
Author POV: Writer's Manifestation

In the modern city of Eqidux, where the supernatural powers of the divine sages are a distant memory after a centuries-old war, people live ordinary lives, struggling to achieve their dreams. In current times, Victor Revenant is a struggling writer and part-time English teacher. Despite his passion for writing, Victor's manuscripts are constantly rejected, leaving him with barely enough income from teaching and freelancing to get by. His jovial personality and sense of humor endear him to his students, but he hides a deep well of frustration and guilt, exacerbated by his mother’s constant reminders of his failures and financial burdens. One fateful night, Victor experiences a sudden burst of inspiration and writes a fantasy story about a hero who discovers a mythical artifact. To his astonishment, he wakes up the next morning to find that the very artifact he imagined has materialized in his room. This discovery leads Victor to realize that he possesses an extraordinary ability: he can bring to life items from the stories he writes... ---------------------- Disclaimer: This book has no affiliations with The Author's Pov.

Decrepit_bastard · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Orb Of Eternity

In this new story, Victor created a world steeped in magic and mystery. The protagonist, Aric, was a young adventurer who stumbled upon an ancient artifact during a perilous journey.

The artifact, known as the "Orb of Eternity," was unlike anything Aric had ever seen. It was a small, crystalline sphere that glowed with a teal light, pulsing gently like a heartbeat.

The Orb of Eternity was said to possess unimaginable power. Legends whispered that it could grant its bearer the ability to manipulate time itself—slowing it, speeding it up, or even glimpsing into the future.

However, such power came with a heavy burden. The orb was also a beacon, attracting dark forces that sought to claim its power for themselves.

Victor's pen flew across the pages as he detailed Aric's discovery of the orb deep within an ancient, overgrown temple.

The temple was hidden in the heart of a dense, enchanted forest, filled with traps and trials that tested Aric's courage and wit. The air was thick with the scent of moss and ancient wood, and the only light came from the bioluminescent plants that glowed softly in the darkness.

Aric's heart pounded as he approached the orb, feeling its energy resonate with his own. As he reached out and touched the smooth, cool surface, visions flooded his mind—visions of battles fought and lost, of times long past and futures yet to come. The orb's power surged through him, filling him with both awe and fear.

Victor lost himself in the story, pouring his heart and soul into every detail. He described how Aric, now bound to the orb, faced numerous challenges and adversaries.

He had to master the orb's powers while staying one step ahead of the dark forces hunting him. Along the way, Aric would discover allies and uncover secrets about his own past, all tied to the mysterious artifact.

As Victor wrote, he became completely absorbed in the world he was creating. Time slipped away unnoticed, and the excitement of his new idea kept him going. Finally, he glanced at the clock and saw, to his shock, that it was already 5 A.M.

"Wow, where did the time go?" he muttered to himself. He realized he only had an hour before he needed to wake up for another day of teaching. "I guess I'd better try to get at least a little bit of sleep."

Victor set his notebook aside, feeling a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. He crawled into bed, exhaustion quickly overtaking him.

As he drifted off, a soft glow began to emanate from the notepad on his desk. The pages shimmered with a mysterious light, casting a bright glow across the room. But Victor was already fast asleep, unaware of the magical phenomenon occurring just a few feet away.


The sound of his alarm jolted Victor awake at precisely 6:00 A.M.

"It's one hour already? Felt like a minute."

He groaned as his body felt heavy due to the barely an hour's sleep he had. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up and stretched, his mind still lingering on the vivid dreams inspired by his late-night writing session.

He stumbled out of bed and shuffled toward his desk, intending to review his work from the night before.

As he reached for his notebook, something caught his eye. There, sitting on his desk, was a small, crystalline sphere glowing with a teal light.

Victor froze, blinking in disbelief. "What the…?" he whispered, leaning closer.

It was the Orb of Eternity, the artifact he had imagined and written about in his story. His heart began to race as he reached out to touch it, feeling its cool, smooth surface beneath his fingers. The orb pulsed gently, just as he had described.

"This can't be real... I must be hallucinating..." Victor murmured, picking up the orb.

It felt solid and surprisingly warm in his hand, emitting faint thumps that seemed to resonate with his own heartbeat. He turned it over, marveling at the way the light within it shifted and danced.

His mind raced with confusion and excitement. "How is this possible? It's exactly like in the story…" He set the orb down carefully and opened his notebook, flipping through the pages filled with his hurried handwriting.

Everything he had written was there, just as he remembered, but now it seemed to be more than mere words on a page.

Victor paced the room, running his hands through his hair. "Okay, okay, think. How did this happen?" He considered the events of the previous night—the intense focus, the surge of inspiration, the way he had lost track of time. But none of that explained how a fictional object had manifested in his real world.

His eyes returned to the orb, and a thought struck him. "Is it… magic?" He laughed at the absurdity of it, but the evidence was right in front of him.

The world still bore scars of the supernatural and remnants of the ancient sages who once wielded incredible powers. But that was ages ago. Barely anyone had magic these days, right? And even if they did, it was nothing like this.

Victor picked up the orb again, turning it over in his hands. The thump grew slightly louder, and he felt a strange connection to it as if it were somehow responding to his touch. "This is insane," he said aloud, a grin spreading across his face. "But if it's real, then… what else can I bring to life?"

His mind buzzed with possibilities. If he could bring an artifact into existence, what about characters, landscapes, or entire worlds? Were there restrictions or would he be free to use it as he pleased? He intended to find out.

Still holding the orb, he glanced at the clock. He was running out of time before he had to leave for school.

Reluctantly, he set the orb back on the desk and hurried to get ready. His thoughts were a whirlwind of ideas and questions, but he knew one thing for certain: his life had just changed in ways he couldn't even begin to understand.

After about twenty minutes, Victor was ready to leave.

As he grabbed his bag and headed out the door, Victor cast one last look at the glowing orb. "I'll figure you out later," he promised, closing the door behind him.

The mystery of the artifact would have to wait.


Victor arrived at the school, but his mind was far from the classroom. The discovery of the orb had left him in a daze, and he could barely focus on anything else.

As he walked down the hallway, he narrowly avoided bumping into a group of students, his thoughts consumed by the mysterious artifact.

"Morning, Mr. Revenant!" a cheerful voice called out.

Victor blinked, realizing Timmy was waving at him. "Oh, uh, good morning, Timmy," he replied, forcing a smile. He tried to push thoughts of the orb aside, but it was like trying to hold back a tidal wave.

As he entered his classroom, he was greeted by a chorus of voices. "Good morning, Mr. Revenant!"

Victor smiled at the eager faces of his seventh graders. "Good morning, everyone! Ready to dive into today's lesson on metaphors?"

"Yes!" they chorused, although some with more enthusiasm than others.

Victor started the lesson, but his mind kept drifting. At one point, he found himself writing "Orb of Eternity" on the whiteboard instead of "Metaphors and Similes." The students exchanged puzzled looks, and Timmy raised his hand.

"Mr. Revenant, what's an Orb of Eternity?" Timmy asked, his curiosity piqued.

Victor snapped out of his trance, staring at the board in horror. "Oh, uh, that's a typo. I meant 'metaphors'! Let's talk about metaphors, shall we?"

The class erupted in giggles. "That's the strangest metaphor I've ever heard," said Jenny, a bright student with a knack for witty remarks.

Victor chuckled, trying to regain control. "Alright, alright, let's get back on track. Can anyone give me an example of a metaphor?"

Samantha, a quiet but sharp student, raised her hand. "Life is a rollercoaster."

"Excellent, Samantha!" Victor said, glad to shift the focus back to the lesson. "Life is a rollercoaster because it has its ups and downs. Anyone else?"

As more students offered examples, Victor managed to steer the class back on course, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the orb.

At lunch, Victor sat with Ronnie Rite, who noticed his unusual behavior. "You okay, Vic? You seem a bit… out of it."

Victor nodded absently, poking at his sandwich. "Just didn't get much sleep last night."

Ronnie chuckled. "Stayed up writing again, huh? You writers and your midnight inspirations."

"Something like that," Victor muttered, his mind still spinning with questions about the orb.

The rest of the day was a blur of half-hearted lessons and distracted glances at the clock.

Finally, the last bell rang, and Victor breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to dash out the door when a familiar voice called out to him.
