
Author's Interference

Alright, I don't know why this happened, but when I died, Death decided to reincarnate me in my novel and change the storyline to his liking. That's when I found myself in my novel, inside the body of a side character who was about to be assassinated in the prologue. -I am so dead. --------------- Join the discord server. https://discord.com/invite/Atg3pzVCGw

Shadow_King00980 · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Heroes die...

After leaving the infirmary as I walked towards the dorm I questioned myself... Am I doing the right thing? A villain is supposed to be heartless but I care too much about my friends... I care too much about everyone... Why did I save all of them? Did someone control my body? Or... Did I do that on my own accord. I felt conflicted towards myself.

If only I could get rid of my emotions...

'No! Absolutely not! What are you doing Savitar! What would be the difference between a demon and you if you get rid of your emotions! Caring too much about someone is never the problem! But the way you are protecting them is hampering their growth. Snap out of your stupid delusion!' I thought to myself.

People don't get the fact that having the knowledge and knowing how to use it are two different things.

I am not a God... I make mistakes as well...

Ding Ding

I need to learn from my mistakes...

Ding Ding

I can't go on like this...

Ding Ding

I need to take control of world... No...

Ding Ding

I need to take control of this timeline...

Ding Ding Ding Ding


Holborn's office


Unknown to me, two fellow teachers were watching over my every action, taking notes of my activities and watching me like a patient farmer.

"Your plan was to let him play God?" Steve asked in a calm but worried voice, turning his rolling chair towards Holborn.

Steve was sitting before the desk while Holborn sat behind it. In front of the door was a hologram being played by Holborn's version of Wally.

"No this is a new thing. I tried to give him a wake up call through Sylvia but... I didn't expect an outcome like this. I expected a new timeline to form but this is too early. It's as if he is going on a completely different path, he is creating a completely different timeline," Holborn answered, covering his mouth with his right hand, trying to think about something.

"So, taking control of his body didn't work out?" Steve frowned.

"It worked wonders! I needed Sylvia to give him a wake up call but we sadly don't know what he told her because he turned off the bug we had in the room... I would have done the same," Holborn said.

Steve squinted his eyes and looked at Holborn as if he answered a dumb question with a dumb answer, which he obviously did...

"Anyways, let's not get off topic here. We needed to make sure that he doesn't accidentally bother my goals and the way we did it doesn't bother him or his goals. The way I see it, we did a perfect job for now," Holborn explained, leaning back on his chair. 'Honestly as long as he doesn't become a hero he can do whatever he wants.'

'Whatever you decide to do... don't become a hero Ray. Heroes die... So do their allies and everyone they ever loved.'

"Any progress at finding the Philosopher's stone?" Holborn asked.

"Not yet but I found someone in the Forest of Life... Someone who might be of some help. Did you know that there was a special force among the Hunters that were composed of metahumans?" Steve asked, surprising Holborn.

"Metahumans? In the League of Hunters?!" Holborn couldn't believe his ears, it was as if he had screwed up the timeline entirely. 'I didn't even add them yet! They didn't make any appearance in any of the variant timeline! Why this one? What the hell did I do this time?!'

"She was able to control bugs, insects, arachnids... I didn't even know there were so many types of creatures. I vaporized most of them but she got away in the midst of our fight. I still remember that one spider like creatures that bit my neck," Steve explained, scratching the back of his neck.

"Your neck? Have you seen a doctor?" Holborn took out a pen like object with a ruby on the top of it and brought it near the back of Steve's neck. It was a different model of my TWG.

"Why would I go to a doctor for something as small as this?" Steve asked.

"Oh no... Steve don't freak out... I will save you just stay where ever you are... Don't do anything reckless. I will find you," Holborn slowly backed away from Steve step by step.

"What are you saying? I am right in front of you!" Steve shouted.

"No, you are a clone made by the mutated spider who copied your dna through its venoms and transformed into you, after putting your consciousness inside this body and putting the main body in coma," Holborn explained with a horrified face.


In a blink of an eye Holborn pierced his hand through Steve's chest and backed away in the same instance. He watched as Steve's body and clothes melted down like clay as it finally faded away into dust particles.

"Oh God... What did I do this time?"