

" I don't know but you didn't know ava.. he really care about you.. I didn't get it.. he always fight with you.. and than something happen to you.. he always first person to just get mad and involved.. and stand by you..  it's just that he's crazy for you.. totally in to you.. " clara said to me. " don't pitty him girl's.. he's not like that what you think about him.." I said to them.. they all are looking at me.. and than my behind I don't know what they looking but I continue.. " he's jark.. asshole.. who doesn't know how to talk with girls.. always calling bed name's.. and insults them front of people.. he don't have heart.. he's heartless dick.. never care anyone just love himself.. girls for him only tissue pepper.. who's he just used them.. and throw them like trash.. I just hate him so much.. I want to kill him.. he never change.. he always do what he wanted.. never thinking about anyone.. I just hate him.. I hate him so much.." I burst out them.. but I don't know whatever I said to him. I didn't mean it.. I know that.. " anything else princess.." someone say behind me.. and I stop to eat.. girl's are give me sorry look.. and got up and left me.. Wow .. just wow..

Pink_Parmar · Teen
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94 Chs

I miss you...


After my little chit chat with Scarlett and our now announcement by dance teacher. We all left for lunch. I grab my back pack. I am to tired today. But today is going good. I mean no more Max. Well I am cleaning my mess all who did because of him. But it good.  It's cool. He's not here. That's most important thing was.

" Ava.. Avaa..." I turned around angii shouted my name. I see her and give her smile. She come and hug me. Wow that's new. I didn't hesitates I hug her back. It's feel kinda good.

" hey anggi." I said she hug me tightly I just can't breathe. Why she violence today. " can't breathe anggi" I said to her. She than loosen up. And broke the hug. She smile At me. She's seems like happy.

" today's you look happy.. Somethin that I am missing?" I asked her. She giggled.

" oohh it's nothing. I just happy to see you. We thought you never come back.. I tried to call you but you didn't even pick up my cells. Is everything is alright?" She said. She can't stop. Continue talking without breathing.. I just smiles at her. But it's kinda cute.

" yeaa actually family stuff.. and I am bussy in them.. that's why. Sorry for that.. and finally everything is good.. I mean fantastic. That's why I am here.." I said to her. Well I am also happy that I am back. So yeaa..

" okay that's cool.. we have to lot's to talk about you know?" She said and I know what she actually wanted to say.. I narrow my eyes than I nodded.

" yeaa right.. but first can we go to lunch I am to hungry girl.." I said to her. And she nodded. And we both walk in cafeteria.

Anggi told my about when I am gone. What happened to here in my absence. She told me that last weeks match we win and they also do what we planned. But after that Scarlett yelled at them. Because of me. Of course because I didn't appeared. Also she to angry that she give them punishment. And that is that they all grounded for week to not go to lunch. And they all followed her what she said to them. No one stand up opposite to her. And she give them hard weekend. No more party. No more talk with boy's. All yadda yaadaa yadda. If someone break that rules they disqualified for this team.

I just shocked to listening to that. I mean how mean she is. Today's whatever I did that's pretty much good. She deserved this.

She also told me that dani and ammy both are missed me to. Without me there group is incomplete. Plus she grounded for week not to talk with guys. Finally she also going to talk with dani because of me. Ohhh so that's the reason she act like this.

" anggi can I asked you one thing?" I told her. I want to know because it's better to clear things out. And today is a day to clean my mess whatever it good or bad. Because I don't want any more stress or drama.

" yeaa sure.." she said to me with smile. We about to reached cafeteria. We both stop that. Because I know we reached there I can't get chance to talk with her. She surprise about this. But never mind.

" you liked dani?" I said to her straight forward. She wild her eye's and than blush. Oohh my my... thank god..

" what are you talking about.. I mean me and dani.. dani and me.. well we are friends. He's not thinking about me like that or feel about me.. he just see me like he's best friends..." she started to tell me.. but I cut her off.

" I didn't asked you what dani feels for you.. I asked about you did you have feelings for him?" I asked again. She giggled and nodded.

" I didn't like him Ava... " she said to me and than looking at me. I give him question look. If you didn't like him than why you blushing when I said he's name..

" actually I love him.. I love him so much.. but he didn't feel the same about me" she said in sad tone. Oohh so that's the matter.

" well I can help you about this" I said to her. She's eye's wiled and jump with happiness and than she hug me.. damn she is to much violence.

" Oohhhk oohhkk.. now come on I am hungry after that we can talk about this in P.T" I tell her. And she nodded. We broke the hug and enter the cafeteria and grab lunch.

Anggi and me both search where is dani and ammy sitting. Than we both walk toward them. And sites there. They both surprisingly looking at me.

" what present surprise girl.. Finally you show.. I thought you never come back..'" ammy said same line what anggi told me twenty minutes ago.

" relax girl I also same asked her that. I Don think like she explained again but I will tell you what she told me" she said to her. And she told them. What I told her. I am happy that I didn't repeat this. Thanks for anggi. And I enjoy my meal.

Today is happy day. I am happy that everything is going to normal. Nothing bad think happened. Plus I never heard about Max. So yeaa I am happy.

" So how's you Ava?" Dani said to come closer site besides me. I looked him up. Whatever I think about him feel about him. I same didn't feel now. When anggi told me about love for dani. Its better for back off. And I just seen him like my good friend.

" I am good how's you?" I asked him give him small smile. I looked at angi. She looking at us when I see that she looking at is she look away and started to talk with ammy. Ooh girl jealous much.

" I am fine.. " he said to me. I again look at him and give him smile and nodded. And again eating my meal. It's better to not talk with him. If anggi doesn't like this. She jealous of it. So think I have to distance with dani.

" are you oky Ava?" Dani asked again. Looking my discomfort. Anggi and ammy both are looking at us. I looked them than again look dani.

" of course I am why you think like that." I said to him. I never think that is that hard to hide my feelings.

" Than are you avoiding me Ava ?" He said. Why he asking me lots of questions.

" No I am not.. I am to hungry so I just can't concentrate in other things. when I have food front of me. Sorry if you feel like I avoiding you. But I am not last night I didn't eat much so yeah.." I explained him. He nodded and start eating he's lunch. After that we didn't talk.

When I finish I quickly said good boy to them. And left the cafeteria. Anggi text me about helping her for dani. I told her that I will be there in half an hour latter. I have to go and clean myself. She agreed and than I reached my dorm.

I opened the door Janna already there wearing her clothes. Maybe she also did shower. I throw my bad in bed. and grab clothes and get in the bathroom to get cold shower. it's help me to get myself coll down.

After shower I open door and clean my bed. I have some more time to go to P.T so why not rest till the end. Janna also her. She doing something in her cell phone. She looked me up than throw her phone in bed.

" hey... Today whatever you do it's kinda surprising.. I never thought that you did something like this.. Scarlett almost scared out of death." She said to me. And laugh. I just rolled my eyes.

" well she deserved it.. After that what she did to others girls. I mean grounded seriously Janna.. why didn't you stop her.. she's you friend right? " I said to her. I know it's not my place to asked. But seriously. Why can't people fight back. Or stand up for this. Or stop that.. bulling the innocent people. They nothing did wrong. Than why they punished because of me.. I feel guilty. This guilt eating me alive.. I just wanted to punished her like she did with those innocent girls..

" you think that didn't stop her. I tell her thousands time. She's did what she wanted to do. She never listen to us. And I am not friend with her. I am with her because I don't have any more choice." She said to me. Mean she also hate her. One thing I like about her. She's not like her. I never thought about janna that she's good girl. And I am lucky that she's my roommate.

" And one thing. Whatever happened I know Scarlett give her ravage. So please take care yourself also you friends. Because she's syco bitch.. " she said in worried tone. I know I have to take care of this. I know she never ever going to be changed. She's mad women. I can't trust her that she never anything to me or other girls. I looked at janna one last time she still looking at me maybe me observe me that what I thinking or don't know.

" thanks janna.. I will be looked for it" I assure her. And she nodded and again she pick up phone and doing what she doing before. And I get up to my bed. And left the my dorm. Its time for P.T