
V.1-C.90│Executive Order│

People of Konohagakure had been gathered around, from those that are civilians of the village, to those that are a part of the military, those that are considered to be ninja, shinobi.

There was a period of mourning for the lost souls of the war, the Third Shinobi World War, in which the people could and would grieve for their lost ones. Whether that be from adults to children.

Whether that be ones family, their fathers, their mothers, their brothers, their sisters. Whether this be the ones people would consider their lovers, or their friends.

Right now, the people stand before their Hokage, their Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. A disciple of the village's two previous Hokage, Hiruzen was a powerful ninja, hailed as a 'God of Shinobi.'

Though he was only ever directly the teacher of the Sannin, generations of Konoha shinobi benefited from his wisdom during his lifetime.

He is older now, older than when he was when he first came into his current position, and he would only get older yet as time passes him by.

Hiruzen is a firm believer in the Will of Fire, which holds that all the people of Konoha are a family and that the Hokage is chiefly responsible for that family's well-being.

Throughout his tenure, Hiruzen lives up to the Will of Fire by being available for Konoha's villagers and shinobi during their time of need, making decisions to the betterment of as many people as possible, and providing his wisdom and guidance whenever he can.

He starts wearing much lighter combat attire at some point, consisting of a black jumpsuit, mesh segments over the lower portions of his limbs, and a green gauntlet that covered much of his right arm.

He also wore an armored hood with a bandanna-like forehead protector over this, tied with two long straps. Across the back is written 'Third Hokage,' or at least what it should've been, for today he no longer bears this upon his back, which has been replaced with the kanji for 'fire.'

His delicate, thoughtful approach to not only issues within the village but also his interactions with foreign powers has given Hiruzen the reputation of being soft, something the Konoha Council spends much of its time trying to rectify.

Nevertheless, Hiruzen's kind and pacifist ways are widely valued by Konoha's residents and even his rival Kage. However, Hiruzen was not entirely for his softness as he allowed Danzo to form an Anbu faction of his own, to handle the dark side of Konoha's actions.

Although he loved all of Konoha, Hiruzen held his students especially dear, believing they were the village's future and, as such, must be cultivated and protected. He favored Orochimaru, seeing in him a prodigy similar to himself whose contributions to the village could someday be greater than his own.

Though, today would not be that day, for Hiruzen had made his decision, a decision of which would decide the one that would be his successor. He had already informed a few people of his decision, such as Danzo, whom obviously was angry that Hiruzen had chosen the person he had chosen.

"Hello, citizens of Konoha!" Hiruzen amplified his voice enough for everyone to hear him, standing before them all on top of the Hokage's office, with the Hokage Monument behind him. "Today, I shall introduce to all of you my successor!"

"This is a place where every year shinobi are born, raised, grow old, fight, and die to protect their home. All of you are precious to me. We share a home, we share a life, and though we may not share ties of blood, you are all precious to me. You are my family." Hiruzen started his very own speech as the crowd listened to him and his words.

"I am only one of a long line. I carry this title in trust for those Hokage who came before and those who will come after. I am the Third Hokage!" The crowd cheered at his words here, before he would interrupt them. "However...! I would like to take a moment of silence for those that have protected us, all of us during the war... Please..."

Hiruzen's words did resonate with the people, for even if he is soft, or has grown softer over time and subsequently wished for more peace, that didn't mean the people didn't appreciate his sentiments.

His goals or desires, with which would help them to regrow their peace, just as he had initiated the idea of peace between Konoha and Iwa, even if they had lost more so than them. Even when Konoha was finally pushed back onto the winning side, or at least was finally tied up with the assault from Iwagakure because of the destruction of Kannabi Bridge.

After the silence, Hiruzen would begin again. "I believe the Hokage to need to be someone whom embodies the Will of Fire. The entire village is like a large family unit and every Konoha shinobi with the Will of Fire loves, believes, cherishes, and fights to protect the village... as previous generations had done before."

"This is what gives Konohagakure shinobi the strength to continue fighting against all odds, and it is because of this, I have chosen whom I have chosen." Hiruzen stopped, building some level of suspense.

Stepping aside, Hiruzen waved his arms or hands in a manner to attract attention towards the right of himself. "I give you, your new Hokage, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze." With that, Minato stepped up from behind Hiruzen and waved with a smile on his face towards the crowd.

Blue eyes and spiky, blond hair. Minato also had jaw-length bangs framing either side of his face. According to many, Minato was considered to be very handsome.

His normal attire consisted of a standard Konoha uniform with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green flak jacket, blue forehead protector, and blue sandals.

Though, as those that can see him as he is now, Minato is different in attire. He started wearing a short-sleeved long white haori over his normal attire, closed in the front by a thin, orange rope. The haori was decorated by red flame-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji for 'Fourth Hokage' written vertically down the back.

Minato was one of the most powerful shinobi in history, considered by many as unmatched by anyone else. During the Third Shinobi World War, flee-on-sight orders were given to enemy shinobi should they encounter him. In the anime, he was able to single-handedly wipe out an army of one thousand Iwagakure shinobi, a feat that forced Onoki to accept a peace treaty.

That was how fearsome and powerful Minato is, and without a doubt the people also viewed him with the respect that he deserves. No matter his views, emotions or values, people in general liked to accept a leader with which they could see as an exemplary example of the best.

Not only was Minato powerful enough, but he has made accomplishments enough, embodies the Will of Fire enough, and has earned the respect of others through his efforts. No one could deny that he has worked at least a little bit for the position that he has.

Sure, his genius or talent may come into play, but who wants an incompetent leader...? Even if they are supposedly a good person, or have the right intentions, doesn't mean that they are the best.

As the people cheered on their new Hokage, Minato was not as content as one would think that he is however. After all, every man or woman would like to pass something of themselves onto the next person, whom may pass it on to many more.

The clearest example of a legacy with which one may have is through children. Minato has everything now, or at least has reached a certain threshold in his desires, but that doesn't mean he has absolutely everything he wants or would want.

Now he would consider, if he hasn't already, a family of his own.

Minato was lacking one thing, something that he had wished to have since a long time ago. A person that goes by the name of Kushina Uzumaki, and for many more reasons than the one he initially had while younger.

One of which he saw great value in her potential, and the potential behind the descendants she would have. Though, he isn't a completely logical person, if that hadn't already been proven through a few of his actions already, it would most definitely start to show the more time passes.

'And the only person that stands in my way is Obito Uchiha...' Minato looked out, taking note of the fact that he didn't see anyone that is closely associated with Obito.

No Mikoto Uchiha, no Kushina Uzumaki, no Tsunade Senju... none of the three older women that Minato himself would like to create connections with.

Especially because of Kushina's status as jinchuriki, Tsunade's legendary prowess and medical abilities could benefit the village, and then Mikoto, whom is among the strongest of the Uchiha, or is the strongest not taking into account Obito himself.

He may not have any special eyes, but he was sure that he would be able to spot any of them in the crowd. Or maybe not...


Danzo was not quite the happy person in this moment.

Neither would his endorsed candidate, Orochimaru, either be happy as Hiruzen refused to allow Orochimaru, his favored student and all, be named as his successor.

Danzo could not do anything to influence or sway Hiruzen however, and the decision was something that has already come in effect. Maybe Danzo could've done something... if time permitted, but that was no longer the case.

Instead, he would have to deal with the individual known as Minato Namikaze, Konoha's 'Yellow Flash.' '... Minato is not the only one that could hold such a title...' Danzo's thoughts then drifted towards another individual in particular.

Obito Uchiha, and his interference on some things that has been happening, or planned by him. Though, the extent to what Danzo knows about Obito was limited, but from what he understands, it is very likely that the boy must've awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan.

How could Danzo not be aware of such things? It was rather unfortunate that he wouldn't know what powers may lie in his eyes, though this also brought up another subject.

Specifically, Shisui Uchiha. He knows that boy must've awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan as well, yet now he has gone missing.

It was generally around the same time that Danzo was receiving some strange reports about Obito as well. True, Obito was someone that was clouded in mystery, especially his parentage, but what was most important is a change in behavior.

Danzo was always looking for some willing agents of his own to use for the betterment and protection of Konoha.

Linking things together, Danzo started to formulate a plan, a plan of which should force things into the direction that he wants. Danzo has noted Minato's... strange obsession with the girl, the young woman known as Kushina Uzumaki, and he has also noted that Kushina Uzumaki, the jinchuriki had her own interests invested in Obito.

It was easy for him to exploit if he so chooses, but Minato was someone that saw the village as important above everything else. Or he should, as he is the Hokage now, and this illusive Will of Fire is supposedly what he has that Orochimaru doesn't.

There are many interesting things that he could do... Danzo smiled a little as he thought this, thinking that his next actions or words would accrue some small amount of power at the very least.

Gaining the trust of Minato Namikaze is in his next plans of action. Maybe... just maybe he could abuse the strained relationship that Minato has with Kushina, and show Minato some things linking Obito... possibly with some... traitorous factions.

In doing so, he may allow Obito to either be executed, thus leaving Kushina to be thrown towards Minato, leaving him happy, and also in Danzo's debt.

Though, he would have to be cautious, as Minato was no slouch, nor was he an idiot, and he isn't exactly the most ruthless of people in comparison to Danzo, that is.

Danzo had gotten himself up and moved his way towards the Hokage's office, currently taken up by Minato. Upon entering said office, he greeted Minato respectfully, as he is the Hokage now. "Lord Hokage, I wish to congratulate you." Danzo said, before closing the door behind him.

"Lord Danzo... And for what pleasure do I have your visit?" Minato questioned back as Danzo had come forward and stopped a bit away from Minato.

"I'm afraid that I have come with some rather distressing news..." Danzo sighed as he said this, playing up on his act.

"And...?" Minato was not someone to easily just accept Danzo, and Danzo knew that Minato would very much prefer to not have him around... however, Danzo still has some support and backing from within the politics of Konoha.

Especially since Hiruzen was such a big softy, especially for him and others like Orochimaru. "You see..." Danzo would then start to manipulate and carefully place his words, and display his position of power and mentioned the previous Hokage's reliance on him for... certain things.

All from the dirty stuff, and to other things, as Danzo was saying this, he did start to supply Minato with some important information, but somewhere along the way he would need to transition into the subject of Obito and Kushina, and that must be done without the ANBU's presence within this place.

"I'm afraid that my next words should only be for you, Lord Hokage." Danzo finished his slow and meticulously thought out words. He must capture Minato under his thumb, and the only way to do something like that is to use something that Minato desires or wants.

It is no secret to Danzo or those really close to Minato, specifically the Sannin, Jiraiya, that knows about Minato's Kushina obsession. "If that is what is needed..." Minato, still fresh on his duties as Hokage, and having his guard taken down by Danzo, made a motion to have his ANBU leave him.

One such ANBU is Kakashi Hatake, whom had taken one last look at the two, Danzo and Minato, before leaving. "Now that we are alone, I have received information about some traitorous activities." Even if there wasn't any, or at least some threads to connect Obito to such activity, Danzo would create it.

"Traitors...?" Minato was a bit more serious now.

"Yes... A boy, Shisui Uchiha has recently gone missing, and reports seem to suggest that Obito Uchiha has been having some extra absences from the village as of late." Danzo replied.

"Obito Uchiha..." This certainly had gotten Minato's attention.

"I'm afraid of what this Obito Uchiha individual may be up to. Even though there is no direct evid-" Danzo was interrupted however.

"No, that is quite fine. If what you're saying is true, then we must investigate..." Minato said fast, and it was clear to Danzo that he has headed in the correct direction. It would seem that Minato wants Obito gone as well.

Though, whether that be dead or exiled, he knew not. Danzo saw Obito as a threat to most of the things he has been trying to achieve, so he wanted him eliminated for good. "Of course, Lord Hokage. Thank you for allowing me to do my job." Danzo replied.

"No, thank you for brining this to my attention." Minato replied from his seat, before whispering to himself. "I just knew that there was something off about him..."

"What was that?" Danzo asked.

"Nothing... Just that this should be a secret order. It is my first executive order as Hokage." Minato replied.

"As you wish..."