
Author's Interference

Revenge, Becoming the strongest, living a wholesome life, protecting the world? Nope, I was just curious. Curious about how a world would be like if there wasn't a single main character. I have always hated main characters who take all the spot light for themselves and make a fool out of everyone just because they can, I wanted a world where everyone can be a main character. A world where the antagonist can kill the protagonist, a world without a protagonist. I always thought that it was an impossible task... however fate wasn't so cruel as everyone thought it to be. Or, maybe I was just lucky... Lucky enough to get a second chance. Lucky enough to create a world where everyone can be a protagonist of their own story (Maybe not everyone but I tried my best), a world without a protagonist. --------------- Join the discord server. https://discord.com/invite/Atg3pzVCGw

Doctor_11th10 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Entrance exam (14)

"Three minutes? I only need one... Just don't turn around..." Tom said.


"Don't be so confident because without your aura... You are a lamb just like me..."

'This kid knew that he won't win against me in a fight... So he waited for his friend to show up after making a bet with me... A tactical genius indeed. I expected no less from Ray's best friend.' Steve thought. 'But...'

In the blink of an eye, John appeared behind Steve in his werewolf form, to slash him with his claws but before he could Steve side stepped away from him, barely dodging the attack.

Even without using any aura Steve was much faster than the young wolf. John tried his best to land a hit on him but failed everytime.

'How is he doing that?' Tom wondered, while trying to catch Steve off guard.

"I know what you are thinking kid, the answer to that is to learn aura!" Steve shouted, casually playing with John.


All of a sudden Tom fired a blue bullet at Steve, hitting him in the back, in the middle of shoulder bones, the only place where his hands couldn't reach, but funny enough that didn't even scratch his shirt.

"What was that supposed to be? Even an mosquito can do more damage." Steve remarked, grinning. "Well times up-"

Before he could finish his words, Tom delivered a swift kick on his head, knocking him back by an inch.

"All that for an inch? I have to say... You are truly commendable for your persistence..." Steve said. "However, that's not nearly enough to defeat me..."

"Oh I know... I know that very well... I wasn't trying to defeat you..." Tom replied.


In an instant, Tom took out a dagger from his back pocket and stabbed Steve's left thigh before using him like a wall and jumping backwards.

Steve tried to move but for some reason his body was stuck.

"That's paralyzing poison... Won't keep him there for long but it is enough for us to make an escape... What are you waiting for?! Run!" Tom shouted, while running away from Steve along with John. "That guy is a monster, even my father can't kill him, the best we can do is stall for time and hope that he doesn't start using his aura."

Steve was so powerful that he even make Mark Wayne, someone who single handedly killed a kryptonian, think twice before messing with him. There wasn't a way to kill him. His mosterous energy reserve and rapid energy absorption could heal him in seconds just like an speedster. And the world doesn't know how scary that regeneration speed is because there are only seven speedsters in this world.

That's why Tom thought that the only way to keep him at the bay was using paralysis poison.

But the problem was...


Steve wasn't a villain of the normal kids anime who follows rules...


He is the one who creates them...

In an instant Steve appeared behind the two of the and grabbed their skulls, bashing them with each other before bashing it against the ground and dragging them through multiple trees, killing everything in their way, mutated beasts, orcs or giant bolders... Nothing was good enough to stop him...

And the scary thing is that he wasn't even using his aura... All of that was his raw strength and durability.

John was knocked out long ago... But Tom remained conscious though all of that.

Steve had already realised that Tom was putting up an act when I knocked him out in our fight, but he was still amazed by his persistence.

'How can a mere human take all of that? Even an adult would die in three hits, he survived more than fifty?! Are all the Wayne family members like him? Is he like me? Does he also have a special constitution?' Steve wondered, that's when it struck him. 'A constitution! That's it! A physical constitution that gets enhanced by aura! The anti-magic body! That's why Ray told me to teach him... Because he has the same constitution as me!'

"So what do you say kid? Do you give up? Or..." Steve tightened his grip on John's skull. "Shall I kill your friend?"

"... I give up, just... Spare that wolf." Tom replied.

"A loyal one, you didn't budge even after I beat you up for so long but instantly gave up when it involved your friend... Hunters... Oh how wonderful you all are..." Steve smiled, putting the both of them on the floor and using his energy to heal their injuries."I will find you after the exam is over, be ready..."

Just like magicians who use mana to heal themselves, aura users have healing techniques, which is harder to learn but way more effective and efficient than the healing spells used by magicians. It's because magicians use mana but aura users use every type of energy, mana can only heal you by a certain amount but energy can regenerate your limbs in a second with the slightest amount.

"Wait! You know that I am a hunter so why did you not kill me?" Tom asked.

"Oh, I suppose you don't know... Hmm, you will find out soon enough. I bet that you will be in for a surprise," Steve vanished from his spot in an instant like he was never there. It felt as if he teleported himself, but in reality, he just moved faster than a human eye could process leaving the curious kid to wonder by himself.

The link to the discord server is in the synopsis. Join it to make changes in the story line and add my novel in your library if you like it. Thanks! (I will also post the character designs there.)

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