
Auxiliary Upgrade System Of Douluo Dalu

Traveling through the world of Douluo, at the beginning of the plot, Lin Feng awakens to assist in upgrading the system. As long as you do things that can enhance your own strength, you can get experience points! Even running a walk and sleeping can increase experience points! [Ding! I had a nightmare when I slept, dreaming that I became a personal soul master who had been practicing for two and a half years, my spiritual power increased slightly, and the experience value +100] [Ding! After a period of hard practice, the host has mastered the basic axe method, experience value +100]

HappyKing · Book&Literature
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577 Chs

Chapter 148

"Now what we are mainly worried about is not team battles, but how to maintain victory in one-on-one and two-on-two soul fighting!" Tang San said after the master's analysis.

"That's right." The master nodded, "In fact, I am just preparing for the team battle. The team badges of your Shrek Seven Devils have reached the level of Silver Fighting Soul. Even if the Avengers win streak fast, we will have to wait for us to meet. It will take more than half a month."

"Now what we need to pay attention to is these weirdly named masked people, what are their weaknesses, and then how do you defeat them! If you don't solve this problem, it will be difficult for you to obtain single and double silver fighting spirits. greatly increase."

The problem the master said was mainly caused by Lin Feng deliberately rectifying them.

A group of guys, winning all of them, almost feel like the best in the world, so Lin Feng used his clone to snipe them and teach them to be human.

At this time, the master said to find weaknesses, just to see how to beat Lin Feng's clone.

Speaking of Lin Feng's clone is really amazing!

After so long of adaptation, as long as the clone is within a range of two kilometers, the avatar can use the micrometer autonomously.

In addition, Lin Feng can also simulate various martial spirits, even spirit rings and spirit abilities can be simulated!

This matter mainly depends on imagination. Before Lin Feng did not have the ability to multi-task and his mental power was not well developed, but after so long training, many things could be imagined.

Even Lin Feng has a bold idea, such as pinching... Ultraman out?

Sometimes when Lin Feng got bored, he would pinch some familiar characters out of his previous life, for example, and then stared blankly.

Everything changed by the thousand-meter ruler has corresponding characteristics, and after it has vitality, it looks like the real thing at a glance, and it is extremely vital.

If a strong enough Ultraman comes out at that time, wouldn't it be able to sling everyone?

Speaking of it, Douluo World is nothing more than a low-level fantasy world, and the so-called gods are not particularly strong.

Don't even think that Lin Feng is still only a small soul sage, but his vision is no longer limited to Douluo Continent, there are also stars and the sea!

When the thoughts were flying in his mind, the master also finished the discussion with everyone and made several targeted plans.

After Tang San listened to them, they nodded repeatedly, full of confidence in their hearts, thinking that the masks that they would definitely want to hit next time they were looking for teeth.

On the one hand, Lin Feng, the real 'Mask Man', smiled and nodded: Very good, very good tactics. I have written them down. When the time comes, you will all be beaten down by me!

At night, Lin Feng was a little thirsty and a little hungry.

While it was still lively outside and the store hadn't closed, he ran out to sit in front of a barbecue restaurant.

"Boss! Two servings for all barbecues, one box of cold beer! More coins are considered rewards!" Two gold coins were dropped directly, and Lin Feng took them down on the chair in front of the store.

"Okay, Master Soul Master, wait a minute!" The boss happily took the gold coins and started to barbecue cheerfully.

Lin Feng is a frequent visitor to their store, and he has been here several times this month. Every time he makes a move, he is very generous, and he knows he is a soul master.

It didn't take long for the barbecue to be served one after another. Lin Feng ate and drank, so he was so happy.

"Cool!" Lin Feng tasted the familiar taste of his previous life in this barbecue restaurant, so he prefers to come here.

Not long after he had eaten it, a middle-aged man in blue and black clothes suddenly walked from the side and sat on the chair opposite him.

Lin Feng squinted, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "I have been observing for so many days, is it considered that you have come to me for something?"

Long ago, Lin Feng discovered that someone was watching them.

At first he didn't care, because it was normal, just like his clones, someone would come to him or follow him every day after the fighting ended.

The Shrek Seven Devils are the same, they are often tracked, so they sometimes wear masks when they go out.

However, later, Lin Feng discovered that there were a group of following guys, who didn't follow anyone, just followed him.

Follow it, you have to jump out and say something, but these guys don't say anything, do nothing, just follow him quietly.

At the beginning, these people who followed were not strong, and Lin Feng didn't care about them deliberately, but there was a Soul Saint coming over!

Lin Feng knew that there must be something behind the forces, and he wanted to seize the torture.

However, the Soul Sage is not weak anymore, the Wuhun real body is unfolded, even if it is Lin Feng, it takes a bit of effort to kill, it is almost impossible to capture it alive.

And in the city, it won't be any good if there is a big fight.

So Lin Feng was going to lead these people out of the city, but these guys were really witty and not fooled at all. He wanted to talk to them, but as soon as Lin Feng got close, these people ran away.

Mainly, each of the martial arts is very special, running fast. To be honest, Lin Feng was amused by these people.

When he came out for a barbecue today, this group of guys took the initiative to contact themselves, which really surprised him.

"It's the Black Tiger Afu Soul Venerable, right?" the blue-patterned black man asked.

This guy was the soul lord that Lin Feng had sensed before. Wuhun was very weird. He could walk underground and escape extremely fast. Lin Feng wanted to catch it even harder.

"If you have something to say quickly, let it go if you have a fart, don't give me these fakes." Lin Feng continued to eat and drink, he didn't have a good face to these people.

If it weren't for some curiosity about the purpose of these people, and it is estimated that the current venue, Lin Feng would have already shot.

"Ask you about someone, I hope you can tell the truth!" The soul sage was not annoyed, his tone was still calm.

The task he got was to come over and explore the strength of the spirit masters around Black Tiger Afu, as well as some interpersonal relationships.

In the past few days, he has done a great job, obtained the intelligence of the most threatening Soul Saint, and then passed the intelligence back.

One day later, that is today, he received the task of inquiring about the black tiger Afu Thanos, and the request was to be very polite and not to use any force.

"People? Who?"

"He is called Thanos!"

Lin Feng drank beer for a while, then smiled: "I can answer your question, but I have one condition!"

Hearing this name, Lin Feng wanted to understand, this group of guys must know the things in the hunting forest, otherwise they would not know the relationship between Thanos and Black Tiger Afu.

As for who is behind it, there are many possible people, because of his Thanos identity, many people have been met.

But the most possible, it should be Wuhun Hall, or the family behind Long Gong and Snake Po, and then Dugu Bo.

At this time, Lin Feng needs to figure out who is going to investigate him!

"You talk about the conditions first."

"It's very simple. I will answer a question for you, and you answer a question for me. If you give me a false answer, then I cannot guarantee that my answer is true."

For Lin Feng's talk, the blue-patterned black soul sage was secretly frightened, this guy was too calm.

Although he did not show the slightest coercion, Lin Feng didn't have the slightest fluster in his tone when faced with the appearance of a stranger.

Thinking about it, he nodded and said: "This is fair!"
