
Authors world: Black Lagoon

what if the world of black Lagoon got a new character plucked from this world and given new memories and skills of that of a highly skilled individual before being thrown into the shit, protected by the Author God he will thrive and have a hell of a good time doing it all, can anyone stop him...Nope

PsyChotiX556 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4 setting roots part 2

It was another half an hour before we finally got to the last of the buildings I was wanting to use as a safe house, from the outside it looked like a two-story stack of shit that didn't look good enough for anything let alone a safe house, but that was to an untrained eye, to someone who had the training I had I could see it was the best building around, the walls were double layered and I could see some patches of them through the cracked plaster on the outside, they were the stronger kind, the kind that could hold up against bullets in a firefight, and what made it even better was that there was a padding layer of concrete in between them meaning they were secure, I could spot some areas that looked to be in disrepair but with the payout I was likely going to be getting in the next few hours I could easily afford the minor cost of repairing the building and fixing it up to meet the rest of my needs.

The back and sides of the building had the walls of the other building built up against them, so it was basically a keep with a frontal attack being the only option unless we wanted to bust through using explosives to break through the interior of the other buildings to get in, which I'd have to reinforce them after to remove that option for others in the future.

The first floor had no windows and a solid wall, except for the only door in which was set in a small inlay. The second floor had two windows and both had reinforced glass with wire messes in through them as well as vertical iron bars across them for further reinforcement, but they looked to be the cheap kind that you could easily bend, evident by the fact that one of the windows was already broken and part of the bars were bent out, like someone had nearly been put through it.

I drove the armoured transport up to the front of the building but reversed it back several meters before swinging it around and reversed into position with the back end of the transport facing the building.

Revy looked at me like I was mental, I smirked, "What, I figured it would save some time when we're loading these idiots in to take them to balalaika for their last car ride"

She smirked at me before we got out, and I started to check my ammo pulling back the slides of my colts seeing the brass inside, Revy did the same with her barrette's, she smirked before looking to me, "Remember we need these pricks alive or we don't get paid for bringing their asses to Sis"

I smirked, "Of course I do, Devushka (girl)," I said as I holstered my colts and reached behind my back and pulled out two bladed trench knives their blades catching the light, "that's why I'm taking these beauties out for a run, more control this way, less chance I'll be tempted to put a hole in one of their heads"

Revy smirked as l spoke before scoffing, "Oh please, guns are better than knives any day of the week, every hear the expression don't bring a knife to a gun fight"

I chuckled, "Yes but I find knives to be much more personal, with a gun it's just a pull of a trigger and the other guy dies, with a knife you get to savour it more as you gotta get close and personal to get the job done"

Revy laughed, "You sound like some mad slicer who loves to carve up some poor sap just for the hell of it, either way, this is going to be easy," she said as we approached the door.

I smirked, "Oh easy you say? Well then how about we make it interesting"

Revy looked to me with a glint in her eye, "Oh and what did you have in mind"

I looked to her, "A wager to see who can catch the most of these fools in here, the winner gets to ask whatever they want of the other and they have to do it, whether it's a task or something or theirs they want"

Revy looked at me like I was a madman, before giving a single laugh, "Ha, you sure you wanna do that, I mean you're getting a big payout soon, I might just ask for it if when I win"

I smirked, "Well then it's a good thing I'm not going to lose then", 'not when I've got the Author-God on my side'

Revy held her guns up as she raised her foot, "well I guess there's just one thing for it then" she said before she put her boot through the door kicking it open.

I grinned, "Game on," I said before I sprinted through knives ready.

The seconds I entered the room I was met by a hail of bullets, all small ammunitions but I still didn't want to get hit by them, but I was lucky enough there was a sofa to the side I was able to duck behind as the bullets zipped overhead, the wall of led projectiles kept Revy outside as she moved to the side to keep out of their path, I could hear her swearing up a storm at not getting inside fast enough.

My attentions were quickly drawn back to my current situation when a figure moved to the side of the sofa and in front of me, I looked up to see the barrel of a S&W 33 revolver pointed at me. My instincts took over as my right hand shot to the barrel just as the bastard went to pull the trigger, but not before I was able to grab the barrel and move it so the shot missed me, I felt it literally inches away from my head, 'oh I was going to make this bastard pay for that' I thought before I pulled the barrel of the gun down as I rose up and drove my fist into his chin, the impact made the man tense and made him pull the trigger while his gun was still pointed down making the dumb bastard shoot himself right in the foot.

As he yelled in pain falling back letting go of his gun in the process, which I spun around with firing off the next four shot in the direction of the stairs that was heading up to the next floor, that had two more fools running down them, my shots got them in their right shin and knee caps making them both lose their next steps and fell down the stairs landing on top of each other the second one knocking the first out cold by landing on top of him, he went to try and shoot me but was too slow to the draw before I was on him planning my left foot in his jaw knocking him out like his buddy, before I had to move to the left side of the staircase to get cover as the gunfire started up again from the same pricks as before.

On the opposite side of the stairs there was a turned over table and on the floor there were playing cards and poker chips from what looked to be a ruined poker game that we must have interrupted, it was behind the overturned table that the shooting was coming from, I scowled the bastards were practically pissing lead they were shooting so much. 'just how much ammo do these guys have?'

Revy peered around the doorway and started firing at the bastards behind the table that drew their fire as I took the opportunity and reached around to my waist pulling one of the throwing knives from my hip and taking aim, with a hell of a throw I lobbed the knife at their guns two sets of revolvers my throw was perfect going right into the triggers and ripping the four guns out of their hands and nailing them to the wall on the other side of the room.

Both idiots were wide-eyed at just losing their guns one of them ducked for cover while the other was too slow and took a bullet in his right shoulder curtsy of Revy, I took the chance and sprinted around the stairs and behind the table finding the second one cowering, he looked up at me just in time to see the bottom of my boot going for his face.

I smirked seeing him fold like a deck of cards when my boot connected, but my instincts were yelling at me as I turned pulling my colts just as a final guy came down the stairs with a double barrel shotgun aimed for me, I went to fire first but before I could squeeze the trigger Revy did, her shot hit the man's right foot making him yell out as he pulled his own trigger the shot veering wide and hitting the roof as the kick from the blast sent him tumbling down the stairs and onto his buddies with a groan after hitting his head going down the stairs a few times.

I blinked and looked to a smirking Revy who came in holstering her berretta's, she looked my way, "And that is why guns are better than knives," she said confidently only for her eyes to widen when she heard a click behind her as I saw someone move behind her.

It was an ugly looking bastard skinny and filthy looking like a real crackpot, in his hand was a real old snub nose pistol and he was aiming it at Revy, I reacted pulling the second throwing knife from my waste as fast as I could and threw it with good aim, it flew straight at true and zipped past Revy and rammed down into the barrel of the pistol a second before the fucker pulled the trigger only for the gun to misfire and the bullet to explode inside the barrel of the gun in the man's hand causing him to drop the gun from the small explosion, his eyes widened a fraction of a second in realisation before Revy turned on him and he met unconsciousness by means of Revy's right hook knocking the man flat on his back out cold in one.

I smirked as I came walked over to her, "what was that you were saying?" I chuckled as Revy groaned at my comment.

"Oh please, I could have done the same with a bullet if our places had been switched," Revy said as she tried to brush off me saving her ass from getting shot.

I shook my head, "And yet it was still my save, now quit your whinnying and start dragging out your catches, we'll tally up at the back of the truck," I said before turning around and heading over to the idiots we'd beat as I started to pull out the ones I'd done the work for.

After a good ten minutes we'd finished loading the last of the idiots into the back door of the unit and I had a smirk on my face knowing the count was in my favour.

"Well Devushka (girl), seems you count's a little short, two by my count, and that was me being nice and letting you have that last one even though it was my knife in his gun," I smirked as I saw Revy groan leaning up against the back of the unit her arms crossed not looking happy.

"No shit" She snaps as she pushed off the trust standing in front of me, "Fine, a deals a fucking deal so what do ya want," she asked not looking very happy.

I smirked as an idea came to mind, "Close your eyes" I said with a chuckle as she growled under her breath.

"What the fuck do you mean, close my eyes," She snapped at me putting her right hand to her gun threatening to pull it, "if this is another stunt to grope me like that shit on the boat I swear I'm going to fucking well shoot your ass this time"

I smirked seeing her get defensive, "No nothing like that, if I do I'll even load the bullet you shoot me with, now come on and pay up"

Revy grumped as she lowered her hand from her gun and closed her eyes her body slightly tense expecting something, I waited a few seconds as I saw her finally relax when I didn't do anything right away. I smiled as I leant in and gently kissed her cheek before leaning back and I saw her eyes open and start to blink and I swear I even saw the slightest sign of a blush on her cheeks.

"What the fuck was that?" Revy asked as she raised her hand to her cheek.

I smirked, "Just a simple kiss on the cheek, now come on we've got these idiots to drop off," I said before I closed the back of the truck and went for the front seat.

Revy's POV

I blinked as I saw him just turn and wake away my hand was still on my cheek, 'what the fuck was that? The fucker could have done anything a grope, a punch, hell he could have fucking cuffed me and did anything he wanted to me, but he just kissed my cheek?' I thought as I turned and started heading for the, 'I don't get it, why did he kiss my cheek why didn't he do anything else, he could have done anything, why did he just kiss me on the cheek, am I not good enough for this fucker to just kiss me, wait what the fuck am I thinking about this, it's not like I wanted it'

Getting into the truck I slammed the door shut behind me just annoyed now as I turned to face him, "Hey what the fuck was that back there, what the fuck was with kissing me on the cheek? Hell what the fuck was with kissing me at all" I said in a growl fed up with trying to figure him out.

He just blinked looking at me before smiling slightly making me want to slug the bastard even more, "And why wouldn't a man want to kiss you, you're smoke 'n hot and now I'm wishing I'd have done it sooner, you're cute when your all flustered like this"

I blinked as I heard him, before growling as I clenched my fists, "So what if I am, what does that have to do anything, now shut up and answer the fucking question. Why the fuck did you kiss my cheek?! What am I not good enough to kiss on the lips or were you just a pansy and chickened out at the last second?!"

He started to chuckle, "Well I would have certainly liked to but I personally think stealing a kiss that way would be cheap and insulting towards you," he said as I listened I started to loosen my fists, "I'd much rather show you a good time later and earn such a privilege rather than stealing it"

Hearing him I felt my hands go loose and I don't know why I didn't feel angry, but what he was saying was nothing for me to get angry at, so it hadn't been because I wasn't worth kissing on the lips, he wanted to earn it, what the fucks up with that, why not just take one and get it over with its not like… wait he said show me a good time later… did he… did this fucker just….ask me out on a…, "did you just ask me out on a fucking date?" I asked realising his fucking wordplay.

He smirked, "Yes, is that a problem, I was having so much fun back there I thought maybe we could do it again this time without the bullets flying overhead. What do ya say to a Pizza and a movie, or maybe some Chinese take out, something tells me neither of us are fans of high dining restaurants"

He is, he's actually asking me out, what is his game, is he just trying to get me naked for a fuck and run, but he could have just told me to fucking bend over back there if that was the case, no there's something more to his game and I'm going to fucking find out what and then I'm going to make this guy squirm, "Sure why not, I suppose I can give you a shot at this fine piece of ass, but that had better be the best damn pizza in the city if you even want a chance in hell" I smirked as I turned and put my feet up on the dash and he started the engine.

He smirked, "and I'm looking forward to the privilege, printsessa," he said with a chuckle.

I blinked as I felt my cheeks blush slightly as he spoke in Russian, 'printsessa… that means Princess' I thought before looking away trying to fight back my blush, "Pansy assed sweet talking Russian" I grumbled.

Leo's POV

I chuckled hearing her grumble under her breath, something told me that would get a good reaction out of her, I knew that it'd take a while to get her to open up to me, you don't go through a hell like she's been through and not put up a couple of dozen walls around your heart so that no one can ever hurt you again. That had always been something I'd admired about Revy through the series when I watched it, she'd been through so much shit and yet she came out of as strong as she was. Sure I knew it was just a mask and underneath there was a broken soul that needed love, that's why I wanted to help her you can't go through life with walls around your heart, you'll never truly enjoy it that way unless you let someone in.

As we started to drive away the phone buzzed and Revy handed it to me still grumbling under her breath making me chuckle as I opened it and put it to my ear, "Hello again my dear, I trust that everything is satisfactory and we can proceed with our business," I said with a smile.

"Hello as well my friend, yes my men have just gotten back to me after trucking the product back to our base and taking sampled for testing, the product is just as you informed me, so yes our little business venture can go ahead, I'll text you where we can meet so that we can do the transfer," Balalaika said sounding rather pleased.

I smirked, "wonderful, might I also request that you bring along a few of your men with you as well as a van, me and the Devushka (girl) went out safe house shopping and got you few presents that should brighten your day even further"

I heard her laugh slightly on the other end of the line, "Oh Leo you shouldn't have, well I look forward to seeing what you two have got, I'll see you both shortly, Proshchay (Goodbye)"

Hanging up the call I smirked, "and that's that," I said before getting the text of the location for the meeting, "time to go and drop off these kisok (pussies) to be totally fucked over"

Fifteen minutes later meeting point

It took us only a short drive to get to the meeting point, it was located down at one of the dock areas on the opposite side of the city across from where the lagoon was docked, the building was quite large, it was practically a warehouse itself with two large docking areas that looked to be big enough to allow small freighter ships to dock with ease.

There were two cranes inside on either side of the dock to unload cargo from ships as well. I could instantly tell this was one of hotel Moscow's loading docks where they import their cargo and supplies, given where Roanapur was located this would have been an ideal spot for cargo ships traveling through the east Asian sea, means they could just pass through here claiming to be stopping for repairs and such drop off any of the mafia's cargo and then leave the next day and not be late for their shipments, it was ideal as long as there was no delay in their arrival times people wouldn't make a fuss to investigate, I had to marvel at the creativity of it all.

As we drove in through the large warehouse doors we could see Balalaika waiting for us with three large SUV's behind her in a U formation with a desk in front of her and a bulky briefcase laptop with her right-hand man standing beside her, and standing in front of the SUV's were six men each armed with AK-74 assault rifles with bullet proof vests under their clothing.

I could tell from looking them over, I didn't even have to remember the anime, each of them were military trained, the way they held themselves, the way they held they weapons and their eyes falling on us as soon as we entered the building, they were sizing us up and watching our movements, they were good.

Pulling up in front of them and swinging the truck around I stopped with my door facing them before turning off the engine and opening the door with a smirk as I came out, "A Balalaika, how wonderful to be seeing you again, I trust this day has been as good for you as it has been for me"

I saw her give a smirk at my words, "Oh yes I'd say it has been very good so far, but something's telling me your about to make it so much better"

I chuckled, "but of course Kapitan (captain), my gift is sure to put a smile on your face," I said as I rounded the back of the truck and opened the back doors as Revy joined me in hauling the unlucky bastards out of the back, "I believe you know these Sumki dlya musora (Dirtbags), the Devushka (girl) tells me that you've been meaning to track them down for a while, for selling nebol'shiye ruki (small arms) without your permission"

I could see Balalaika's smile grow even more as she stood up and walked over inspecting the poor buggers who were on their knees in front of her, "ah yes, this little band of Duraki (fools) have been an annoyance for quite some time, they've managed to somehow get their hands on stocks of small arms and sell them cutting into our profits, it's been an annoyance but one that now seems to have been rectified, very well done" she said with a small chuckle before snapping her fingers as two of the men from the SUV's came forward and started to herd the men off with guns to their backs and lead them into the SUV's, "I assume you'll be wanting the bounties we placed on them as well, a rather trivial amount considering the pay day you came across with the cocaine but, money's money" she said as we walked over and her lieutenant turned the laptop towards me, "enter your account details and we'll transfer the pay and this transaction will be complete"

I chuckled, "once again right to business, I always like that, but you should slow things down and celebrate once in a while and have a drink to enjoy the moment, you never know how many you have left in our line of work," I said as I leaned in and started filling in one of my many account details.

She smirked, "ah but of course" she snapped her fingers as a man from one of the SUV's nodded and opened the door of the SUV and took out a bottle of vodka and four shot glasses, "a toast to a good business transaction"

I smirked as the man poured the drinks, "now that's more like it," I smirked as the glasses were handed out, one to myself and Revy who took hers with a smirk and one to Balalaika and her lieutenant, Boris, I think his name was.

We raised them in a toast as Balalaika and I spoke, "K khoroshemu biznesu" (to good business) before we tossed them back feeling the burn in the back of our throats as we set our glasses down Revy started coughing at the burn.

I gave her a pat on the back, "what's wrong Devushka (girl)? Don't tell me you can't handle a little burn" I laughed

Balalaika chuckled, "well it might have been a bit on the strong side, it was from my private supply, not many can handle it like I can," she smiled, as her lieutenant finished transferring the fund before standing up turning the laptop screen so both Balalaika and I could see.

"The transfers are complete Kapitan (captain), both the drug money and the bounties," he said gesturing to the wire transfers.

I smirked seeing all the zero's, "well then, it's been a pleasure as always Balalaika, I hope our next transaction will be just as profitable as this one, priyatnogo vechera (have a good evening)" I said giving a small bow which she returned with a nod of the head as Revy and I turned to head back to the truck.

"Damn, *cough* that stuff burned the throat off me," Revy coughed as we got into the front.

I chuckled, "well you won't have long to wait till you can get a different burn, remember I'm buying"

That seemed to perk her up a bit, "Oh yeah, let's see if I can even make a dent in that pay out you just got. That will keep us swimming in the booze for months"

I laughed, "Definitely" as we drove out of the building heading to the bar to enjoy the rest of the night.

Scene break

Arriving at the bar Revy sat down at the front with a groan, "damn what a day, hey Bao get my three rounds of Bacardi here on the rocks, Comrade here is buying" she said as she gestured to me sitting down next to her.

I gave Bao a smirk when he looked at me to confirm, "Open a tab, I'll pay it up every month with fifty percent interest my man" I smirked, "I just came into a Bol'shaya vyplata (big payout) and we're celebrating"

Bao gave me a nod and started filling drinks just as we heard the doors open and a familiar deep voice calling over to us.

"Well-well so this is where we find you two, you go missing all day and we find you drinking your asses off here" We turned to see the rest of the lagoon crew coming in Dutch being the one to call us out.

"Hey if it isn't the rest of the gang, come on, I just opened up a Tab, join me and the Devushka (girl) in celebrating a good day's work of killing, bounty hunting and generally fucking shit up," I laughed as they walked over to us.

Dutch smirked, "don't mind if I do," he said sitting down gesturing to Bao for his usual, "so what have you two been up to on your lonesome, besides what you just mentioned"

I laughed, "next to making a big ass sale of Narkotiki (drugs) to certain blond Russian after killing off a bunch off Kiska (pussies) and claiming their little slice of paradise for myself and then clearing out two other rather nice pieces of Pervoklassnaya nedvizhimost' (prime real estate), not much"

Dutch peered around me to Revy, "you want to fill me in on what exactly he means by all that?"

Revy smirked, "it's like he said Dutchy-boy, we took a little trip to the church, stocked up on a whole lot'a hardware before going to down on a couple of places that Comrade here had his eyes set on for his own, we cleared the places out and along the way made a sell to Sis coming out of it with a big ass payday, so now we're celebrating, Fucking A"

Dutch smirked, "well it defiantly sounds like you two have been having fun, both of you a couple of gun slinging maniacs, I trust this means that you'll both be fit to work tomorrow, we need to gather some funds to replace the Benny boy's broken tech so I've scheduled a simple pick up and delivery job for tomorrow, nothing too difficult, but it's out of the way a bit and in unfriendly waters so we could use all the guns we could get, you on board Leo?"

I paused for a moment thinking, this wasn't part of the cannon story line, the next job they'd have was the set up, so this must have been something the AG (Author-God) has set up for me to be a part of specifically, should be interesting, "Sure why not, I could tag along, but I'm going to have to make a stop before we do, gotta get my tally added to, we racked up quite the kill count today didn't we I was sixty-seven wasn't I?"

Revy nodded, "yep, I wasn't keeping count of my own though, next time we do some shit like that I definitely will, and we'll see who the better killer is then"

I smirked as Bao slid me over my drink, "I'll drink to that" I said as the two of us clinked out glasses together and down them right after, this was definitely getting to be fun.

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