
Author's Interference

Revenge, Becoming the strongest, living a wholesome life, protecting the world? Nope, I was just curious. Curious about how a world would be like if there wasn't a single main character. I have always hated main characters who take all the spot light for themselves and make a fool out of everyone just because they can, I wanted a world where everyone can be a main character. A world where the antagonist can kill the protagonist, a world without a protagonist. I always thought that it was an impossible task... however fate wasn't so cruel as everyone thought it to be. Or, maybe I was just lucky... Lucky enough to get a second chance. Lucky enough to create a world where everyone can be a protagonist of their own story (Maybe not everyone but I tried my best), a world without a protagonist. --------------- Join the discord server. https://discord.com/invite/Atg3pzVCGw

Doctor_11th10 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Groundhog hour (5)




Male Dorms


After waking up from a long nap, I stayed within the Sage Realm to familiarise myself with the Sage Force. I thought of asking for grandpa Ben's help but failed to do so as the time reset once again.

'This is the third reset... Holborn sure is giving me a lot of time to improve myself. Hm... How long can he keep this up for? If he can keep it up for as long as he pleases then that means I have a million time loops to improve myself, maybe more. I will divide it accordingly, let's train my Sage Force till the training process slows down then I will take care of some personal matters before using the remaining time to train it further,' I thought.

Sage Force combined with Speed Force... I can already see some interesting combinations... Let's try to use telekinesis first, that wooden bed will do just fine.

After clearing my thoughts, I focused my mind on my bed trying lift it up with my mind.

Accessing the Sage Force was easy but controlling it on the other hand wasn't.


Instead of picking up the the bed I broke it in two pieces.

"Shit... If I wasn't inside a time loop I would have to pay for all that, I should have brought some money-" before I could further, I felt the time around me slowing down.

The same thing is happening once again, is it mother? No, this is my own energy... Holborn?! What the fuck is happening?


A buzzing sound came from under the broken bed, and a similar scene started getting replayed in front of me, the scene when Holborn warned me about the other version of him.

I thought that he left a Time Remnant (temporal duplicate) but it seems I was wrong, he left a hologram... Doesn't that mean that he has no back up plans? Is he really sacrificing himself for the future? Was I wrong about him all along?

I waited till the hologram ended and then went closer to the bed, scanning it with my TWG. There was a nanobot enhanced with a smaller version of perception deceptor under my bed, holding onto a hologram generator.

After the perception deceptor was disabled by my TWG, a different hologram started to play before me... This time however, the time didn't slow down at all, it was just a normal hologram with Holborn's image.

"Hello again, Ray it's been a long while. I assume that you have already reached the point where Roger has been killed and your growth has started to stagnate. I know how stubborn you are but seriously, you started a war... A war against a system's vessel who is also a speedster... You can't back away from it, and you can't move forward either. Without a system you are powerless against him, a system provides it's user with a talent of a genius and never let's that stagnate. Your talent however is purely natural... Create a system for yourself before you make a mistake. Don't make the same mistake as me and let your world die, do better," the hologram said. "Also remember one thing, Doctor will try to stop you from killing him, don't let him decide your fate. He may try to play with your mind but he can never truly intercept with anything that would reset the time loop of this world."

The hologram ended leaving me stunned with information. I calmed down and walked across the room back and forth to process the information that was unintentionally delivered to me before the expected time.

Holborn wasn't the one who created the time loop that I am experiencing... Why didn't I think of this...

Does Holborn have the Speed Force? Yes. Does Holborn have the Still Force? Yes. Can Holborn create a time loop? Also, yes. But can he contain it? No! He can't contain it! Even if he could it wouldn't just affect me but every one...

"Ohhhh... This time loop was created by Doctor, the variant that Holborn talked about... And ofcourse, he doesn't know that I am being affected by it either. He unintentionally trapped all of us in this time loop... He is probably fighting Holborn using this method, a fight between two of the most dangerous variants in the multiverse can't simply be concluded in an hour, it would take them years, maybe decades to reach a conclusion... But they are speedsters which means it will conclude in one year or so. While Holborn remembers none of it because the Doctor doesn't let him, the same can't be said for me. He doesn't even know that I am able to remember everything," I said out loud. "This is perfect... This is the most perfect outcome for me!"

Let those two fight, after all I will be the one to benefit from it. I will take your sacrifice to the heart Holborn. Thank you for providing me with such an opportunity, Holborn, thanks a lot.

'Maybe I don't even need a system at all...' I thought, but Holborn's words stroke me back. 'But... Creating one as a side measure wouldn't hurt.'