
Hunter's Triumph

As Aaron lay on his bed, he listened to the serene silence of the night, interrupted only by the faint chirping of insects outside. He sighed, feeling the weight of exhaustion pressing down on him. As his eyelids grew heavy and his consciousness began to fade, he succumbed to the pull of darkness.

When Aaron regained consciousness, he was no longer in his room but surrounded by the sweet smell of fresh grass. The chirping of insects was replaced by the gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional distant bird call. Aaron's lips curled up into a smile. He had returned! But he didn't let his guard down. After all, he didn't know how he had died the night before, and there were sure to be unknown dangers lurking in this place.

As he scanned his surroundings, he caught sight of a huge gray rabbit munching on grass in the distance. Though smaller than the enormous white rabbit he had encountered the day before, it still stood nearly 100 cm tall. With caution in his every step, Aaron advanced towards the rabbit until he was only thirty meters away. The rabbit's ears perked up at the sound of his footsteps, and it bared its sharp teeth from its triangular mouth as its red eyes locked onto Aaron.

Aaron's mouth twitched. It was almost unnatural to see such a cute rabbit bearing such sharp fangs. But he was different now, no longer the same boy from before. He remained calm as the rabbit charged at him, its teeth glinting in the light. Aaron's eyes narrowed, and as the rabbit reached him, he shifted his body and swung his sword in a swift, fluid motion. The blade struck the rabbit's neck with a sharp "wosh!" sound.

The gray rabbit tumbled forward, its massive body collapsing on the ground a few meters away. Its legs kicked a few times before it fell still, blood staining the grass beneath it. Aaron stood motionless for a moment, processing what had just happened. He had killed the rabbit in a single stroke! The realization sent a rush of adrenaline through his body, and a small smile crept onto his face.

Aaron felt a sense of elation wash over him as he raised the corners of his lips. He couldn't help but marvel at his newfound strength, which made his old self seem like a mere child in comparison. The density and amount of Spirit Energy coursing through his veins had greatly increased, and he felt invigorated by it.

As the gray rabbit's body dissolved into light particles, it left a trail behind as it merged with Aaron's own energy. He didn't flinch or attempt to dodge it this time, instead accepting the energy with a smile.

Curiosity piqued, Aaron opened his System and was surprised to see that there was only one point today, unlike the two from yesterday. He wondered if the strength of the rabbit had any correlation with the number of points he would receive upon its death. Determined to find out, he set off to search for more prey.

After some time, Aaron stumbled upon two more rabbits - a black one roughly the same size as the huge white one from yesterday, and another gray rabbit that looked almost identical to the one he had just killed. The moment they laid eyes on Aaron, the rabbits charged at him with a frenzied energy, as if they had spotted a beautiful female rabbit.

Without hesitation, Aaron dashed towards them with red eyes, feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He knew that these rabbits were more than just mere animals - they were valuable cultivation resources that could further increase his strength and power.

Aaron deftly dodged the claws of the two rabbits, his movements fluid and precise. With a swift swing of his sword, he dispatched the gray rabbit, then turned his attention to the black rabbit.

The black rabbit proved to be a tougher opponent, with stronger defenses and greater speed. But Aaron was not the same person he was yesterday. He moved with agility and precision, striking the black rabbit's neck five times until it spasmed and fell to the ground.

As the black rabbit's body dissipated into particles of light, Aaron felt a surge of satisfaction. He had harvested three points from this successful kill. His growth will be unstoppable!

Aaron sat panting in the grass, his body aching from the intense hour-long hunt. He had become a skilled rabbit hunter in that short amount of time, taking down two massive white rabbits that were even larger than the ones he had encountered yesterday, as well as six huge rabbits and thirteen small ones. He was ruthless and unrelenting in his pursuit of points, his heart racing with excitement as he harvested each kill.

He had amassed an impressive total of 45 points, including the three he had gained from the start. As he surveyed the carnage he had wrought, a broad smile spread across his face. Truly, the laborer was the most honorable profession of all!

But his joy was short-lived. As he gazed out at the grass ahead of him, he noticed that the height was different in some areas - some patches were just at his knees, while others towered over him at two meters high. And then he saw them - a pair of eyes staring back at him from the bush.

Aaron's heart skipped a beat as he stared at the mysterious figure in the grass. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Were his eyes playing tricks on him? But then, the grass began to move, slowly parting to reveal the creature hiding within.

With bated breath, Aaron watched as the figure emerged from the grass, revealing itself to be a fearsome beast unlike any he had ever seen before.

The 1.5-meter-tall green wolf stood before Aaron, its fur a vibrant shade of green that mirrored the surrounding grass. The fur looked smooth and thin, clearly top-quality. Despite the absence of wind, the fur still wobbled. Its green eyes glimmered in the sunlight, with only the white rings of its eyes being of a different color.

As Aaron sat on the ground, he gazed at the wolf in awe, and the wolf also seemed mesmerized by Aaron. The sight before him was perplexing - how could such a massive wolf exist in reality? The wolf's green eyes glinted with a frosty light, and it appeared cautious, as though it had never seen a living being like Aaron before.

Suddenly, the wolf opened its mouth, revealing its frosty fangs and let out a ferocious roar. Aaron was left bewildered and unsure of what to do. Should he bark back, or perhaps act as if he were dead? As he contemplated his options, the wolf grew more impatient, and suddenly, a half-transparent Spirit Energy blade shot out from its mouth, slicing the air with a screeching sound. Before Aaron could react, the blade cut mercilessly across his chest, causing an explosion of blood that gushed out like a fountain.

"Ah~ I finally know how I died yesterday..."

These were Aaron's final thoughts before his consciousness slipped away.

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