
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Black Diamond

The next morning Kwanda was woken up by a tearful Wendy, she was scolded him about the day before when she returned home and found out that a child had awakened his minds pet space, a difficult and usually dangerous procedure especially when forced and the pet was injured it was all abit too much.

She believed that the techniques had been lost to the sands of time, her family had not been able to find any clues in over two thousand years of searching, for the techniques one of twelve specifically developed by the ancients (seven hero's).

Her analysis showed to her relief, Kwanda was only drained of mana, his crown was slowly dissipating a condition that can destroy a mages future. She order one of solider to bring a bag to her while she found out what exactly happened.

So upon arriving at the store she had a long and fiercely passionate "talk" with Dani's father, Dani vowed not to do it again. On any of the other kids, until she was sure of what she was doing. They also agreed on an partnership Wendy wanted a man with his capabilities on her side. The country was facing a threat that could change everything.

The night had been terrible for Kwanda the forced activation required a lot of mana, plus he felt ever bit healing the worm was going through it. The pain it felt was mind numbing it was worse than when all his bones were broken.

Wendy had a vague idea what to do, but due to the fact that she was not prepared she had to use a top secret military asset that she was suppose to deliver to the Royal Mage Army for further research and development, the treatment plan was to provide Kwanda with the mana at the very least it should stop his crown from fading.

To her surprise he depleted the entire Black Diamond of its mana. In testing no-one had even been able to properly link with the black diamond, it's only ability so far, was the passive mana it would give the holder. To her further dismay the black diamond dissolved into Kwanda crown without warning.

This single events visibly aged her by a few years the black diamond lose would be very difficult to explain.

His first jewel spot in his crown is a pure mana storage and conduit possibly an amplifier, his glow worm is a mana amplifier that also boost mana veins strength not much more is known about them they rarely have a successful joining with a partner and finally his natural mana ability is off the charts.

The crown according to common knowledge can five jewels or better known as elemental cores. Kwanda's absorption rate was off the scales it was similar to old folk tales the great Sage Gaiagupta told Wendy.

The notes that Wendy kept on all her kids with the assistance of the doctor, are careful crafted plans to make sure their development closely mirrors the first people.