
Author's Interference

Revenge, Becoming the strongest, living a wholesome life, protecting the world? Nope, I was just curious. Curious about how a world would be like if there wasn't a single main character. I have always hated main characters who take all the spot light for themselves and make a fool out of everyone just because they can, I wanted a world where everyone can be a main character. A world where the antagonist can kill the protagonist, a world without a protagonist. I always thought that it was an impossible task... however fate wasn't so cruel as everyone thought it to be. Or, maybe I was just lucky... Lucky enough to get a second chance. Lucky enough to create a world where everyone can be a protagonist of their own story (Maybe not everyone but I tried my best), a world without a protagonist. --------------- Join the discord server. https://discord.com/invite/Atg3pzVCGw

Doctor_11th10 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Remnants of the Assassins Syndicate (2)

After I pulled myself together, I explained the situation to Ryuk, most of the key details at least. I didn't have the time to tell him the entire story.

I needed to do something before the time returned to normal, and that was to set up a temporary illusion of myself before I left for Planet Annsecundus.

It was to prevent Grandpa Ben from finding out that I left my room. Although, Grandpa Ben was an illusionary type Sage Force user, his sensory ability was strong enough to keep surveillance on the entire academy.

His Sage Force could sense the movements of anyone or anything, allowing him to know when an enemy is nearby or if a student is in danger.

Many would ask me, how do you counter a motion sensing ability. Simple just replicate your body!

In this case, using Zygon cells or, Martian cells as a base and a human body component to create a body that can replicate someone else would be optimal. I didn't have any Martian cells with me currently so I had to resort to using Zygon cells.

The Zygons are an extraterrestrial race that have shape-shifting abilities, allowing them to replicate the appearance and memories of another being.

When you use their cells with a human corpse, you can create a body that is able to replicate anyone and be controlled easily with Sage Force energy. The only downside is that they are unable to use the abilities of the ones they replicate.

It was hard to get my hands on these cells, they are even rarer than Kryptonites which are less than a thousand in number, and yet The League of Hunters are somehow using them to make weapons... Seriously those guys have huge funding...

I run 31 types of companies myself and yet my income is nowhere near theirs.

"Take out a human corpse, Wally," I commanded, putting on gloves on my hands to prevent infection. "Let's be quick, we don't have time."


Wally, opened his mouth revealing a fresh human corpse, that he dropped on Tommy's bed. Sorry man, it's gonna stink a lot when I am done with this.


In a matter of seconds, I replaced some of the dead human cells with Zygon cells and placed my blood on it, turning the body into a complete clone of myself.

I then placed my hand on top of the corpse and imprinted a command allowing me to control it from anywhere and anytime.

"What are you waiting for? Aren't you running out of time?" Ryuk asked.

"I am thinking of a good command to wake up my first creation... I want it to sound cool, you know? Plus, I need a name for him," I said.

"... You are bad at naming things anyways just say a command and get the fuck over it!" Ryuk shouted.

"Phew... You are right, I am terrible at naming things," I sighed at his words, placing my right hand on the head of the corpse.

"Awaken, Eobard."

A purple light shined underneath my right hand, enveloping the body. It felt as if a part of my mind was torn apart and forcibly put into the corpse. My mind didn't even feel different, as if it had healed the part that it lost almost instantly...

I didn't know my regeneration attribute can do that... It seems I have more to learn about my ability than I imagined. If I can regenerate an inanimate object like my mind then it's possible to regenerate my soul as well...

Things just got a whole lot more interesting...

"Was it a failure? Why isn't the corpse moving?" Ryuk asked.

The corpse didn't move but I could feel that something about it had changed... It felt as if I could feel it's emotions and... Control them?

A soulless being like this isn't even supposed to have emotions in the first place... Is it because I input a part of my mind into it?

When the villain who created an army of these corpses, created his first creation, he used a mana heart to control it...

"Ohhhh I see..." I murmured, finally understanding how he controlled it.

The corpse opened it's eyes, revealing a purple glint which faded away in an instant.

"Dress up, I assume you already know what your role is?" I asked, throwing a set of my clothes at him which he easily caught.

At this point, even conversation with him was unnecessary, he knew everything I wanted him to do and I knew everything he would do. I am just acting like this to keep Ryuk entertained.

"How did you do that? I thought you failed..." Ryuk asked.

"Well if you think so less of me, then I would say that you need to re-evaluate me," Eobard answered in my stead, while he got changed.

"Wha- Huh? How are you- What the hell?! This is so weird to watch! Pick a body and stick with it!" Ryuk shouted.

""Nope,"" we said in perfect unison, teasing him further.

Ryuk roared in anger as the both of us laughed like true villains at his child like reaction.