
Author Of The Apocalypse

"All the stories are true. The stories we know are the reality of another world hidden from us." The words I wrote came to reality. The apocalypse I wrote came to reality. The fantasy I wrote came to reality. I, Michael, am an author whose failed novel came to reality. Granted with an 'Author' exclusive skill and knowledge about this new world, I want to live a life of peace, the dream every protagonist has. I have no idea if this dream would ever come true. All I know is that this is my world and I am the one responsible for both its creation and its destruction... *** Chapter length: 1.6k+ words every chapter. I have done a lot of research on various beasts and powers before writing this novel. You will definitely enjoy reading this xD Note: The cover is original and not stolen.

BlackFlamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs

A Human's Guilt (5)


Name: Sword of Justice [Temporary] (image)

Tier: SSS

Description: This sword was once wielded by a soul who upheld justice throughout the various realms. Many say that he died wielding this sword.

The power of this sword allows the wielder to use the flames of justice.

- Any evil or demonic being will receive three times the amount of damage dealt.

- Gives an additional +5 to agility stat


The sword's hilt shone bright golden whereas the blade grew in length. A silver gleam appeared around the blade, denoting its sharp edges.

[ Many Viewers are astonished by the item in your hand. ]

[ Ancient Viewers recognize the sword and are looking at it with a nostalgic look. ]

[ A certain viewer who loves justice is happy to see the sword. ]

[ 1000 Glens has been awarded. ]

Compared to the ten thousand Glens I spent, a thousand Glens didn't seem much. Fortunately, the item that dropped was the one I wanted to get.

It contained immense power capable of winning huge battles. If I managed to master it, I might be able to surpass Ray in terms of combat power.

< Michael should admire the sword after the battle. >

'I know.'

The combined lassos above me had taken the shape of a snake. It was a creature made from shadows that was similar in appearance to a python.

Its piercing yellow eyes glared at me while its body twisted a bit in the air. The C women looked at the sword in my hand with anxious looks.

Just by looking at the sword, the C women knew that it contained immense power.

The huge snake dropped to the ground and slithered in front of the five women. Its gaze focused on me, marking me as its target.

I took a fighting stance and pointed the sword at the snake, urging it to come forward and attack me.

[ Shadow Spikes has been used. ]

The shadow snake raised its tail in the air and struck the ground with it. A tremor shook the ground as demonic energy spread from the snake's tail into the ground.

 Shadows flickered on the ground before emerging out in the form of spikes. The spikes shot forward in my direction at a blinding speed.

I walked forward in the direction of the spikes. The Sword of Justice glowed with power in my hand.

[ Flames of Justice have been activated. Your flames will burn through any demonic being you see. ]

My blue flames wrapped around the blade of the sword. 

I slashed forward with the sword as it smoothly cut through the incoming shadow spikes. With another swing, I destroyed the remaining shadow spikes. 

"How…" C2's jaw dropped in disbelief.

For C2, summoning the snake was a last-resort skill granted to the C women by their employer. However, the man in front of her easily cut the snake's attacks.

C2 glanced at the other target she was asked to catch. Ana stood rooted to her spot and looked at the fight with a dazed expression. Her body didn't move an inch from its place.

If C2 was fast enough then…

"Don't even think about it." 

I knew what C2 was planning to do. Even though the snake kept me occupied, I kept my eyes on the women to ensure that Ana remained safe.

[ The following target is using demonic energy. The sword will deal three times the normal damage. ]

Reading the message, I raised the sword high in the air and swung it vertically. A slash of bright blue flames shot out from the blade.

It pierced through the next line of incoming shadow spikes and cleared the path toward the snake.

The +5 agility greatly boosted my speed, allowing me to close the gap between the snake and myself.


The shadow creature hissed at me and swung its tail forward to defend against me. I turned the sword at his incoming tail.

Sparks flew in the air as the metal came into contact with the snake's skin. The flames from the sword immediately went over to the snake's body.

Its scaly skin slowly received a wound from the sword. Slashing forward a couple of times, I cut bits of the snake's tail swiftly.


The snake hissed in pain. It struck the ground in front of me with his tail but my increased agility allowed me to dodge it easily.

"A being like you should not be present in the earlier scenarios. Even if a lot of mana was sacrificed to summon you, your appearance will result in consequences." 

Grabbing the hilt of the sword tightly, I dashed forward. Flames surrounded my entire body, emitting a radiating glow.

The snake realized that it was in danger and decided to attack too. Raising its head in my direction, the snake opened its mouth wide.

Shadows covered the edges of its fang and its black tongue moved back and forth inside its mouth. The snake lunged forward intending to bite my head off.

"Flames of Justice," I whispered under my breath.

The flames surrounding the blade got thicker and more vibrant. The hilt shone even more brightly, blinding all those who were staring at it.

Both me and the snake appeared in front of each other, lunging at each other's head.

With all my power, I swung the sword towards the snake's mouth. Sword of Justice passed through the snake's mouth and cut it in one swift motion. Flames traveled from the cut towards the rest of the body.

The snake's head was severed from its body and hit the ground with a thud. Flames from the cut engulfed the entire body.

I stood above its burning body with a satisfied expression on my face. The sword worked as intended and managed to destroy the snake which was comparable to a high level Tier 7 beast. 

Honestly, the snake summoned by the women was slightly weaker due to the consequences. If not for that, the beast could have easily been a Tier 6 monster.

"So they left."

I looked around and saw that the five C women had vanished. They used the remainder of their mana to escape once they saw that even their ultimate move failed.

This meant that they would trouble me in the current scenario.

'Why is someone trying so hard to get to me?'

< Blue thinks that someone might know about Michael's real identity. >

'Is that possible? My record is not present in the Golden Scroll. No one can look at my status no matter how high leveled skills they use.'

< Valid point. Without gathering more information, we can't be sure about anything. >

'Agreed. This means that I have to capture those C women. I am sure they will appear again to obstruct the scenario.'

I recalled my flames from the Sword of Justice. The sword returned to its earlier state of being a broken old rusty sword.

I looked down at my waist and saw that a belt had appeared around my waist. The hilt of the sword was attracted to the belt and got hooked to it.

Having an accessible location to keep the sword felt nice.

I then looked at Ana who still stood rooted in her spot. The tornadoes I created were still roaming around her. 

Extinguishing the tornadoes, I stepped closer to her and noticed a strange look in her eyes. I immediately opened her status to confirm something.

'Author's Description.'


Name: Anabelle 

Race: ???

Skill: ???(Suppressed), ???(Suppressed)

Supporter: None

Overall Stats: Strength Lv 3, Agility Lv 3, Physique Lv 3, Strategy Lv 6, Magic Power Lv 10

- This person is currently going through a traumatic state. If trauma is dealt with correctly, this person might be able to evolve and unlock their true powers.


I narrowed my eyes after reading the description given at the bottom. Very few people on Earth managed to unlock their suppressed powers and Ana was one of them.

I expected her to enter this condition after a few days but it happened sooner than expected. If all things went right, Ana's true powers would surface without her turning to the evil side.

The question marks in front of her race surprised me a bit since I never wrote about them in the novel. Yes, I did notice them the first time but I didn't think too much about it.

"The problem is how I am going to travel with you…" I murmured.

Honestly, dragging Ana along with me to find the location of the Phoenix was going to be a tough task. 

"I don't think you need to worry about that."

I raised my head towards the ceiling and saw Inari hovering in the air. The Entertainer's eyes were fixated on me and Ana and she seemed to be thinking about something.

 "You have caused quite the storm with the things you did. The Viewers are getting more interested in you. I kept the messages from going forward so that you could focus on the fight." Inari explained.

"Can I see them now?"

"Yes, you can. But before seeing them, I think you need to see this message." Inari snapped her fingers.


[ Congratulations, your actions have opened the door to the resting area of the deceased Vermilion bird. ]

[ Follow the path to awaken the bird! ]

Sorry for the ultra late update. Life sucks sometimes.

Anyways, I realized I have been using the same chapter name for the five chapters. Well, it will make sense in the upcoming two chapters. The name will make sense then xD

BlackFlamercreators' thoughts