
Auxiliary Immortal

The world of immortal cultivation was always a grand one, filled with powerful swordsmen who could cut planets in half, divine doctors who could bring the dead back to life, and naturally the beautiful female cultivators who's single glance could stop the hearts of thousands of mortal men. Unfortunately for Minos, a poorly talented handy-man disciple of the Green Barrel Sect, that was a life he was destined to never know. That was until he figured out he actually was talented, though not in the conventional ways!

OmniverseSage · Fantasy
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372 Chs

Naming The Communication Device

"Great, well then here's a copy of the fractured guide, and good luck." Jebron said, handing the small book over to Minos.

Flipping through it, Minos quickly understood why even the Guild Master, for as skilled as he was, failed to recreate this talisman.

This guide was more than 80% destroyed, only a few pieces of information left available.

To even call it a guide at this point was a bit of an exaggeration, and it was more like a couple of clues that may help point one in the right direction.

After giving it a quick browse, he tucked it away into his spatial ring, deciding to give it some study in his free time.

For now however, he still had more important business to attend to, so after leaving the guild, he headed around a few stores to buy some of the things he needed.

After stuffing his spatial ring with everything he needed, he quickly headed back home, the empty house once again reminding him of his current reality.

Letting out a sigh, Minos quickly settled his mood before heading down into the basement.

Entering the basement, Minos flipped a hidden switch on one of the bookshelves, revealing a deep underground chamber.

Walking down the steps, Minos soon arrived at a mostly empty room, only a small workbench as well as some tools.

Minos had been slowly building this hidden chamber ever since he first bought this house, having already predicted today's situation.

But since he had been spending most of his time with his family, he hadn't actually had the chance to complete it.

Things were different now, and without anything else to split his attention, Minos could dedicate himself fully to his craft, of course this free time came at a cost that Minos wasn't sure was worth it.

Emptying his spatial ring, Minos got to work building his new lab, having already crafted the schematics in his head ever since he first had the thought.

The first thing was naturally the ground fire, which was needed for refining weapons as well as a few other things.

For alchemists and weapon refiners alike, ground fire was of critical importance, hence the place they built their caves couldn't just be chosen at random.

The best place to find ground fire was usually around volcanoes and other thermal regions, though these places were hard to find and the space was ultimately limited, which is why an alternative was eventually created.

The alternative in question was called a Fire Stone, and Minos had used it in the past when he first began refining weapons.

The Fire Stone wasn't too expensive and Minos easily bought a couple dozen of them, enough to last a while.

Digging a hole into the earth, Minos stuffed the Fire Stone into it before creating a few small tunnels to funnel the flames.

Connecting one tunnel to his furnace and a few other tunnels to other places he needed them, Minos activated the fire stone.

After making sure that the flame was traveling properly, Minos quickly deactivated the Fire Stone, causing the room's temperature to quickly drop back down to normal.

With the ground fire built and tested, Minos once again activated it, this time using his furnace to begin building the other parts he needed.

While the material was slowly melting in the furnace, Minos headed into another room, this one connected directly to his main chamber.

This was a storage room, and not only did it store all the puppets Minos had created in the past, it also held his DNA Extraction Pod, the Compu, as well as the Sun Absorber.

Wiping off the dust that had accumulated on them, Minos knew it was finally time to reactivate his old friends.

With a quick flex from his fingers, ten Nux strings shot out, connecting to the lifeless puppets, causing their eyes to slowly begin glimmering as if life had once again bloomed within them.

Controlling the puppets, Minos had them quickly get to work expanding the chamber, having already realized that it wasn't quite big enough for everything he had in mind.

While some puppets were doing that, he had the others watch the furnace, exchanging the material whenever necessary.

Soon enough, an entire day had passed, and not only had the cave been expanded by around five times, Minos had also created a dozen new Communication Devices.

Having already decided that it was time to bring his system to life, Minos realized that he couldn't keep calling them 'Communication Devices.'

While the name made sense, it was too much of a mouthful, so Minos thought for a moment as he tried to come up with a new name, one that was catchy.

'Comudev? No, that sounds weird…'

'Longtalk? Stupid…'

'Milevoice? Eh, don't like that either…'

Who knew that coming up with a simple name would be so hard? In the past, all the things Minos named were for himself only, so he didn't really care what he called them, but he knew that this device would be used the continent over, so its name was critical.

But even after thinking for a while, he failed to come up with anything that popped, bringing him to the sad conclusion that his naming talent was really subpar.

Leaning back in his chair, Minos tapped his pencil against the table before picking up the long list and taking another look at all the names he had written down.

'Names, names, names… Names! I named Trin Adobe after my mom, but I haven't properly commemorated my dad yet, so why not do it now?'

'But Rolin alone doesn't sound right… Ro, ro, ro, Rovo! Ro for Rolin and vo for voice!'

'That's it, I'll call them Rovo's!' Minos thought excitedly, having not only come up with a name he liked, but also having a chance to celebrate his father's life.

Circling the name he had just written down on the paper, Minos hung it up on the wall across from him, nodding his head in satisfaction.

Thinking for a while, he pulled out a Rovo from beside him, engraving the name into the bottom of the device, just below the screen.

Looking at it, he still felt like something was missing, so picking his engraving knife back up, he drew a small picture right beside the name.

The picture was extremely simplistic, but through Minos's tremendous art talent, he was still capable of bringing out its full form despite its basic nature.

Anyone who looked at this picture would immediately know exactly what Minos was conveying despite the limited strokes it took to create it.

The picture was of two faces looking towards each other smiling, one was a man and the other a woman, as if two lovers looking directly at each other.

The faces were curled up together, akin to a yin-yang symbol, being separate in body but united in soul.

For other people, this picture could represent anyone, it could even represent their own relationships, but for Minos, this represented his parent's relationship, and the deep love they shared despite their circumstances.

Smiling, Minos wiped the Rovo clean before putting it back aside, his heart slightly melancholy as the double thoughts of his parents as well as his own family assaulted him at the same time.

Fortunately Minos had a strong will, so he quickly cleared his thoughts before he got back to work, finally fusing his talisman's and Rovo's together.

The next few days were completely invested in this endeavor, which was far from as easy as initially expected.

The two systems were ultimately of different natures, so fusing them seamlessly was bound to be a struggle.

Luckily, Minos already had some experience with this, having already done something similar when he tried turning a talisman signal into a regular signal.

With that experience, Minos already knew what direction to go, so after a few days of working out the flaws, he finally looked at his finished device.

This new Rovo was no different from the one in the past, at least on the surface, but its internals had been completely changed.

The inside had already been stacked with a few talismans, which had been delicately connected to the rest of the Rovo.

With the first Rovo complete, the second one was easy, and soon enough Minos had two finished products.

Of course, he still hadn't actually created a proper operating system for his Rovo's, so the device was still extremely primitive.

Heading back into the storage room, Minos pulled out the Sun Absorber and set it up in his backyard before wiring it down into the storage room.

Connecting it to the Compo, Minos waited patiently for the machine to boot up, before typing away rapidly, creating a simple operating system that would let him make and answer calls.

With his years of experience on Lukalu technology, Minos skill using the Compo was arguably even better then his talisman making skills, so this was an easy matter.

With the operating system done, Minos downloaded it down onto both his Rovo's before turning it on.

Flashing, the small screen came to life, only revealing a few options, the most important one being the call option.

Pressing the call button, Minos came to a new screen which required him to write down the 'key' corresponding to the device he wanted to call.

To make the system easier, Minos converted this 'key' into a five digit number, which he quickly typed down.