
Trusting Their Own

"Were you still on the job, back then? What role did you have?"

The Director-General's brow scrunched up. "I did say there were some problems at work… but yeah… I was probably back at work back then." He huffed. "I am sure I was at my job because that was how I had heard of the news."

He wasn't really at the job at the time. He had been suspended and moved to a behind-the-desk duty. But he was still on probation. He wasn't coming to work, so he had definitely not heard it at work.

He went off into a tangent about where he could have heard this information.

"Well, was there anything uncomfortable between the two of you after you parted?" Nash asked. There was a slight insinuation, but nothing too outright to alarm the Director-General. 

"I can't even remember a proper conversation I had with her. It has been so long! I thought she was killed by a serial killer or something. Wasn't that it?"

It was, but we didn't linger on it.