
Auxiliary Immortal

The world of immortal cultivation was always a grand one, filled with powerful swordsmen who could cut planets in half, divine doctors who could bring the dead back to life, and naturally the beautiful female cultivators who's single glance could stop the hearts of thousands of mortal men. Unfortunately for Minos, a poorly talented handy-man disciple of the Green Barrel Sect, that was a life he was destined to never know. That was until he figured out he actually was talented, though not in the conventional ways!

OmniverseSage · Fantasy
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372 Chs

Waking Up

As all the attacks landed on the force-field, a loud reverberation was sent deep into the cave, knocking Minos out of his concentration.

"Already found me, huh?" Minos said, ignoring the attacks and instead making use of the time he had left.

Meanwhile, the small group was knocked back by the rebound effect of the formation, spitting blood as they did so.

"Damnit, didn't you say this thing was weak!" One member groaned as he stood back up from the floor.

"Relax, this much is expected, just keep attacking!"

"Urgh, fine, but this thing better break soon!"

While the group was attacking with full force, the loud sounds of their attack spread throughout the forest, causing all the other groups that were also searching for Minos to quickly gather.

"Hey look here, these guys have found something!"

"What are you bastards doing here, we found him first, the bounty is ours!"

"What are you, a child? There's no such thing as finders keepers here, whoever's stronger will get the bounty!"

"Everyone, calm down! There's no point fighting now, instead let's all work together to destroy this formation. As for what happens after that, may the most capable team win." The man in-charge of the group that had first found the formation said.

"He's got a point. Alright until this formation is destroyed, let's all work together."


"Sounds good."

With everyone agreeing, the attacks on the formation became even more powerful, but fortunately, while the formation was hastily tossed together, it was still a result of Minos's years of experience, so it held up quite well.

However, even then, it was only a matter of time before it was destroyed, which meant Minos likely only had a short window left to figure out a solution.

With the pressure mounting, his mind ran even faster, steam coming off his head as his brain operated at peak performance.

With his mind operating at a whole new level, Minos Soul Rune Ascension also seemed to hit a critical point, the Embryonic Rune on his forehead unconsciously manifesting.

After what seemed like only a second, the Embryonic Rune split, but instead of only splitting off one rune like it usually did, it split off two, Minos's years of build-up paying off in this moment.

As the two runes split off, they joined the six others that were rotating around the Embryonic Rune, 8 in total now, and only one more before Minos reached the peak of the Soul Rune Ascension technique.

With 8 split souls, plus Minos's original soul, he now had nine-threads of thinking, which seemed to all come together in a moment of brilliance, causing Minos's eyes to shine like rubies.

'That's it! Instead of thinking scientifically, sometimes it's better to just use pure force!'

As he thought that, Minos helped Tinka sit up against the cave wall, his hands placed gently on her stomach.

With a deep breath, Minos began running his Pure Nux Ascension technique, constantly feeling for Tinka's Nux as he slowly adapted his own to match hers.

This was the main benefit of the Pure Nux Ascension technique, the fact that it was completely neutral and could match anything, but this wasn't to say what Minos was doing was easy.

He had to first feel for Tinka's Nux, and beyond that he had to replicate it perfectly, which was akin to asking a person to pick up a random grain of sand, and then replicate it by hand on another, and then do that a thousand more times.

For a normal cultivator of Minos's realm, such a thing was completely impossible, but with his recent breakthrough in his Soul Rune Ascension, he could just barely handle it.

Of course, even then, it was an incredibly delicate process that required complete concentration, not at all helped by the constant quakes sent through the cave due to the intruders never-ending assault on his formation.

But without the luxury of being able to get up and relocate some place better, Minos could only take a deep breath before beginning the process, slowly sending his Nux into Tinka.

As his Nux entered, he was revealed to find that it wasn't rejected, so without a moment to waste, he began controlling his Nux to travel around her body, beginning the process of a breakthrough.

With his Nux as the lead, Minos managed to take control of Tinka's Nux reserves, and since she was already at the peak of the Mortal Renewal Realm, it made his job much easier.

But it was still a slow and precise process, one that Minos was feeling that he may not have the time to complete.

With the formation getting weaker and his time running low, Minos couldn't help but begin sweating copiously, his heart dropping as he feared he may not have the time needed.

Fortunately, just as Minos was getting ready to give up on the breakthrough for now, a new group joined the fight, but this time, it was friends instead of enemies.

"He must be here, everyone get ready to fight!" Rubella shouted, leading the charge towards the people attacking the formation.

"Hey, what are you bastards doing, we've already agreed to destroy the formation first and then fight it out." One person said in confusion and anger.

"Hmph, who said we want the bounty?" Rubella said, striking the man down with a single swing from her sword.

"What the hell? Everyone stop for a moment, it looks like the bounty has a few friends! Let's kill them first!"

"Yeah, kill those bastards!"

"Kill them!"

With a few loud shouts, the entire area fell into a bloodbath, the intruders taking a temporary pause from attacking the formation to join the fight.

Despite being severely outnumbered, Rubella's group was much more well-trained, equipped, and just generally stronger, so despite appearances, the two groups were about equal.

Back in the cave, Minos had heard what had happened, a smile forming on his face as he realized none of his time spent on Trin's Abode had been wasted.

However, as much as he wanted to get up and join the battle, he knew now wasn't the time, so after thanking Rubella, Beetus, and the others internally, he got right back to work.

As if entering a trance-like state, the entire outside world seemed to vanish, only Minos and Tinka left behind.

Time seemed to pass incredibly slowly in this moment, every second stretched to what felt like an eternity.

Slowly, Tinka's cultivation advanced, Minos gathering the Nux towards her navel area as he prepared to take the final step.

With a deep breath, Minos gathered all the Nux and began the final process, his pupils dilating as he entered the most treacherous moment.

Fortunately, this special state of mind helped him tremendously, which when coupled with his Omniscient Eyes, made something that seemed otherwise impossible, easy.

With one more push, the Nux in Tinka's navel area collapsed in on itself, her Inner Heaven finally forming as Minos continued pumping in Nux to expand and maintain it.

Finally, after what felt like another eternity, Tinka's Inner Heaven finally stabilized, her skin slowly regaining a reddish-hue as her condition seemed to get better.

"Tinka!" Minos shouted in joy.

"M-Minos, where are we?" Tinka asked in a frail voice, finally waking up from her slumber.

"It's a long story, but thank heaven's you're okay!" Minos smiled, his eyes red, not forgetting to hug Tinka tightly.

"It's okay, don't cry, I'd never leave you." Tinka smiled, gently patting Minos on his back.

"I really thought you were about to." Minos said, wiping his eyes.

Smiling, Tinka was about to say something, but before she could, she coughed up blood, staining the earthen-floor beside her.

"Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine, but where's Rinka?"

"S-She's with her grandparents."

"Is she? Well when you see her again, tell her I love her."

"Why, you said you're fine, didn't you? You can tell her yourself."

Smiling, Tinka didn't say anything right away, instead taking Minos's hand into her own and gently caressing it.

"I've never realized how calloused your hands are." Tinka suddenly said, Minos sitting in silence as he let her speak.

"You've spent an entire life struggling for us, and I feel like I've never given you a proper thanks."

"What are thanks between husband and wife? Besides, I can't count all the things you've done for me in return." Minos smiled as he pulled his wife's pale hand towards him and gave it a kiss.