
Auxiliary Upgrade System Of Douluo Dalu

Traveling through the world of Douluo, at the beginning of the plot, Lin Feng awakens to assist in upgrading the system. As long as you do things that can enhance your own strength, you can get experience points! Even running a walk and sleeping can increase experience points! [Ding! I had a nightmare when I slept, dreaming that I became a personal soul master who had been practicing for two and a half years, my spiritual power increased slightly, and the experience value +100] [Ding! After a period of hard practice, the host has mastered the basic axe method, experience value +100]

HappyKing · Book&Literature
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577 Chs

Chapter 17

Under the instigation of Wang Sheng and his roommates, Shelter 7's new and old Great Tang III wanted to give Little Wu a display of strength.

The final result was no surprise. It was almost the same as in the original book. Tang San lost to Little Wu and Shelter 7's new boss, Little Wu, was born!

"That newcomer over there, what are you doing, come over and visit Sister Little Wu!" Wang Sheng and all the roommates immediately turned into Little Wu's attendants, moving towards Lin Feng shouting. .

"Well, you still refuse to accept, and fight against us if you don't agree with me!" Little Wu had no other thoughts at this time, just that it was fun to fight and be the boss.

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone was looking forward to it.

Tang San thought even more, Brother Feng, I was defeated by a carelessness just now, you must find me the place and beat her to me!

However, Lin Feng came slowly, lightly said with a smile: "I'm just a weak Auxiliary System Spirit Master, I don't like to fight and kill."

No rejection, no acceptance, no identification, Lin Feng's words seem to just show his neutral position.

For this, others thought it was nothing, but Tang San couldn't help but complain.

Brother Feng always advertises what he is Auxiliary System Spirit Master, battle strength scum, but he really wants to start, definitely a batch!

"If you can't beat it, just tell me, what excuses!" Little Wu said carefree.

But while she was talking, she suddenly met Lin Feng's calm gaze.

At that moment, Little Wu felt a sense of being seen through, as if Lin Feng already knew her identity.

This made her imaginary all of a sudden, she immediately changed the subject and said: "Well...who will tell me about the Academy."

No one found anything. Wang Sheng immediately explained the situation of the school.

During this period, Little Wu had been peeking at Lin Feng, and after discovering that the other party was not paying attention to her, he let out a sigh of relief.

Illusion, really is an illusion, how can it be seen through!

At this time, Little Wu listened carefully to what Wang Sheng said about the school.

"...Academy usually has two classes in the morning every morning, one on cultural knowledge and the other on spirit knowledge."

"In the afternoon, the Academy said It's self-cultivation, but we work student myself are actually assigned some work in the afternoon, in exchange for a little income as food expenses."

As we were talking, a 30-year-old teacher at the door of Shelter 7 left. When he came in, he was holding two new beddings in his hands.

"My name is Mohen, you can call me Mo teacher, who are Tang San and Lin Feng, this is the bedding that Master gave you."

hearing this, Lin Feng's heart Dao, this Master is interested, he saves him to go out and buy again later.

After the two took the bedding, Mohen glanced at Little Wu and continued: "You are Little Wu, you, Lin Feng and Tang San are both first-grade work students."

p>"From now on, we will be responsible for the cleaning of the training grounds in the southern garden. Each person will have ten bronze spirit coins per day. You must be careful, or you will be deducted from your salary!"

A few more words about the school Note and after the school opening ceremony tomorrow, the ink mark left.

"Uh..." Seeing that the newcomers Lin Feng and Tang San both had bedding, Little Wu was slightly embarrassed.

Wang Sheng's escorts immediately grabbed their bedding and showed their courtesy. However, these beddings are all dirty and don't need them. Little Wu simply won't accept them.

Only the two new beddings in the hands of Tang San and Lin Feng can attract her attention.

At this time, Lin Feng had already turned around and made the bed, and Little Wu subconsciously looked towards Tang San.

"Tang San, let's discuss it."

"What to discuss?" Tang San was stunned.


The two spoke quietly, because Lin Feng slowly walked away and couldn't hear them.

Anyway, when he made the bed, when he looked back, Little Wu and Tang San's bed were already together.

Heh, Xiaosan, Yanfu has been there since he was a child!

Of course, there is no such thing as envy, Lin Feng didn't say much, and moved towards the door directly.

"Let's go, Xiaosan, let's have dinner!"

Tang San heard this and quickly followed, but after the others looked at each other, they followed.

On the way from the dormitory to the cafeteria, you have to pass through training grounds. The opening ceremony will be tomorrow. At this time, there are already many students on the training grounds.

For men and women, it gives a youthful vigor at a glance.

The school cafeteria is divided into the first and second floors. The first floor is a large pot of rice. The food is a little bit less, but the price is relatively cheaper.

The second floor is the high level area, where you can order individually, and the price will be much more expensive.

Of course everyone can't afford to go to the second floor, so they can only eat on the first floor.

I have to say that these work students are a disadvantaged group at the Academy. Lin Feng just walked on the training grounds and saw some students pointing fingers to them.

As soon as he entered the canteen, someone mocked Wang Sheng.

Little Wu, who had a bad temper, was about to go up to teach others, but was held back by Wang Sheng.

"Sister Little Wu, that guy's name is Xiao Chenyu, in the sixth grade, Rank 11 Spirit Master, we can't beat it."

Hearing this, Lin Feng remembered it. Now, this guy seems to be the son of City Lord. Because of his noble birth and strong class consciousness, he looks down on poor people like them in my heart.

So in the Academy, Xiao Chenyu and the people gathered around him often make things difficult for the work student, and sometimes even do it.

When thinking of this, the small groups of Xiao Chenyu have already gone up to the second floor.

Don't care about this episode. Everyone quickly ate on the first floor.

After that, Tang San was called by the Master, while Lin Feng went straight to the school library to learn various basic knowledge about soul masters.

I have to say that even though the Notting Academy is only a primary level Soul Master Academy, the library is still rich in books.

Walking into it is like stepping into a sea of ​​knowledge, and Lin Feng is like a sponge, absorbing the knowledge here!

It's mainly about the knowledge of how to identify soul beasts. Among them, the 100-year and 1,000-year level are the most viewed!

At this point, I saw that the museum was closed, and Lin Feng reluctantly left when someone reminded him.

When he left, he also borrowed two books to read at night.

After eating at random in the cafeteria, Lin Feng returned to the dormitory.

At this time, there were not many people in the dormitory, only half. Tang San seemed to be tired. He was asleep at this time, and Little Wu was nowhere to be seen.

Lin Feng didn't care about other people. He didn't even say hello. He walked straight to his bed, then sat down and continued reading.

About half an hour later, Little Wu and the other half returned.

As soon as I walked in, the few people were still a bit noisy, but when Little Wu noticed that Lin Feng took a look at her, her voice suddenly dropped a lot.

For some reason, Little Wu just didn't dare to look at Lin Feng.

Looking aside, Little Wu glanced around the dormitory immediately.

After seeing Tang San in a deep sleep, she eyes shined and immediately said: "All pipe down, Tang San is sleeping, don't disturb him."

It seems to be for I found an excuse to speak quietly, and Little Wu smiled again on his face, as if complimenting his wit.

For this scene, Lin Feng did not respond, and continued to look down at the book.

When the sky was completely dark, the students in the dormitory fell asleep one after another.

Lin Feng also closed the book and lay on the bed. He recalled the knowledge he had seen today and kept them in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly Lin Feng was alarmed by a sound.

When I turned my head, it turned out that Tang San and Little Wu had sneaked out of the dormitory!

Yeah! It's okay, a male and a female together alone, sneaking out at night, what else can happen?

It must be...spar martial arts!
