
Chapter 39

The other side of the building was the exact same barely visible shape under massive amounts of snow. I stared at the lump and let out a choked sob. We were going to die.

Complete, soul-crushing devastation washed over me, and I fell to my knees. Tears fell from my eyes to my snow pants, and I had the stupid thought that they would make me colder. My whole body felt weak and useless.

Tipping my head back, I glared at the sky before forcing myself to stand. This wasn't helping, and I didn't want to leave Chance for too long. I scraped my frigid gloves across my cheeks to dry my face.

I turned around to head back, and something caught my eye off to the side.

Another roof.

It was more visible than the lodge, and the side opposite the mountain had half a window visible.

"Holy shit," I whispered. I stepped in that direction, then realized my legs were already turning to jelly from walking in the snow.

Chance first.