
Avatar : Legend Of The Phoenix

Set over a hundred years after the death of Avatar Korra, the world has been torn apart by the Red Lotus, who have colonized the once-proud nations. After decades of pain and the Avatar line extinguished, the world is left in chaos and fear. With all hope lost, the new Avatar emerges: Sisera, a young firebender. Outlawed and hunted, she bears a heavy weight on her shoulders, but with her guardian phoenix, Qi, by her side, She forms an unlikely team of warriors, each with their own secrets, scars, and long-buried truths. They set out on a journey to regain the balance of power and bring peace to a world on the verge of extinction. As mysteries unravel and alliances shift, Sisera's quest takes her across a world riddled with treachery and conflict. She and her newfound companions must confront their inner demons as they embark on a quest to end the tyranny once and for all. With each battle and thrilling encounter, the fates of the  four nations are at stake.

LittleMissOri · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


For centuries, legends have whispered tales of the Avatar—a powerful being, master of all elements, the bridge between worlds, and guardian of balance. Once revered as a savior, time has blurred the lines of myth and reality. The world, where spirits and humans coexist, has long since shifted from wonder to acceptance. The Central City now cradles a portal to the Spirit World, and the Avatar, once the bridge, became a hero and protector of the people.

But the world powers saw the Avatar differently. In 1999, an ominous bill was signed, sealing the fate of the last known Avatar, Jay. On the 13th of July, 2000, the Avatar's flame was extinguished while in the mighty Avatar State. Desperation swept the world as chaos and fear took root. Those who dared to advocate for the Avatar's noble purpose—the enigmatic "White Lotus"—were systematically eliminated by the oppressive "Red Lotus," the world's reigning powers.

Years passed, hope vanished, but then, i discovered the new and long forgotten Avatar, in the form of a stubborn yet extraordinarily gifted Fire Bender, Sisera, and her guardian phoenix, Qi. Despite her prowess in fire bending, Sisera has lot to learn and discover before she can reach her full potential. But I believe in her lies the power to restore balance to our fractured world.

As secrets unfurl and a new world beckons, it is time for the phoenix to rise from the ashes, for Sisera to claim her destiny. The age of renewal awaits, and with it, the dawn of a new era—an era where the Avatar's true purpose shall be revealed, and balance shall once again reign supreme."

- A mysterious chronicle from the heart of a world in turmoil.