
Avatar Evolution

The only thing Lin Shen can depend on when traveling to an above-metropolitan world where Martial Dao and immortals cohabit is his avatar, Golden Finger. In an avatar, through cultivation, the primary body becomes stronger. Blazing Sun Palm, Melting Soldiers' Hand, Qianyang Sword, Clone [Pure Yang Body]: Yang attribute Cultivation Technique +300% cultivation speed any Yang characteristic The cultivation technique is simple to employ and effective, Jue! Clone [Natural Dao Body]: Cultivation speed increased by 500%; all martial skill cultivation techniques were merged; all geniuses were crushed! Clone [Sword God Wuwo]: Let you be oppressive; I'll slay you with one sword! Swordsmanship Cultivation Technique: Power +200%, Swordsmanship Cultivation Technique Cultivation Speed Increased by 200%! 

ethen098 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

This World Is Real

Are you interested in enrolling in the martial arts training course, handsome guy?

Lin Shen was on his way home when a stunning woman wearing tight workout attire stopped him and eagerly gave him a flyer.

Lin Shen halted and cast a downward glance at the flyer.

Immediately in view were Taiyang Wuguan's four prominent personalities.

"Regular martial arts facilities are permitted by the Sanzong Mansion, and such is the case with our gym."

"It is the best instruction in the whole of Linlong City, regardless of size or calibre!"

The girl promptly took the chance to convince Lin Shen when she saw him halt.

"Our martial arts gym can customize the most appropriate courses for you, and there are long-breathing realm teachers who will teach in person," it says.

"Regardless of which one of the three fundamental cultivation techniques you are using or whatever realm you have reached,"

"Thank you; I'll give it some thought,"

Lin Shen responded as he received the booklet with a little grin.

Although the girl had heard the same words several times, she was unable to grasp their banal meaning, so she persisted:

Recently, a promotional event took place at our martial arts studio.

"The basic course now only costs 7,999 spirit coins, and the enrollment price is now 20% off!"

Under the girl's disapproving look, Lin Shen turned and walked away while remaining still. She grinned slightly and then vanished into the throng.

After waiting for four or five minutes, Lin Shen arrived at the bus stop just as the No. 32 bus was pulling up slowly, stopping in front of the stop, and creakily opening its front and back doors.

Lin Shen pulled out a one-faced spirit coin, dropped it into the coin box as the group got on the bus, and then sat down in a window-side corner seat.

The bus soon departed from the terminal and started moving. With a somewhat perplexed expression on his face, Lin Shen exhaled in relief as he saw the street scene swiftly sweeping backwards outside the window.

Since arriving on this planet over a week ago, he has become practically used to the people and surroundings.

Who would have imagined that he would wake up in the Otherworld after just having slept?

The present world is distinct from the one of the past. Many sites seem to be extremely similar at first sight, including the tall buildings that line the street, the steady stream of moving automobiles, and even the attire of onlookers.

In many ways, they resemble the world from its previous existence. Lin Shen, however, discovered that this was untrue after doing an extensive investigation.

As far as he is aware, there is no such thing as a nation on this planet, and the Sect is in charge of all cities.

He is now at Linlong City, which is on Dongkaidao, one of the Five Daos of Eastern Shenzhou, for instance.

With a population of more than 3.5 million, a land area of more than 7,500 square kilometres, shared control by the Jingtao Sect, Qingshuang Sect, and Jiuyang Sect, and more than 10 subordinate cities, it may be referred to as a rare behemoth in the Tokaido.

And the strong force outside of the ordinary is what keeps these cults in power!

"Ultimate power?"

Lin Shen murmured within.

This planet is appallingly stuck in the age of cold weapons when it comes to military technological development.

Guns, shells, and tanks were all common hot weapons in the past, but they are not present in this location.

In contrast, the Martial Dao and Immortals, which were previously only imagined, are well recognized here.

All girls and teens over the age of fifteen are eligible to begin the path of cultivation in Linlong City and may choose one of the three foundational cultivation techniques from the three sects to pursue.

Those who have done well in their studies are eligible to participate in the yearly test to compete for admission to one of the three monasteries linked with their sect for cultivation.

Entering one of the three great sects is practically everyone's desire in a society where martial arts are prevalent and strength is revered.

If you are fortunate enough to become a cultivator, you may instantly join the elite, rise to the rank of master, and take advantage of benefits and prestige that are unimaginable to the average person.

Because of this, every year a large number of kids imitate him and train nonstop.

The preceding is no different.

This year, Lin Shen's body is just 18 years old. He is a student at Huailiu College in Linlong City and is set to take an important test. He cultivates with Zhengyuan Breathing Exercises and Chiyang Palm.

Linlong City, like the majority of Taoist sects throughout the East God Continent, cultivates primarily through the Zhengyuan Breathing Exercises technique.

The cultivation technique progressively differs between high and low as the practitioner's cultivation base advances, although the first entrance cultivation technique is almost the same and the objective is the same.

Therefore, regardless of whether they come from a wealthy or humble family, all boys and girls in Linlong City who are just starting on the path of growth begin by doing the Zhengyuan Breathing Exercises.

The Blazing Yang Palm is the Nine Yang Sect's primary martial art.

Only Zhengyuan Breathing Exercises, which Lin Shen has been cultivating for more than two years, have gained realm proficiency, while Cultivation Base has only attained the third level of pneumatics, characterizing it as average.

Even if you joined one of the three main Taoist schools linked with the Sect, despite your brilliance and power, you wouldn't be able to sit for the major test.

If there are no mishaps, that is!

When my thoughts wandered, the bus had already arrived at the desired terminal.

Lin Shen turned his head aside and exited the vehicle via the rear door.

Whatever the case, whining won't do any good now that he has gone over.

He can only accept the realities in front of him and find a method to live more successfully in this world.

Lin Shen was fortunate to be alone both before and after the time trip.

You don't have to deal with the unusual and challenging human interactions that come along with time travel, nor do you have to worry about someone being upset because your memory fades.

You merely need to be acquainted with the college's professors and students.

Lin Shen was essentially acquainted with his predecessor's interpersonal relationships after some diligent probing these days, leaving little room for dispute.

A run-down residential complex was seen after passing through a distant alleyway.

The residential complex was constructed more than thirty years ago.

The steps are coated with rust, produce a loud creaking sound when you tread on them, and have numerous tiles on the outside wall that are breaking off.

Yellow creepers still cover the speckled walls, and many are scared by these conditions.

He entered the third-floor hallway, and a middle-aged bald guy approached him right away.

Lin Shen's next-door neighbour is Liu De. He presently works for a real estate firm and is divorced.

He seemed to be returning to the business to work overtime while carrying a briefcase and donning a suit. He smiled and welcomed Lin Shen when he saw him.

"I'm back; class ended so early today. Get out."

Lin Shen kindly smiled while nodding.

He seldom spoke to his neighbour and only stopped over on weekdays to say hello.

After speaking with Liu De for a bit, Lin Shen bid him farewell and moved on to the room at the end of the hallway.

Liu De shook his head and looked at his back.

I believe Lin Shen to be the most diligent student he has ever seen since, in addition to attending courses, he is committed to cultivating.

Unfortunately, my aptitude is a little lacking, and I haven't seen any outcomes.

"Yes, a huge number of applicants apply to the three Dao universities each year, but only one in one hundred get accepted."

Admission to Dao colleges is not so simple.

"Most people are not like me, and they will spend the rest of their lives working in offices!"

Liu De sighed with sadness as he turned and started to descend the steps.

Liu De's sentiments were unknown to Lin Shen, and he didn't care if he knew them.

There was no chance in the previous life of being accepted into the Third Daoyuan in this existence.

But this changed the second he crossed over!


Lin Shen entered the flat by pushing open the door. The living room's lighting was weak since there were no lights on and closed curtains on the balcony.

Lin Shen entered the living room's centre, but he didn't see any motion. Two phantoms abruptly broke free from his body, fell four or five paces away, and quickly became solid.

Other people would have been shocked if they had been present at this time.

It's because Lin Shen's body type, facial characteristics, and attitude are precisely the same in the two solidified figures as if they were made from the same mould!