
D'Avengers Team (3)

[Please proceed to the center Hero 'Unknown' and choose your teammates.]

I set my name as Unknown when it asked me to enter my name. There must be an administrator watching us from somewhere. Though the voice they used was somewhat ethereal, the playful tone on it sometimes gave it away.

It must be the work of Gilbert. Liam didn't find it strange so it meant that whoever was behind these announcements was there since his 1st round.

I went near the center and looked at the remaining survivors. Some were worried, others were shaking, but the majority of the survivors from the first part already found their own teams.

"I will choose Kevin from Area 1, Floryn from Area 4, Janice from Area 7, Liam and Al from Area 8, and lastly... Ronan from Area 10."

[Please proceed to the center for those names that were called.]

The six of them made their way to me, Liam walked confidently while Al was looking from left and right. Janice was also walking with her head held high, like we were the strongest team. Floryn was just looking at the ground while glancing from time to time if she was going the right way.

Ronan looked determined while slowly approaching the center. Of course, Kevin was Kevin, if I wasn't determined to see him, then it was hard to even sense him. When all of us were at the center murmurs were heard from all direction.

"Aren't they all strong?"

"The strongest team."

"Keuk, I envy the child, he could survive by just staying with them."

"Three of them were first placer and the others were all from top 5, unbelievable!"

"Only six? I thought he mentioned six..."

"Archer, Healer, Mage, Tank, and Swordsman are they preparing for war?"

"I really wanted to be with them, huhuhu."

"Tsk. You'll regret choosing the child instead of me."

[Please choose the door you wish to take.]

"We will choose the Black door, the Hell Difficulty."

I heard intakes of breath coming from different directions. Of course, who was crazy enough to take the highest difficulty with your life on the line? Only crazy people would, and I guess we're kinda crazy... crazy powerful.

"I take it back, I pity the child, to die because of those adults."

"Tsk, tsk, aren't they too arrogant?"

"Oh thank God! I wouldn't be thrown to my death!"

Those eyes that were staring us like we were dead people almost sent them to their grave! Heh, we have 3 OP characters in our group so I pity them because I'm sure that no one will die in my team as long as Liam is here. Snapping me from my thoughts were my teams comment on these ridiculous and pitiful people.

"Let's go. Don't worry, our team is the strongest, nothing could stop us."

"Hmp, though I agreed to be in your team, choosing the Hell difficulty was too rash."

"I believe big brother has a plan, I will follow you big brother!"

"Hehehe, you don't know it, miss, but big brother Liam is strong. This difficulty is enough to at least make us sweat."

"Ugh, nobody saw me... huhuhu."

"W-We can do it, everyone! Though I don't know if my heal is enough, huhuhu."

"Don't worry our team will be the Earth's strongest line up like Avengers. Our team will be called D'Avengers!"

So much for being an author. All I could think was someone else's idea of strong. But, due to it my team slowly relaxed and smiled.

"Yes, we can do it. Let's go!"

Liam, as our leader, went first towards the black door. The door creaked and behind the door was only pitched darkness. Liam looked behind him, on us, nodding he took the first step inside the door.

As soon as he passed the door, Liam disappeared. I grabbed Kevin by the shoulder and clasped Ronan's hands. As soon as I touched them, I pulled them towards the door. Fortunately, they snapped on their thoughts because I only have 11 strength!

When we crossed the door, I felt some fluctations before arriving at our destination. Inside the door was another door, the true entrance of our next Tutorial.

Before us stood a door with two statues with twisted expression, the shape wasn't human like, at each side, holding a torch, lighting up the small cave we were in.

After everyone crossed, the black door disappeared and only walls of soils were around us.

"Is it a maze?"

"I also think it is a maze."

"Hmm... There's no clue how to open the door."

"There might be a hidden button, touch the wall, everyone."

All of us looked for the hidden button to open the door to the maze but to no avail.

"There's no hidden button here."

"Me, too."

"Haa... how do we open this."

I glanced at Liam and saw him looking confused too. If he was acting then he was doing a good job, if not... then, it all changed because of me. My appearance might have caused the change in the Tutorial, especially if Gilbert was the cause.

[Welcome, aspiring Heroes! Escape the maze as fast as possible. Only one way will lead to the exit. You have 3 hours to leave the maze, if you fail, you will be forever trapped in here, wandering without finding the exit.]

Was it really a Tutorial in filtering heroes or was it becoming a horror-themed fantasy?

"I guess we didn't need to look for it." Liam laughed embarrassedly. He felt awkward because he was sure of the Tutorial but a change happened because of my existence.

As the only one who was calm enough, I broke the awkward silence. "Let's proceed with caution, leader."

"Y-Yeah, let's go guys."

We entered the maze and formed a formation according to our classes. I was the only one inside who didn't have any weapons.

Liam was using a sword from who knows where, but I'm sure it was in his magical inventory. Maybe it was his cherished sword or it may not be at the same time because it didn't look good enough to be a sword of the main character.

The inside of the maze was quite enormous. The ceiling was too far for me to see it clearly. In addition, it was quite limited due to the torches that were on the wall.

In the first hall before we could even start, there were 4 roads we could take.

"Wow, it really was hell mode. Four roads and we only have 3 hours. Might as well tell us to die." Janice complained, annoyance laced on her tone.

Haa... if my Author's Mind was turned off, maybe I was also experiencing what they were feeling at the moment, but it was on. So, I could remain calm despite the difficulty.

When I glanced at Liam, I wanted to ask him what we would do but when I saw his determined look, I stopped.

"I have an item here that will help us break this maze."

Liam rummaged on his pockets though I know that he was just opening his inventory, oh the halo of the protagonists was really exceptional. Liam pulled out a small transparent cube.

"This is a reward for achieving a great feat in saving all the people on the first part."

Heh, so you're using a good excuse. While saying that, I could feel Liam's gaze on me. Knowing that my Area was the first to clear the Tutorial and as I have been in the first place. Liam was curious if I would refute his claim.

Son, your father isn't a scum. Rest assured I will take this in my grave!

I could also make that an excuse if I drew a good skill that wasn't mage-like. Heh, nice Liam, you're truly the character that I created.

"How do we use it?"

"Hmm, in the description it was an artifact that was based on luck... it's hard to understand unless you use it. The problem is... once it was used it could only be used by that person until the user dies."

"Was it a cursed artifact?"

"No, it was an ego artifact according to its description."

"Let me see."

"You can't... after transferring this, the next person who will touch it will be automatically its owner. Then guys, what's your luck? Mine's bad, it's only 16."

"Mine's 8..."

"I-I'm 12..."

"21!" Kevin shouted but no one even, me, noticed him.

"Brother Liam, mine's 8, hehe."

Everyone turned their eyes on me as I was the only one who hadn't revealed my luck stats. But fret not, as I have recruited the luckiest in this Tutorial! I didn't answer them instead I looked at my right side and patted Ronan's head.

"Ronan, tell them your luck."

"Okay, big brother. My luck is 56."

Everyone except me and Ronan was surprised and looked at Ronan as a walking lucky charm. Heh, didn't I tell you guys that Ronan was strong! Maybe due to his luck working we got a maze Tutorial tailored for him.

"I guess we found the one who will receive this item."

Liam gave the item to Ronan and also patted his head. When Ronan received the artifact, it gave a colorful glow. Blue, red, yellow, orange, white, black, green, until it turned into pink.

"It said that he recognized me as the master."

"Master..." Liam mumbled heart broken. I think I understand why. The artifact has an ego. As such, though Liam was his holder, it didn't recognize him as a master. Maybe, when he tried to use it, it didn't work well.

Though you have a protagonist halo, you're not Ronan's enemy in this lifetime when talking about pure luck. I also have future max stats in luck but at the moment I'm just garbage compared to Ronan. Ronan looked at me with his eyes twinkling in delight.

"Big brother, big brother, it says that you can use him too in the future."

"Keuk. My poor heart..."

See? It was an ego artifact that Liam didn't even have any access on it that's why he told us that it was quite hard to explain. Maybe ego artifact or weapons couldn't be viewed. When I held the sword that I borrowed on the first part of the Tutorial, the one I swung oh-so-weakly, I knew it in my mind the stats of the weapon and it was just a common rated weapon.

"Good, tell your friend that I like him, too."

"Okay, big brother."

"L-Let's not waste time. Ronan, do you know which way we should go?"

"Hm, I need to face each door for it to work."

"Alright, let me accompany you."

I held Ronan's hand and we walked together at the first passage on the left.

Ronan let go of my hand. He opened his palms and the cube started to float. The pink light turned into red.

"What does red mean?"

When the cube landed on Ronan's palm, the cute child's face contorted into a frown.

"Danger. That's what he was telling me."

"Then, next. If you feel that you can't use it anymore just tell me."

"Yes, big brother. I still have a lot of mana left."

The second passage was blue, which means treasure.

The third passage was black, white, it was a dead end.

The fourth passage was green, it was the right passage.

"Let's go first at the treasure."

Liam was our leader, so he will be the one that will decide what we will do. Though Ronan looked fine and I could feel that he really has a lot of mana, but a child with only 4 stamina, I could see that he was exhausted.

"Why don't you use your golem?"


"Yes, try to make it so that you could ride on it."

"Oh! Alright big brother I understand!"

Hey, hey, hey, you're focusing on the wrong one. You should ask why I know your skills and stats. My child, you're making this big brother worried! You're a genius kid but you trust me so much, so fast!

There might be some changes in the other parts. I'm writing while thinking about the next part so there might be a lot of changes in the future too. And I appreciate readers who are reading my story~~ Thanks guys!

thegreatestdevRcreators' thoughts