
Avatar: Legend of the Blood Bender

Dying too young, Noah on accident shatter a balance he didn't know existed, and now it also forces him to fix it. Good thing he's allowed to have fun during it. This Fanfiction is based on the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe. Disclaimer: I don't own the story or any images yada yada. Disclaimer 2: This is my first time writing, and english isn't my first language so if any gramma or spelling is wack that's why. I also work fulltime so for now this is a hobby thing with no fixed upload schedule.

Emilowish · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 2


Grabbing my now throbbing head, trying to stop the vertigo I'm feeling, only to find myself unsuccessful, as I inevitably lay down again, simply looking at the clear sky. A surreal sight, I don't remember the last time I saw it, probably on some old video from the 21st century or something. Before the world truly went to the gutter.


"Enough thinking about useless things, new world, knew me! As for a name... My old name, Noah should fit right in with the water tribe so I'll just keep it, no need to complicate things unnecessarily"

Finally able to stand up, I look around at my admittingly empty surroundings while mumbling to myself. One of the reasons water bending is superior to the other elements is in terms of pure survival, not only can I filter water, but there should be plenty of fish below the ice.

Nodding to myself at my genius, I begin bending... or I try to. I throw my arms around like a madman, while trying to feel something, anything really, yet nothing happens. After about an hour of this, I sit down, too tired to continue.

"Damn, I need some training"

I manage to gasp out between my panting. At least I spawned here with some warm clothes, thank god for small mercies. While resting I try recalling anything I can about the show, about bending specifically. Besides the movements and the "flow" of water bending, I remember that you needed to be in control of your emotions, or at least be calm.

Other than that the key point I remember is about Chi. Chi is the key to not only bending but almost everything supernatural in the Avatar universe. I guess I should start by trying to feel chi, shouldn't be too hard, I'm supposed to be super talented after all.

--- 3 hours later ---

It was way harder than I thought. I don't know if I'm fast or not, but it sure didn't feel fast from my perspective. I'm not sure exactly how long I was meditating, but it isn't morning anymore, and my stomach is beginning to crave food. Water bending is a lot harder than the show gave it credit for, and slowly but surely all my brilliant survival plans are falling apart.

The next thing I need is one of those gigantic Polar Bea- wait... Pheww, I almost thought I jinxed myself for a second there. Anyways, now that I can somewhat feel chi, I think it's time I try my hand at bending again.

2nd Chapter woooh!

Anyway I've been up for about 20 hours, so I'm going to bed, if I'm feeling creative there will be a mass release soon, as I have some free time at the moment.

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