
Auxiliary Upgrade System Of Douluo Dalu

Traveling through the world of Douluo, at the beginning of the plot, Lin Feng awakens to assist in upgrading the system. As long as you do things that can enhance your own strength, you can get experience points! Even running a walk and sleeping can increase experience points! [Ding! I had a nightmare when I slept, dreaming that I became a personal soul master who had been practicing for two and a half years, my spiritual power increased slightly, and the experience value +100] [Ding! After a period of hard practice, the host has mastered the basic axe method, experience value +100]

HappyKing · Book&Literature
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Chapter 38

"I'm the only one! Without teammates, I will take six people to the forest to hunt soul beasts. Is there any problem?"

Lin Feng didn't make any excuses, so he admitted so generously.

And these words immediately caused an uproar around them, and there was a lot of discussion.

"You stinky boy, aren't you kidding me?! How strong can you be, even if you are a great soul master, a person with six people, the soul senior dare not pack the ticket, why do you?"

"That is, a stinky boy, I think he is spoiled at home, thinking that he is a little bit strong, he is very powerful, and he has six people. Others have a team led by the soul, and generally only dare to lead three bosses!"

"I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth is too thick, wasting everyone's time."


Everyone who was talking about him felt that Lin Feng was making trouble unreasonably and madly condemning him.

In fact, they were right to think so. Lin Feng could understand them. After all, in Douluo World, no one except Lin Feng could do this.

Understanding belongs to understanding, but the fiercest uncle who jumps, can you stop being so angry? I know you!

When Lin Feng was walking around in the town to ask the price of a guide, he asked this uncle, he is a soul-sovereign, and he is also leading people here.

Uncle, your behavior at this time is already deliberately discrediting your peers. This is called malicious competition!

Thinking, Lin Feng stretched out his hand and pointed at the uncle, "Hey! The uncle who shouted the most fierce!...Yes! It's you! I want to challenge you!"

The scene suddenly became quiet, and the eyes of the people eating melons instantly turned to the uncle.

"It's Lin Yuan! His team also specializes in leading people to hunt down soul beasts. He is the captain. He is a thirty-fourth-level war spirit exalted. There are also three members of a twenty-ninth-level great soul master. I asked him to hunt the spirit ring in the forest. At that time, he helped me kill a spirit beast that was more than 160 years old. Their team is very strong!"

Not only one person knew this Lin Yuan, but soon the masses began to discuss it.

"Boy, are you sure you want to challenge me?" Lin Yuan said solemnly.

Lin Yuan hates people like Lin Feng, so he has been teaching him from the air just now. If it wasn't for Lin Feng's young age, he even just hit him directly.

But now, Lin Feng had to take the initiative to challenge him. In this case, even if he hurt someone, the people around would not say that he was bullying the small by the big, and would even be very happy.

After all, Lin Yuan had beaten Lin Feng, a boy who didn't know the height of the sky, and everyone felt relieved.

"Stop talking nonsense, right here, within three tricks, I will beat you into a pig!"

Hearing this, everyone dispersed, giving them a space of ten meters.

"What an arrogant kid, since you are looking for a beating yourself, then I will teach you a good meal for your parents." Lin Yuan walked to the middle.

"Everyone has heard that this stinky boy wants to challenge me by himself. Today I am just teaching him on behalf of his parents, don't say I bully the small!"

"How can this be called bullying the small by the big, this is called educating the brash boy who knows how to do it, it is a good deed."

"Yes, that's right, this brat owes a lesson."


Hearing that, Lin Feng just recorded all these people in a small book in his heart, and then he didn't talk nonsense anymore, he jumped out of the big wooden barrel and stood opposite Lin Yuan.

"Lin Yuan, Wuhun: Brown bear, thirty-fourth-level war soul, please advise!"

Not to mention, the soul master of Douluo Continent pays much attention to the battle ritual. It is obviously just a hasty battle, but because there are audiences, Lin Yuan is still taking it seriously.

However, in Lin Feng's view, this method of self-reporting his family was really silly. Even the spirit and level were reported, and too much information was revealed.

So at this time, Lin Feng just said lightly, "You are too weak to know my name. Three strokes will defeat you!"

This is really too arrogant. Not only did he attack Lin Yuanqi's direct martial arts spirit in the field, but the surrounding crowds yelled to be ruthless.

"Second spirit ability, strong bear hug!"

Lin Feng's expression did not change at all, and he said inwardly: Heh, a bunch of mortals, you don't know anything about power!

Facing the rapidly rushing Lin Yuan, Lin Feng held the air in both hands and slammed forward!

Seeing this scene, everyone felt that Lin Feng was crazy, grabbing the air and hitting the soul, what kind of show operation was this?

Even Lin Yuan felt that Lin Feng's brain was sick, and the movements in his subconscious hands slowed down a lot.

He was wondering if it was a bit inhumane to hit this stupid boy hard, or he would just give it a lesson.

But this thought just came up when a white long stick about two meters long appeared in Lin Feng's hands, and then blasted on his stomach at a speed that Lin Yuan could not react!

In the next second, Lin Yuan flew backwards faster than he rushed over, and directly hit the most fierce group of people just called.

Just like a bowling ball, a group of people all fall down.

This scene made everyone stand on the spot, and apart from the wailing of the group of people, the scene fell into a weird silence.

After a long time, someone took a breath, "This son is so terrifying!"

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly jumped into the big wooden barrel and said loudly: "The efficiency of the hunting of soul beasts, 5 gold coins for ten years of soul beasts, and 20 gold coins for 100 years of soul beasts, come here with a warrant for free. Only the first one! Five more bosses!"

The atmosphere in the end immediately exploded. Before, I was suspicious of Lin Feng's strength, so I was watching, and even most people were mocking.

But now, Lin Feng was able to take a thirty-fourth-level battle soul exalted away with a stick, and even his soul skills were useless!

This kind of strength must be at least a high-level Soul Venerable above the 37th level. This is enough to lead the team alone!

And the most important thing is that Lin Feng is about fifteen or sixteen years old, such a young and powerful Soul Venerable, the talent that belongs to the enchanting level!

It must be from a big family or martial arts, if you can make good friends, the benefits will be immeasurable.

So at this time, the atmosphere on the scene burst directly, and people around who needed spirit rings flocked to Lin Feng, asking him to take him to the Soul Hunting Forest.

As for Lin Yuan just now, apart from his own team members, no one looked at them more.

Everything is so real, and strength is everything!

Lin Feng pretended to be choosing, but he was actually excluding those who had mocked him before.

After spending a minute in this way, Lin Feng chose good people, all for hunting down the Hundred Years Soul Beast, after all, Lin Feng could earn a little more.

"Dear sir, how do we call you?" At this moment, someone asked.

This is also an issue that everyone is concerned about. They are very curious about this masked man.

"Hehe, you can call me Thanos!"
