
Chapter six

System helpfully came online at this moment. "based on your current karma points, system can detect that your second son is Xiang Yang, the younger brother and only sibling of the mafia boss of Phoenix."

Phoenix, according to rumors online, an international mafia organization loved and hated by governments around the world. Phoenix just based on the terror that is its leader, ever since the rising of Phoenix sat on the throne of number one international mafia organization. It was said that Phoenix also have hands in many international corporations although there was no sure news to confirm this rumor.

Loved because despite the scale and terror of the Phoenix, they do not deal with human smuggling, drugs, prostitution, and gambling. Hated because they it was rumored that Phoenix had hands in many governments around the world, thus allowing them to have the ability to bring down any officials that blocked their organization way and the ability to push a person to the top leadership position of any country.

Xiang Yang walk towards his mother in a bouncing manner that could only use to describe a rabbit. With big wet rabbit like eyes, Xiang Yang happily look at his mother silently.

As per my usual habit in the second world, Xi Wang rubbed his head and lovingly disturbed his carefully coiffed hairstyle on purpose. It was only when the situation calmed down then she realized that a scent like the scent emanating from her second son is coming from a nearby car. When two different persons have relatively same scent means that they are either related or long-term good friends.

"my son, do you have friends waiting for you in the car? Do not let them wait for too long. Give me your mobile phone so I can help you to save my mobile phone number."

After saving my mobile number, my itchy hands continue to disturb his hairstyle on purpose. Knowing my second son well, I decided to act first.

"I need to report back to duty now, my son. I know what you want, so meet me at the staff entrance at 10pm so I could continue to talk to you."

After getting the answer that he needed, Xiang Yang then walk to the car that was waiting for him after hugging Xi Wang as farewell. Xi Wang left for her office deciding to delay the headache that was her sons right down to the last minute.

It was also the fact that meeting her second son numb my usual sharp senses that did not let Xi Wang notice the man waiting in the car. A man with looks to rival any gods in mythology stories and sunglasses covering eyes that could said to glimmer with curiosity at the woman that his younger sibling meets just now. From the skills that she displays when attacking the dozen men, is her origins like him?