

" I don't know but you didn't know ava.. he really care about you.. I didn't get it.. he always fight with you.. and than something happen to you.. he always first person to just get mad and involved.. and stand by you..  it's just that he's crazy for you.. totally in to you.. " clara said to me. " don't pitty him girl's.. he's not like that what you think about him.." I said to them.. they all are looking at me.. and than my behind I don't know what they looking but I continue.. " he's jark.. asshole.. who doesn't know how to talk with girls.. always calling bed name's.. and insults them front of people.. he don't have heart.. he's heartless dick.. never care anyone just love himself.. girls for him only tissue pepper.. who's he just used them.. and throw them like trash.. I just hate him so much.. I want to kill him.. he never change.. he always do what he wanted.. never thinking about anyone.. I just hate him.. I hate him so much.." I burst out them.. but I don't know whatever I said to him. I didn't mean it.. I know that.. " anything else princess.." someone say behind me.. and I stop to eat.. girl's are give me sorry look.. and got up and left me.. Wow .. just wow..

Pink_Parmar · Teen
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94 Chs

Reunion With Old Mate

              All crowd was despaired.. I follow ammy and aggi.. than suddenly my eyes catching someone who's eye on me... and I shocked... fuck... he's walking towards me... no... no... no...

" guy's you go... I am forgot my phone there.. will be back... just tell me were the rest room will be right back there..." they both staring at me.. when I said them. They didn't question they told me direction. And I nodded. They walk off.. I turn around see he's still standing there giving me question look..

I reach there... we both silently looking each other...  he know it's not good if we both walk together. So we both made keep distance and walked.

" what a great pleasant surprise red..." he said. I smile and hug him. He hug me back... when see reach empty spot.

Than I know if someone catch us. We are going to trouble.. I push away.. and broke the hug.. he confused what I did that.

" not here... we have to go somewhere private place.." I said to him. He nodded. And he turn around and said to follow me. I nodded and follow him...

There is to much teenagers. Who's around us... I make some distance with him.. I dont wanted to know anyone to anything about us... we reach the lift.. he press the button and we waited for the open door.. there was lots of people standing there so its cool.. no one can seen me... he give me he's hoody. I wear that.... I dont want that someone catch me.. I thank him. elevator door open we enter there...  He press the button of top of the floor... I didn't question him..

We reached top floor... when we reach we both get out to the elevator... there is lots off room I seen there... means its hotel type of room.. woww that's cool... means my guess was right it is a god damn hotel.

" I live here... " he clear my confusion. I nodded. And we still walking door by door. Finally we reach the last door in this floor.. he press his card.. and door open... we enter the room. He closed the door behind me... we walk toward hall... the room was Suppprb.. Its more than penthouse I can seen each part all in this room later.. for now I have to some important god Damn business to attend.

" soo... you are back Red..." he finally said..

" no I don't.. I am here to seen Devils fight.. he invited me so..." I said. He give me question look. I told him everything.. about my academy... about deni... all.. he nodded.

" so means we never seen Red ever in this underground fight?" He asked curiously.

" you know everything about me Ryan... I can't... and everyone know Red is dead long time a go. " I said. He nodded thinking about that.

" well I have to go... they are waiting for me.." getting up to couch.

" okay... nice to meet you again Red... and you little secret save with me. And here my number... wherever you need me just give me call.." he getting up to his site.. and handed me he's card. I grab the card. Nodded. And one last time hug him... finally someone is here. I feel relaxed sometime.

" I missed you Ray..." I said. And broke the hug.. " see you soon.." I said him.

" I missed you to read.. I mean Ava... and see you very soon Ava.." he said and smile.

We both left the room. And I again use elevator and reach the ground floor. I seen the my cell phone there is 10 minutes left.. I have to walk there and meet the guy's.

Finally reached the rest room. The room was almost empty.. were is everyone.  I seen the time in my phone 30 minutes almost left.. I going to again arinna... I hear some noise.. someone is screaming... who's there in this time the match was already going to start... maybe deni...

" deni... is that you...." I yelled... the screaming is stop... who is there.. he's stop... silent appear... I only hear is announcement.. and that unknown mans breathing..

Finally I walk there... and standing in front of him.. and this was big mistake of my life I did this... we both looking each other... what he is doing here.. he's only wearing shorts... and glows.

He's staring at me like he seen the ghost or somethin... than he's recognized its me.. he's experience changed... he walking toward me... as fast as he could.

I started to turn around ready to run... but he's strong arms pick my waist.. what the Fuck.. he's going to kill me... he pucha hard in the wall in my left side that was to close. The wall is little bit crashed ... and he's come to close.. there is no distance between us... I don't like this type of closeness.. ughhhh

" what are you doing here" he's cold voice appear in my ear.  Giving me shiver.

" I....I...what... you.." I trying to said. Why I am shutting But no word's coming to my mouth..

" speak" he yelled.. I was scared. This is not good time to talk to him he already angry and if I give him one more chance to angry than I will be finished. Janna is right and no one know about this murder mystery.

What the hell... why I am so scared.. I never ever scared to anyone. And than I take deep breath. He eyes watching my every move.. I feel he's eye on me... I open my eyes.. and push him hard... he shock my sudden reaction.

" I am here to my friend. I thought he's here.. but he's not... so I think I have to leave.. " I said. Not run away word's with him. Without he's words.. I started to walk.. and someone come there.. one of man he's seen us.. and than he look me. And than him.. but than he ignore me. I don't know how that happened my sudden action I am to shock about this.

" they are calling you come on.. were are going to let" he ignored me and said to him.. he's eye's still on me... I didn't dare to look him.. I left the rest room...

Reaching arina again I seen all guys sitting there... I walk past there.. there are look me.. and aggi come toward me and hug me tightly... I hug her back... for now I need this..

" we are looking for you were are you" we broke the hug and deni come hand hug me and said.

" I search my phone than I lost and then when I reach there the rest room was empty.. " I lie.. I dont have any reason. First they didn't believe but then I know how to manipulate than they believe. We walk toward our sites.

Deni site besides me... he's looking at me something there in my eye's he's trying to search but I give him little smile and looking at dangerously than he just look away.

The announcement once again recalled the dark shadow.. anggi told me about shadow fight with some phyco villain.. they told me that shadow knock him down in year ago.. than he shock about that he's lose.. than he despair.. he's again come back... to fight with shadow... and shadow never lose fight.. so the crowd as dying to see the fight who's gonna win this match... every one fight with reasons he also have reason that why he's fighting.

There are lost of money people are tag the both of components.

Suddenly whole arrinas light off.. and blue light appear and the music start... I never hear this music... this music seems like to dangerous.. to strong.. one man walking to arinna.. I didn't seen he's face.. he's sounds like mysterious.. can't wait to seen there fight.. all crowd are Charing for him... ammy Charing for him.. aggi joined her.. I just sitting there with deni... we both silently looking all seen.. and when all light on and I seen the shadow standing there in middle of the arrinaa.. but I didn't happy to seen him again... my hand drop.. I started to shaking. Deni look me. And he hold my hand. I turn to see deni.. he give me smile.. and clam me down.. again I feel someone eye's on me.. I look there... he's staring at me no he's not staring at me....he's staring at my hand with dani.. what is that. he's angry... I am scared.. why he looking at us like that.

" shadow is Max... Max is a shadow" I said to myself. Fuck... I am in a big messs...