls are steel grey, the floor is dark grey, and the ceiling is black. Zerrel's metal wings are pulled in at the moment and Beruto wears fresh battle armor. Zerrel: "Beruto, how do you like your new Bezzalk battle armor?"

Beruto grins, "It is magnificent. I feel stronger than ever."

Zerrel: "It will increase your resiliency beyond what it already was."

Voren: "My wingmen are ready to strike and light up our enemies."

Zerrel looks at Voren, "Wait, your moment hasn't come yet. But this will be our final major blow against our enemies. Are the super airships ready?"

Voren nods, "They are, just as Demarius designed."

Zerrel slowly exhales, "Gooood, our moment of triumph is ahead of us." Zerrel, Beruto, and Voren walk through Zerrel chambers through a hallway with light brown walls. Two DOJ troopers salute the team as they enter a massive war site. The war site is outside and has dozens of war towers scattered throughout the area.

The sky is neon blue and the sand is bumblebee yellow. It is about 31 Celsius (87 Degrees) outside with a faint breeze that does little to reduce the heat.

The Calling

Kett and Kanna talk to each other as they wait outside of the Prompt Adjudicator on a beach. Kett looks in her eyes and caresses her face, "I'm sorry Kanna, but I've got to go. Just for a bit."

Kanna asks, "What about us?"

Kett: "We'll figure it out together. Right now, you're in the 31st and I've still got to finish up a couple of things with the United Way. To make sure our allies are looked after until Zerrel is dealt with."

Kanna: "Then what? Will you join the 31st or should I go with the United Way?"

Kett sighs, "Like I said, we'll figure it out. Maybe we'll leave all of this fighting stuff behind and do some advocacy work. I just can't get distracted until after this war is dealt with. We're nearing the end Kanna, but I'll be glad knowing that you'll be waiting by my side after this all is over."

Suddenly, the United Way member and former 31st rival Ronu sprints. Ronu was a Western Water Tribe spearman and ally of Sada. A fatigued Ronu with torn clothes struggles to make it to the docking bay and nearly passes out as he reaches it. Two 31st marines immediately pull Ronu up. Kett and Kanna notice the commotion.

Kett looks at his friend, "Ronu, what happened?!!"

Ronu looks up at Kett, "Ah, Kett, take me to Macai I have an urgent message."

Kett looks at Ronu, "Alright but after that I'm going to make sure you head straight to a medical room for rest."

Macai, Azula, Rosh, Sonna, Dade, Aiya, Irina, Dengo, Arret, and a few other 31st members wait in a briefing room. Kett pushes the doors open and Kanna follows him closely as Ronu is pulled in by another two shock troopers. Macai's eyes widen and Azula pukers her lips in surprise. Ronu: "Macai, there was a time I'd never see myself asking you for help."

Macai looks back at his old foe, "Times have changed."

Ronu: "I bring a message that Sada and Tyson wanted me to relay during one of their recent missions."

Macai: "I'm listening."

Ronu: "They have discovered that guy Demarius made an important invention that he sent over to Zerrel."

Azula: "Go on."

Ronu: "He made superbombs. These are bombs that are capable of destroying entire cities. They create some kind of strange, an elastic reaction once they are dropped. Zerrel wants to destroy Republic city in one glorious blow to discourage the collaboration among the nations."

Kanna: "What does an elastic reaction mean?"

Ronu: "These bombs are less hot than the smaller yet highly explosive bombs and missiles that the Fire Nation Intelligence Department has been developing. However, these bombs have a much greater damage radius than any weapons that have been used before. Demarius found a way to trigger an intense reaction that causes the molecules of the bomb to stretch after an eruption and to do so while covering tens of thousands of meters after it blows."

Rosh: "Let me guess, the ancient dark forces taught him how to make this energy."

Ronu: "We managed to destroy some of the information they had gathered up and in the future it will be important that the Avatar keeps people from accessing it. Such technology shouldn't be in the hands of humans, it could be the death of us."

Macai: "I see, how many of these bombs has he created."

Ronu: "From our knowledge he's made four of them and each one has been put inside of an airship. He calls them super airships, but they're nothing special. Just ships he stole from the Fire Nation, but the airships are made in a way that they have a hatch that can drop the bombs, destroying everything below. They also have been modified to fly at a higher elevation to avoid them from being destroyed when they drop them."

Dade: "I'm guessing they'll also have cannons at the ready. I'm not sure if Zuko can even supply us with airships in time to counter those. We might not even reach Zuko in time."

Macai responds, "I have an ally nearby that can supply us with several hot air balloons from a Fire Nation Army garrison to assist us."

Kett: "I can also get a small team of nearby United Way troops to help."

Kanna: "That alone won't be enough. Those airships will blast most of those balloons out of the sky and they can take more hits than any balloon."

Rosh interrupts, "Wait, there is another option! My father knows of a local group of people who might help us."

Macai: "I'm listening."

Rosh: "During one of his adventures, he found a team of travelers in the Higoshi mountains that travel on Testhans. They taught him how to ride, take care of, and attract the animals. The testhans are faster than hot air balloons and can close the distance on the enemies so we can board them. They are also smaller targets than the balloons, making them harder to hit."

Macai: "And testhans naturally have sharp reflexes."

Azula looks at Macai, "How will you get to the testhans and meet with the group in time?"

Rosh: "Macai and I will take an eel hound then we'll travel to my father's house. My dad has a few testhans so we can ride together to meet with the riders."

Azula insists, "I'm coming too."

Rosh: "What why?"

Azula: "Because I want to see them." Macai, Azula, and Rosh ride on eel hounds until they reach Rosh's home. Rosh knocks on his door and his father, Palu, opens it.

Palu: "Well, if it isn't Azula, I haven't seen you much."

Azula replies, "We've never officially met."

Palu extends his hand, "Well, let's take it official." Azula ignores the hand gesture and hugs him.

Azula: "I've changed Palu."

Palu: "We'll see."

Macai: "Please sir, give her a chance."

Palu: "You both brought her, so I'll trust your decision. But she won't have mine until she earns it. Now, why did you call me here?"

Rosh: "Zerrel has deadly city killing bombs and he wants to use them to destroy Republic City."

Palu shakes his head, "I remember when Zerrel was a fairly well-known colonel. I never thought he'd become this crazy."

Macai: "Will you help us? We need to find the group of Testhan riders that you discovered. We'll need their assistance in battle."

Palu: "It's not that easy. They have a chieftain, and he might not approve of committing his men to a risky fight like that."

Rosh: "But he trusted you enough to teach you how to ride and use a testhan."

Palu: "This is different, they usually don't commit to a war cause unless they're depending their own land."

Macai: "Just take us there, please."

Palu looks back at his wife who is somewhere else in the house, "Yui, I'm going to step out for a bit." Palu looks back at the young adults, "Azula will have to ride on the back of Macai's testhan. Macai, you can borrow the one I've let you use in the past. Rosh, you can have your testhan now. You've used him well before and I kind of forgot about it."

Rosh hugs his father and looks him in his eyes. Rosh: "Love you, dad."

Palu beams, "Love you more." Palu opens his door, and the others follow him outside to his yard. The testhans are waiting in cages and the homeservant Hun greets them. Palu: "Hun, open the gates." Hun does as he is instructed and the testhans crawl forward.

Azula: "Let's go, we don't have all day." Azula hops on Macai's testhan to ride it. The testhan moves side to side as he attempts to buck the princess off. Rosh smirks then removes his smirk as Macai looks at him.

Rosh: "Azula, relax, otherwise it will fight against you." Azula figures it out herself and gets the creature to calm down.

Palu: "Nice, I can tell you're a fast learner. Looks like you'll have to ride on the back Macai."

Macai becomes a little jealous, "Alright, but someone better get this woman her own testhan after we get there."

Azula gasps, "I thought you enjoyed my company."

Macai grins, "I do, but I ride the best alone." Rosh mounts his testhan and Palu embarks his.

Palu: "Alright kiddos, it's time to go." Palu takes off and soars in the air. Azula immediately launches her animal forward and soars in the sky. Macai holds on tightly to keep himself from falling off. Rosh takes off behind them. The team rides until they soar over the distant mountains. The sky is white and the grass on the mountains is teal. It is a pleasant 22 Celsius (72 Degrees) outside. Palu lowers his creature and lands within one of the mountains.

Rosh zooms under Azula's testhan and lands. Azula descends and smoothly lands. Rosh looks at Azula, "Beat you there."

Azula looks back at Rosh, "You never said it was a race, imbecile."

Macai gets off his testhan, "Just so you know Zula this is MY testhan."

Rosh responds and holds his right index finger in the air, "Correction, they are all my FATHER'S testhans."

Palu: "Alright enough arguing." Three men with light red tribal clothes and black warrior eyeliner emerge.

One Higoshi warrior speaks, "Palu, why have you brought these outsiders? Don't you remember our agreement? We welcome you only if you don't bring others with you. We must preserve our people and culture."

Palu: "Normally I would agree, but great things are at stake." Palu points at Macai, "This young man would like to speak with Chieftain Tenkoi." Palu, Rosh, Macai, and Azula are escorted inside of a circular stone structure that sits on part of the mountain. The structure is made of dark grey stone and has several circular windows carved through it. The circular windows come with silk light grey curtains.

The team enters the building where the walls are a light beige color, the floor is tortilla brown, and the ceiling is dark brown. The Higoshi warriors put a special type of paint on the carved stone to create a certain look. Several men, women, and children can be seen watching the team as they head toward the tribal meeting room. Two warriors beat long tan drums to welcome their visitors.

The warriors make the four visitors wait in the center of the meeting room. A few citizens watch the meeting from the distance in stone seats with wool padding. Chieftain Tenkoi arrives. The man has a wide body, a tall frame, yellow skin, a dark brown mohawk, a long beard, broad shoulders, grey eyes, and veins that pop out of his arms. Tenkoi raises his arms and two warriors light torches beside him to signify that an official meeting has begun.

Rosh looks left to right as he attempts to take everything in. Tenkoi smiles, "Palu old friend, it's good to see you."

Palu: "The pleasure is all mine old friend."

Tenkoi: "Is that your son?"

Palu: "Yes, that's Rosh." Rosh waves.

Tenkoi: "And your daughter?"

Palu: "No, that's Princess Azula." The crowd laughs.

Tenkoi: "Oh, that's what she looks like. Why have you brought these visitors? Especially HER!" Azula looks in the opposite direction as she takes offense to the comment.

Palu: "You've heard of Zerrel and I know your spiritual sages have detected the fierce energy his Disciples of Justice have released throughout this world. Thousands have died from this madman's onslaught."

Tenkoi: "But most of his attacks have been concentrated in the cities, not in lands like this. Why should it concern my people?"

Macai: "Because the spiritual repercussions of your people sitting back while millions die will be too great."

Tenkoi: "Millions? There are hundreds of millions of people in the world, from what your Fire Nation city experts estimate."

Macai nods, "And they will kill that many, Zerrel looks to destroy the major cities and now he has elastic weapons that can wipe them out in one blow. He is going to make his first example Republic City."

Tenkoi: "Is he risking all his city-killing weapons in one attack?"

Rosh: "We believe so, but he only needs one to destroy it. The others are backups, and this is his most important mission. We have hot air balloons that can attack his forces, but they might be too slow alone. If they destroy our forces with few losses, then we'll be able to take out several other major cities. Right now, Republic City has less of an air force than the Fire Nation. Destroying the Earth Kingdom and Northern Water Tribe will be even easier."

Tenkoi: "Doesn't Republic City have anti-air cannons?"

Azula: "They aren't made to stand up against these airships which travel higher than they can accurately hit in most cases. These ships also have their own cannons and can fire back. It's a lot harder to hit a stationary target than it is to hit a moving one."

Macai: "Will you sit back and do nothing while history looks you in the face and begs for help. If we perish, then our blood may be on your hands."

Tenkoi: "What nonsense is that? We didn't make the elastic weapons?"

Macai: "Sometimes not doing anything is just as bad as doing something wrong in the spiritual world. Oppressive thrives when good men do nothing to stop bad men."

Tenkoi clears his throat, "I will discuss this matter in private with several elders. We will make a decision and regroup."

Macai asks, "How long will that take?"

Palu looks at Macai, "It could take anywhere from minutes to days."

Macai sighs, "Please don't make us wait too long. If the answer is no, then fine. We'll go on our own but the longer we wait, the more people that will die." The elders step aside and Tenkoi claps his hands. Two warriors put out the torches to show that the meeting has been halted. The team waits for thirty minutes.

Rosh glances at Azula, "I wonder if they're going to come."

Azula: "Patience, Rosh."

Rosh: "For how long? We could be waiting here all day. Maybe this was a bad idea."

Macai: "An update sure would be nice."

Palu: "Just have faith for now. Sometimes faith is all we have."

Tenkoi reemerges and claps his hands. Two warriors reignite the fires on the torches. Tenkoi: "It is time, our decision has been made early."

Azula gets serious, Macai looks ahead with no notable reaction, Rosh looks shaky, and Palu remains calm. Tenkoi: "We will help you."

Rosh shouts, "Yeah!!"

Macai jumps in the air, "alright!"

Azula bumps her right fist up, "Yes!" Palu nods with a smile.

Tenkoi: "We have about fifty warriors that will accompany you. Each will ride their own testhan."

Macai: "Special request, will one of the warriors stay home while Azula rides her own Testhan?"

Tenkoi: "Alright, but remember that several of your warriors can ride on the back of our testhans. They hold up to two people."

Macai, Rosh, Azula, and Palu meet outside of the structure. Palu looks at the young adults, "Good job everyone, I've done my part for now."

Macai: "You've been wonderful Palu."

Palu looks back at Macai, "You too Macai, you've been more than I could have ever imagined. You are a wonderful friend, legendary warrior, and an exceptional leader."

Palu looks at Azula, "And you Azula, never cease to amaze me. You have proven that even the most hated people can be redeemed and become caring companions in the future. I've noticed a change in your spirit the moment you rode with us here and I hope you stay true to yourself. Never look back at who you once were." A tear flows down Azula's left eye and she hugs him.

Palu looks at his son, "Rosh, you are everything a father could hope for. Brave, confident, diligent, loving, supportive, loyal, and so full of life. You inspire your team and fill their morale in ways that go beyond standard charisma. I'm so glad that I've done a good job, but being a parent is only half of what it takes to produce a great person. You did the other half yourself." Palu hugs his son and walks away.

Rosh looks back with teary eyes as his father sails off in the distance. Macai: "What a cool dad."

Rosh: "You sure got that right."

Azula: "I'll third that."

Rosh looks at his friends, "So let's meet our new tribal allies." A Higoshi captain looks at them. The captain has a powerful voice, curly brown hair, light yellow skin, thin eyebrows, wide lips, a hook nose, and low cheekbones.

Rosh extends his right hand, "What's your name man?"

Higoshi captain: "Captain, Kuton."

Rosh: "It's a pleasure to meet you Captian, I'm also a captain. They call me Rosh." Kuton shakes his head and looks at the others.

Macai: "So Kuton, who are our new friends?"

Kuton proudly says, "These are my men. They will serve you well and are fearless." Several confident warriors look at the team. Some of the warriors have curly hair, others have wavy hair, some have long straight hair, and a few have mohawks which is a popular hairstyle in the tribe. Each one has their own personal testhan.

Macai: "Let's get back at the beachhead and prepare for our great strike." Macai, Azula, and Rosh ride back with fifty testhan riders behind them. Azula rides her own testhan which has beautiful purple fur and light green eyes. Kett, Kanna, Dade, and Sonna look back in amazement with several 31st marines behind them.

Macai looks at Dade, "Where is Aiya?"

Dade: "She should be back at any moment." Aiya walks with two Fire Nation army troopers standing beside her. About sixteen air balloons emerge, each having about five army troopers in them and two cannons on each side. These balloons are less overly loaded than the stolen ones Varsha used at Vanaloori but they are also more fortified than the average balloon that only uses one cannon.

Macai looks at Aiya, "Cheers to you my friend, without your help, the 31st would not have been maintained. You were the stability behind our adventures." Aiya salutes Macai and hugs him.

Macai's army friend and middle-aged mentor General Yuvansho arrives. Yuvansho has dark yellow skin, caramel brown eyes, some hair on his arms, black wavy hair on his head, and a long hard nose. Macai smiles at the general, "I'm so glad to see you join us."

Yuvansho: "The air is not an area that I'm never familiar with, but my men will do everything they can to aid you in battle. They mean a lot to me Macai, but they will put it all on the line for this mission. Whatever happens, please make sure some of them make it out in one piece."

Macai salutes Yuvansho with great conviction, "Absolutely sir."

Yuvansho salutes Macai back, "Get out there and send my regards."

Sharpening The Sword

Macai stands alongside several 31st marines, his close friends, the Higoshi riders, and General Yuvansho's Fire Nation army air detachment. Macai: "We are putting everything on the line for this mission. Thousands of families could instantly be ended if we mess this up. Zerrel has weapons of immense destruction at the ready and we must make sure that we stop him from putting them to use. Intelligence estimates that each airship carries about fifteen or so men."

Macai continues, "Our balloons are faster than their airships so our plan will be to take out some of their cannons from the distance. The testhans will close the distance and drop off several marines who will take the fight to our enemies. The riders can take out some of the troopers and we should be good. We'll have cameras so we can detect enemy movement before they arrive and we should be able to make it to that city before them if we leave now. It's been an honor to be with all of you, let's show them that liberty and love will always reign over oppression and fear."

Everyone bumps fists and shouts, "Hurrah!!" Multiple marines sit on the back of Higoshi rider's testhans and in the air. Several balloons emerge behind them. Macai waits with Azula and Rosh before he leaves. Aiya waits with some of the marines who stay behind to look after the ship.

Macai looks at Aiya, "We'll be back."

Aiya nods, "Be careful Macai." Aiya hugs Macai and the commander steps back. The marines salute him and the trio leaves. The team continues until they soar outside of Republic City. The sky is bright blue with a few dispersed clouds in the way. A nice breeze flows through the sky and the weather is a nice 16.7 Celsius (62 Degrees). '

Macai soars with Rosh on his left and Azula on his right. Macai looks at Azula, "Want to race?"

Azula smiles back at him, "You're on!" The duo zoom ahead and Rosh follows behind. Azula quickly lands on the light green grass below and Macai tumbles behind on his testhan. Rosh lands behind them. Azula shouts, "I WON!!!"

Rosh laughs at Macai, "Gotta let them win sometimes."

Macai: "No, she beat me fair-and-square. But that doesn't mean this trend will continue."

Azula: "Sounds like loser talk to me."

Toph stands ahead of the team with two Republic city troops beside her. Azula looks at Toph, "Well, isn't this a surprise."

Toph: "Save it cream puff. I've got more important things to worry about than seeing you."

Azula: "Oh come on, you know I'm worth more than that."

Rosh: "Toph, do you want to ride with us?"

Toph: "No thanks, I'm going to lead the city evacuation, just in case things don't go as planned. Besides, I'm not a huge fan of heights. Especially not traveling at that speed on one of those creatures."

Azula: "I heard Aang is coming back soon."

Toph nods, "I think so."

Rosh looks at Macai, "This should be fun." Kanna and Kett land a few feet beside Macai with two testhan riders ahead of them. Several other testhans land and air balloons dock near them.

Toph: "I see you've gathered quite the team in a short time."

Macai: "Yep, pretty impressive huh?"

Toph: "Yeah whatever fancy pants."

Rosh: "So after this, party at Republic City?"

One of the Republic City troopers looks up in the air through a telescope at the airships, "I see four airships! Looks like one is heading for the east part of the side, another for the west, another for the south, and another for the north."

Macai responds, "We're going to need to split up our teams."

Republic City trooper: "And more bad news, Voren's wingmen are coming. Voren himself is riding near north side of the city."

Azula asks, "How can you tell?"

Macai answers, "Because he is the fastest and always zooms ahead of the others."

Rosh: "What's the plan boss?"

Macai exhales, "Azula and Kanna, you both will head to the North airship. I need two skilled firebenders to be ready since you may have a potential clash with Voren as well as the other forces in that airship. Watch your backs, he has a tendency to sneak up on people. Arret can also go with you both."

Kanna looks at Kett, "Got it."

Kett: "Don't worry Kanna it'll be fine."

Macai: "Rosh and Jesha, I want you two at the West airship since you both make a good team. Dade and Sonna, give them back up." Dade nearly faints and Sonna shakes him.

Sonna looks Dade in his eyes, "We've got this Dade."

Dade hugs her then looks back in her eyes, "I'm ready." Dade nearly shakes as he says this. Sonna readies her bow and hops on the back of her testhan.

Macai looks at Kett, "I want you and your allies to board the South airship." Kett nods his head while a handful of United Way troopers from the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe agree. Macai continues, "I'll hit the East Airship with the help of Dengo and Irina. Four balloons will hit each airship. Good hunting everyone."

Here We Go

Macai rides ahead on his testhan with several riders behind him. The creatures travel at over one hundred miles an hour. The four air balloons soar behind them with their cannons ready and vehicles spread out. Army captain: "Steady, steady everyone." On the other side of the battlefield, an airship soars through the clouds over the team. The shadow of the airship covers some of the sky.

The airship is about thirty feet long and twenty feet wide. Macai comments, "That's not too big, we can handle it!" The airship has eight cannons in total with four on each side. The ship points its guns point at the small army. Macai yells, "Rush them now!" Macai glides right as the team of testhans begins to split in two. Several fly toward the left side of the airship while others fly toward the right of it.

A firebending DOJ captain waits on top of the airship with several cultists around him. DOJ Fire captain: "Open fire! Blow them to pieces." Eight rapid cannons are immediately fired. Three testhan's are blown up as well as the people riding them. A marine disembarks the testhan and falls to his death as gravity yanks him out of the sky.

Two cannons fly at two of the air balloons. Army captain: "Defensive measures!" The balloons sway side to side as they fire defensive shots at the incoming cannons. One balloon moves left as it dodges a cannonball and the other balloon blasts an incoming cannonball.

Army lieutenant: "Woooh!! We've gotten up to a good start." The airship cannons fire up in the air as it attempts to blast the testhans around it. Macai zooms ahead in his testhan moving it side to side as he evades an incoming cannon. A testhan on the left side of the airship is blown in half.

The army captain commands, "Fire, hit that airship on its sides to knock out those cannons." A volley of shots is fired at the airship. The vessel readjusts its focus and blasts several incoming cannonballs. Macai soars over the entrance of the airship and pets his creature before jumping out of it. The commander spirals down. The prodigy generates white flames around his arms and legs before he slams the ground.

An explosion erupts around Macai which a DOJ swordsman and spearman around him aside. Dengo, Irina, a firebender, and a marine mace trooper leap down from their testhans into the airship as Higoshi riders continue to soar in the air. Macai looks right as he notices several of Voren's wingmen glide down toward Macai's team. A testhan flies into two wingmen, knocking them aside.

Another wingman glides and launches an explosive arrow into a testhan; blowing it and its rider apart. Normally, wingmen don't use explosive arrows, but they are doing everything they can for their mission. Another testhan rider launches his own arrow into a wingman archer before he can return fire. A complex air dogfight breaks out between the DOJ wingmen and Higoshi riders above.

The Fire Nation captain points ahead. A swordsman, spearman, earthbender, waterbender, man with dual battlehammers, and warrior with spinning blades move to face Macai's force. Macai looks back at his companions, "Marines, engage!"

Macai leaps and horizontally kicks a white flame at the waterbender's body. The waterbender raises a wall of water which blocks the shot then shifts his hands, launching a beam of water at the commander. Macai shifts his hands backward and launches himself with white fire. Macai flies past the waterbender and soars down toward the firebending captain like white rocket.

The captain leaps backward and left as Macai slams himself into the airship again. White flames disperse around the 31st leader but the fire captain raises a wall of orange flames to block incoming fire. The waterbender also raises his own wall of water to cancel emerging fire. An earthbender extends his arms and launches a rectangle of earth into a 31st firebender; knocking him off the airship.

Dengo lunges ahead and vertically slashes a terrorist swordsman. A spearman lunges at Irina's face but she rotates her spear and bats it left. Irina rotates her spear forward and diagonally impales the spearman. The earthbender looks at Dengo and Irina before launching several objects at them. Dengo leaps left and Irina hops right. Irina then tosses her spear into the earthbender's chest and he falls on his back.

A man with spinning blades tosses one of his blades at Dengo but the marine easily knocks it aside. The cultist throws another blade at Irina but she rolls left. As this is happening, the waterbender turns and fires a beam of hot water at Macai. Macai flips left and the water beam blasts the firebending captain off the airship. The waterbender gasps in surprise and Macai kicks a white fireball into the man's face.

The airship shoots two cannons into an airballoon, blowing the Fire Nation vessel into scrapple. The balloon blows in a gust of orange fire and the army captain covers his face as he reacts to the madness. A beam of white flames blasts the spinning blade warrior off the airship and a warrior with dual hammers charges at Macai.

A testhan suddenly glides and bucks the hammer warrior aside. Macai smiles then opens a hatch that leads to the lower level of the airship. Macai leaps down into the second level. A swordsman is immediately waiting behind Macai and vertically swings down at him from behind. Macai rotates his body and backpedals.

Behind Macai is the controls to their airship along with a earthbending driver. The control is directly in front of a window that shows the environment under the airship. The vessel also comes with a lever that can be pressed to drop the elastic bomb. Fortunately, the airship is not hovering over the city yet. The earthbender slaps his hands together; launching two earth stones at Macai's back. The commander leaps right against the wall. The stones fly into the swordsman then Macai rotates his body and blasts the man out of the window with a beam of white fire.

Macai smiles and takes control of the airship. The commander rotates the vessel in the opposite direction of the city and leaves it sailing forward. Dengo and Irina climb down to where Macai is. Dengo: "What are you going to do now?"

Macai: "Just ditch this thing. If it crashes outside of the city, it will be out of range when it blows. We don't want to risk being here if they blow it up." Macai points the airship toward the ground to ensure it will crash in the distance.

Irina: "But we don't know what the long-term effect will be if it crashes."

Macai: "We also can't risk staying in this thing if our enemies decide to blow it up. But if we can beat the wingmen before this crashes, we can have someone land this thing safely. From what I know, this elastic bomb is actually less hot than regular bombs, it's just more explosive." The team rushes toward the top of the airship. Two testhans glide down and pick up Macai's allies while Macai's light grey testhan soars down toward him.

Macai leaps in the air and lands on his animal. Another testhan flies right as it swats two wingmen away. While the fight on the east front looks good, the other fights rage on. On the western front, the DOJ airship unloads a volley of shots into two air balloons; shooting them down. Rosh soars on the left side of the shift while pumping two red-orange flames into incoming wingmen. Rosh leaps off his testhan onto the enemy airship

A wingman soars over Rosh with an explosive arrow but Sonna launches a metal arrow into the man's neck. Rosh takes a deep breath as Sonna jumps off her testhan behind him. Dade hops off another Testhan beside her. Rosh smiles, "Let's take it to them, people." A spearman, Fire, and Jesha are deployed beside Rosh as he runs forward.

A nonbending captain with a copper sword looks ahead at his enemy. An earthbender, longswordsman, waterbender, brute with a battle hammer, a duelist with a double-edged sword, and an earthbender prepare to battle their opponents. Rosh leaps in the air and pumps his left hand down, launching a red-orange fireball into the DOJ long swordsman. A firebender rolls and hurls a brick of orange fire at the cultist earthbender.

The earthbender raises his rams and a wall of objects blocks the shot but is also blasted on impact. The earthbender extends his left hand and launches a cannonball at the man's face. The firebender slides and pumps an orange fireball into his enemy's chest. A waterbender shoots a stream of water into a 31st spearman, the man glides backward toward the edge of the airship.

Sonna rolls ahead and launches an arrow through the waterbender's neck. Dade leaps in the air and tackles the marine, saving the man's life. The nonbender captain tosses two smoke grenades which blind Rosh and Jesha. The captain opens the hatch and climbs down to the lower level of the airship. Rosh turns and notices that the ship is getting closer to the range of the city.

Rosh runs but doesn't know where to go because the smoke is still obstructing his view. As the smoke clears, Rosh is a few inches in front of the hatch but a heavy trooper who is six feet and eight inches tall leaps at the captain. Rosh rolls right as the captain slams his battlehammer against the floor, shaking the ship. Rosh extends his hands, pumping a red-orange rectangle of fire into the brute. The heavy trooper stumbles off the airship.

A man with a double-bladed sword sneaks behind Rosh. Jesha yells, "Rosh lookout!" The warrior diagonally lunges at Rosh and Rosh leaps backward. The duelist hops at Rosh against, lunging at his stomach. Rosh spins left and the duelist horizontally swings at Rosh's neck. Rosh rolls left and low. Jesha quickly pulls out her swords and jumps behind the man with a double vertical strike. The duelist rotates his body and horizontally blocks the attack.

The man rotates his sword and horizontally swings lower at Jesha's stomach. The 31st marine hops backward and Rosh fires a red-orange beam of fire at man. The duelist leaps left toward the edge of the airship and Jesha hops as she attempts to kick the man off the platform. The duelist spins left and Rosh pumps two red-orange flames at him. The man backflips off the airship.

Jesha comments, "Well, that will take care of him." Rosh blows open the hatch and jumps down it to the second level of the airship. A duelist waits in front of him but Rosh kicks the man back against the wall. Rosh amps his kick with red-orange fire which incapacitates the swordsman. The captain looks back at Rosh, "It's over!"

The captain tosses an explosive grenade on the ground, and it bounces back toward Rosh's face. The captain has no idea what it is but he hops and kicks the grenade back. The metal ball flies back toward the captain's face, and he gasps as it explodes. The window of the rear of the airship is blown open, fortunately, the radius wasn't great enough to erupt the bomb that was right in front of Rosh. The explosion messes up the controls of the airship and it is still flying toward the city.

Rosh sighs not knowing what to do. Rosh climbs back up to the top of the airship when he sees Sonna blasting a wingman swordsman out of the sky. Dade looks at Rosh in his eyes, "You look worried, what's up man?"

Rosh: "The controls are fried, I don't know how to change the course of this airship."

Sonna: "Isn't Toph a metal bender, someone get her over here on this airship. I know she said she wouldn't do this, but I think she'll change her mind if someone reaches her."

Rosh: "Then I need to call my testhan. I don't have my horn but we practiced a drill to get it to return." As Rosh is talking the DOJ duelist with the double-bladed sword who leaped off the airship soars down towards a marine firebender and Higoshi rider on a testhan. The duelist cuts down both of them with a horizontal spinning strike before landing on the creature. The DOJ duelist grabs the straps of the animal and hurls it toward Rosh.

While Rosh is looking at his friends, Jesha notices the testhan soaring toward him. Jesha: "Rosh!" Rosh turns and leaps far left. Jesha dives right as the testhan begins to fly past them but Jesha sprints forward with all her might and hops on the back of the animal. Dade and Sonna look back in awe. The duelist turns stands up on the animal's back as it flies forward. Wingmen continue to battle Higoshi riders in the air around them.

The duelist swings horizontally at the marine's face and she takes a slight step back while being careful to not fall of the animal. Jesha swings down vertically at the man with her left sword. The duelist raises his double blade high as he bats the sword away from her then lunges at her neck. Jesha spins backward and nearly falls off the animal. The swordsman glides toward Jesha with a horizontal attack as he looks to buck her off the flying animal.

Jesha flips behind the duelist then leaps forward and kicks him off the Testhan. DOJ Duelist: "Awwwwwwww!!!!" Jesha redirects the creatures and lands beside Rosh.

Rosh smiles, "You're the best."

Jesha: "Get on!" Rosh hops on Jesha's testhan and they ride down from the airship. A wingman archer takes aim at them and propels an arrow, but Jesha yanks the straps of the animal; getting it to accelerate past the shot. Rosh raises his arms and blasts a beam of red-orange flames into the wingman. The wingman explodes on impact.

Another wingman with a sword glides toward Jesha with a horizontally strike. Jesha pulls her head forward as she dodges the shot and Rosh pumps a brick of red-orange fire into the wingman's body. The wingman's corpse glides up in the air before it is pulled down gravity. Rosh lands his animal directly in front of Toph who is leading a team of five republic troopers as they escort several civilians into evacuation transports.

Toph looks at Rosh, "Aww, don't tell me you want to ride that thing."

Rosh: "They say it takes up to two riders, but I think you can squeeze in since you're small in stature."

Toph points at Rosh, "Listen, bonehead."

Jesha replies, "We don't have time for this. The controls of the West airship have been destroyed. We have no way of moving it from the city and I know you all can't evacuate everyone in time. You know how to metal bend, maybe you can move it away from it."

Toph smiles, "Metalbending and airships are my specialties. Even though I'm not a fan of heights." Toph looks at Rosh, "That's all you had to say, bonehead." Toph gets on the testhan and Rosh holds her.

Rosh: "Hold on tight, we'd hate to lose you."

Toph squeezes Rosh's right arm, "Is that tight enough?!"

Rosh groans, "Yeah, that'll do." The testhan glides in the air and the team lands on the airship. Toph gets off and Dade looks in admiration.

Dade: "Toph, it's an honor."

Toph waves her hand at him, "Save it, now is not the time for a fanshow."

Dade replies, "Well it was worth a try." Toph climbs down the hatch and Rosh follows her. Toph pulls her hands down and latches onto the airship.

Toph: "Take notes, I'm the best earthbender in the world."

Rosh: "Prove it." Toph pulls her hands right horizontally and the airship completely turns around. Toph pulls her hands and redirects the course of the airship in the opposite direction. Rosh gasps, "I'm speechless."

Toph rolls her eyes at him, "Then why are you speaking?"