
Auxiliary Upgrade System Of Douluo Dalu

Traveling through the world of Douluo, at the beginning of the plot, Lin Feng awakens to assist in upgrading the system. As long as you do things that can enhance your own strength, you can get experience points! Even running a walk and sleeping can increase experience points! [Ding! I had a nightmare when I slept, dreaming that I became a personal soul master who had been practicing for two and a half years, my spiritual power increased slightly, and the experience value +100] [Ding! After a period of hard practice, the host has mastered the basic axe method, experience value +100]

HappyKing · Book&Literature
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577 Chs

Chapter 14

Nuoding Academy is located on the west side of Notting City. Lin Feng found out the exact location after inquiring, and then took Tang San directly.

On the way, Tang San said casually: "Brother Feng, you can teach me after school. I think the teachers in the school should not understand as much as you!"

"Mistress, then you are wrong. I heard some things, so I can tell you something. I don't know much, it's just experienced and knowledgeable that's all."

"Furthermore , How big is Holy Spirit Village? There are only two soul masters that's all of us. You have never seen any other soul masters. How do you know that the teacher in the school is not equal to me?"

"Little San, you have to remember a sentence, there is Person beyond the Person, there is a mountain beyond the mountain!"

"The deacon in Spirit Hall doesn't know as much as you do." Tang San whispered One sentence.

Isn't Brother Feng saying that Spirit Hall is one of the very best great influence on the continent? That Su Yuntao feels like he doesn't know anything.

Because of this, Tang San feels that Lin Feng knows a lot and should be better than the teachers in those schools.

"Um..." Lin Feng was speechless for a while, then said.

"Little San, what the school teaches is systematic and very detailed. Although it is very basic, as a soul master, whether it is you or me, you must know!"

"Oh oh." Tang San repeatedly nodded.

"Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, we...eh, here it is!"

The Soul Master Academy, no matter where it is, it will always be the best in the local area. One of the buildings.

Notting is obviously just a small city, but the primary level Soul Master Academy in front of you has the style of a previous university.

The 20-meter-wide archway, behind the door, there is a road leading directly into the interior, and there are tall trees on both sides.

Look carefully, the masonry used in the building is better than the previous buildings on the road.

In the center of the big arch, there are four characters written: Notting Academy

"Brother Feng, what a style!" Tang San exclaimed.

"This is nothing, the Academy that's all in small cities. If you want to talk about style, the Soul Master Academy in those big cities is more style than this."

"Let's go !" Lin Feng led Tang San towards the entrance of the Academy.

As soon as the two walked to the gate, a young man appeared next to him, "What do you two brat do? It is not the students of this college that are not allowed to enter!"

It is the beginning of the school season, and students who do not wear school uniforms often enter the Academy. Under normal circumstances, the gatekeeper will not block.

But the clothes that Lin Feng and Tang San wore were too old, especially Tang San, who had patches on their clothes, and the gatekeeper immediately stopped them.

hearing this, Tang San glanced at Lin Feng and found that Lin Feng seemed to fall into some kind of contemplation.

After thinking about it, he started talking: "Hello, we are from Holy Spirit Village, we are both soul masters, and we are also work students this year."

"Soul master?!" Gatekeeper frowned, some eccentric said: "The grass nest can still withdraw Phoenix?! A small village can produce two soul masters?!"

"Our Academy has been there for several years I haven't been to work student, you guys are not fakes!"

Although it is a questioning word, the tone of the gatekeeper is very positive!

After all, the probability of having two soul masters in one village is too low!

hearing this, Tang San just wanted to argue about something, but Lin Feng waved his hand and stopped him.

"Interesting, very interesting." Lin Feng smiled inexplicably.

Lin Feng felt very interesting when he came out from gatekeeper just now.

Because this reminded him of one thing, in almost all Douluo fan fictions, the gatekeeper of the Notting Academy always jumped out to make trouble.

Then the Master came out and took Tang San as a disciple.

I originally thought that the old Jack did not come, and the plot would be changed, but the gatekeeper didn't expect this gatekeeper to jump out anyway.

But this time, Lin Feng thought of a fun thing.

"Boy, what's interesting about you?! I..." Gatekeeper's eyes widened, just about to say something cruel.

But half of the story, Lin Feng suddenly kicked out, hitting his stomach!

In an instant, the gatekeeper flew up in the air, turned 360 degrees in the air, and finally fell into the grass beside it with a scream.

The next second, Lin Feng pulled Tang San up in a daze and rushed into the Academy.

"Brother Feng, what are we running?" Tang San was a little confused.

"I don't have time to explain, let's run first."

Lin Feng ran and watched all around. He ran for more than 100 meters and came to an Academy building. Only before stopped.

By this time, he will still look around, as if looking for who.

Yes, Lin Feng is looking for Master.

At the gate just now, the fun thing he thought of was to see what would happen if Tang San was not allowed to meet the Master, and whether the plot would develop as before.

Now it seems that the Master did not appear at the gate, at least this small point has been changed.

However, when Lin Feng first came up with this idea, a gentle voice came from behind them, "You two, is this year's work student?"

Lin Feng and Tang San immediately turned their heads and saw a slightly thin man with a middle grade figure.

This person is about 40-50 years old. He has short black hair and a very ordinary appearance. He has a special temperament with his hands behind his back.

"???" Lin Feng wondered slightly, when did this guy appear, why didn't I see it just now.

Also, isn't this guy the Master? !

"Yes!" Lin Feng nodded, tentatively asked: "teacher, are you helping us with the procedures?"

"teacher? I'm not an Academy teacher. "The middle-aged man looked down at the two of them, lightly saying.

"You call me Master, everyone calls me that way, I even forgot my original name."

Master continued: "you two spirit certificate Show me, after it is true, I can take you to go through the formalities."

Master still has a certain channel of news on the Spirit Hall.

Not long ago, he knew that two Innate Full Spirit Power work students would come to Notting Academy to study, so the past few days he has been waiting near this entrance.

For, is to accept these two people as disciples!

hearing this, Lin Feng raised his brows, did not say much, and handed the two spirit certificates in his arms to the Master.

At the same time, he sighed with emotion, as expected it was the Master. It seems that Tang San, the Master, can't escape.

As for himself, Lin Feng has no intention of apprenticeship.

Master accepted the proof, and a smile appeared on his plain face.

It seemed to say unintentionally: "By the way, the name teacher is not a casual call, unless..."

After a pause, Master's eyes flashed with scorching heat "Unless you really want me to be your teacher."

"Do you want to teach us the cultivation Martial Spirit?" Tang San asked.

The Master looked at the two of them, and after a little analysis of their expressions, he chuckled and asked: "Then you would like it or not?"

When he was speaking, he Focusing more on Tang San.
