
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
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78 Chs

More than Seven?

Liza turned to Kwanda, the young man, had a faint glow about him, his body also seemed more somehow she couldn't place her finger on it but he was different somehow.

"What happened inside the portal, Kwanda you seem different?" She said her eyes still scanning him up and down and all around.

"Me sister different how do you mean I'm different? By the way its not like a secret so If you tell me what happened to you, I will tell you what happened to me." He said with a cheeky smile on his face, he did not want to worry about the great evil yet they still had a few months together before she leaves and as long as he told Wendy she would make sure everything is alright.

"Silly boy you know it's rude to ask a lady her power level, plus it's clear you have received some form of enlightenment from the portal beings." She said in a joking tone. In the portal she had received a vision that would lead her to great power. The lady in vision called herself "Saint Walker" a diviner and leader of the people, She chose to not be defied like her brothers and sisters.

She had hid ultimate power away during her lifetime, She was also the only of them die of old age. Liza would have to get so much more stronger than what she thought capable.

Kwanda carefully examined his sister and saw a grain of gold light shining from her soul. As he had guest she must have gotten something really special. "haha I'm sorry, I never said beings, thou there was this one man, the man in the portal said that I have to go to the old ruins that he built and their i should be able to unlock the great mystery of our world."

"That doesn't make sense, what mystery of the world?Are you sure you did hit your head or anything like that?" Liza said to him, while giving him a once over.

"Stop, come on stop, I'm serious haha, that what he said to me, the mystery of the world will lead me to ultimate power as long as I am pure of heart, and of strong will. When I tried to ask the man to be more specific he said I can ask his old friend who never changes. I promise that's all he said to me."

"Fine I will choose to believe you for know, anyways, we should bring Thando and Zodwa they could also get something from this experience." Liza said to Kwanda, who smiled widely and said back to her.

"It won't work we need to get the tokens of each statue to unlock the secrets of the other New Gods."

"Why did you call them new, tell me everything you know about the Seven and try to be as clear as you can about the mystery of world." Liza said as she sat Kwanda down and began to pride him for all kinds of answers."