
Australian Storm 1876

This is a dark moment when the Chinese nation has fallen for a century. A group of gold diggers set foot on the distant Australian continent. Here, they pursue their dreams…

DaoistdJPqPb · History
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

January 11, 1877, evening, 7 o'clock

  The Hongmen, which has a long heritage, has added new people, and the Honghe Mountain line officially opened the incense hall in the Red River Valley Ranch in Queensland to gather disciples.

  Li Fushou took the role of his own responsibility as the first mountain lord, and added himself to the identity of the leader of a secret association, effectively organizing the scattered Chinese to form a huge underground secret force.

  Hongheshan has set up four inner churches and four outer churches, each with its own duties.

  There are four halls in    including auditorium, punishment hall, executive hall and management hall.

  Guantang is the chief logistics officer of the entire Hongheshan, and the hall master Fan Asheng.

  Guantang is responsible for the purchase of materials, the collection of income, and all matters related to the compensation of the gang's children due to injury, treatment, after-care, and arrangements for the elderly, weak, women and children, etc.

Fatty Chun, the master of the auditorium, is in charge of the Hongmen etiquette of the children in the hall, obeys orders, grows up in an orderly manner, strictly prohibits illegal matters, abides by strict rules and prohibitions, and is in charge of important matters such as the opening ceremony of the temple. .

Nan Huaiyu, the master of Xingtang, is in charge of criminal responsibility in the hall. His subordinates control the core 40 gunmen, and are currently the most elite of Hongheshan.

  Liu Shan, the master of the hall, is a powerful military operation department in the hall, able to mobilize hundreds of Chinese gunmen to take part in the operation.

The   Outer Four Halls are filled by four other big shopkeepers from Fulinmen Hotel, who recruit their own staff, develop their presence, and expand their influence.

  There is nothing to do under the heavy snow, and the Red River Valley Ranch is still full of hustle and bustle.

  The opening ceremony of the Honghe Mountain line to open the mountain and the church was held for 5 consecutive days. Incense candles, smoke, and fanfare activities to engage in feudal superstition, which will not be repeated here.

  In recent years, there is a very market at the entrance of the rivers and lakes, and there are many gold prospectors who want to join without mobilization.

  The closing ceremony is the last day of the opening of the incense hall

  Snowball has grown to more than 2,000 people, of whom more than 1,500 are employees of Red River Valley Ranch, in addition to employees of Fulinmen Restaurant and other well-informed people.

  Hongmen brothers pay attention to benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust, and help each other when they go out. If I eat one bite, you won't be hungry.

  This is exactly what the overseas Chinese need to rely on. When white gold diggers robbed and killed their lives with guns, and ghost mounted police extorted them, they thought that there were thousands of Hongmen brothers behind them. The courage was not ordinary enough.

  After all

  The Chinese have a long clan tradition, which is a memory deeply engraved in the blood. It is inevitable that they will feel helpless when they go out without close friends.

  Hongmen opened the mountain and set up a church at this time, just in response to this urgent psychological need, and the deep endorsement of the Red River Valley Ranch, naturally able to get the approval of the Chinese workers.

  Hugging thighs, who wouldn't?

  In the grand ceremony in full view, the mountain lord Li Fushou donated 1,000 pounds with a big wave of his hand. The other hall hosts responded enthusiastically and donated various funds for the establishment of the "Brother Fund".

  What is a "brothers fund", this is actually a name, used to help the Hongmen brothers in difficulties and illnesses, to relieve the difficulties, to reflect the brothers' love for mutual help and mutual assistance, all accounts are open, and individual applications are open.

  Thirteen Taibao is composed of brothers who acted impartially and loyally convened by Guantang, responsible for the review and distribution of the brothers' funds, publicity beforehand, and publicity afterwards.

  The society has a strict organization, strict rules and disciplines, and maintains the brotherhood of Hongmen with the loyalty of the world. Coupled with the "brother fund" full of love and care, the brothers who join the association have a strong sense of belonging.

  Therefore, there is a suggestion by the Hongmen brothers to lose the opportunity;

  The "Brothers Fund" belongs to everyone. It is not just the leader and the big brothers who contribute money. Every Hongmen brother should make a contribution. The membership fee is paid once a year and a shilling is tentatively determined.

  Amidst the turbulent enthusiasm, the delegates at the meeting showed their hands and voted to pass it, which became the rule of Hongheshan and passed on for a long time.

  Li Fushou announced on the spot;

  All the dues paid by the Hongmen brothers go to the "brothers fund". Under any circumstance in the operation of the gang, no one is allowed to use this important fund, and can only be used for special funds to help the Hongmen brothers solve their difficulties.

  This statement once again received a warm response from everyone.

  The image of Li Fushou, the lord of the mountain, became taller, a fair and dignified, eager, just and righteous, positive image of people from all over the world, willing to give generously to the Hongmen brothers, and was highly praised by the enrolled brothers.

All the gold has forged a golden body for him invisibly, and his excellent reputation for loyalty and fairness will gradually be transformed into personal prestige, spreading from Queensland to New South Wales, Sydney and Canberra. And it affects the extremely remote Western Australia.

  Don't underestimate one shilling per person. The Hongmen brothers need to pay every year. As the base expands, it will become a huge sum of money that is hard to ignore.

  Australia is not very cold in winter, but the temperature difference between day and night is large, the temperature at night will drop below zero, and the temperature will rise to more than 20 degrees Celsius at noon, so the snow melts very quickly.

  After a few days of lively festivals, various construction projects have begun in full swing.

  The Chinese laborers discovered a wonderful thing. The relationship between them seems to have become harmonious, and the quarrels and disputes have also decreased drastically, because everyone is Hongmen brothers and should help each other.

  Even if there is any contradiction, after mediation by the gang leader, it is quickly relieved and will not really hate the other party.

  All this is what Li Fushou hopes to see.

   ten days later

  In the warm sheep pen shed, at first glance, they are filled with newly born lamb cubs. The clumps of lambs are really cute.

  Red River Valley Ranch changed the original extensive animal husbandry, increased manpower for the care of pregnant ewes and cows, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of herds.

  Hundreds of lambs and more than a dozen calves are born on the ranch every day. Before weaning, they are carefully fed in the incubator, which makes the survival rate of lambs and calves reach a peak.

  Li Fushou is inspecting in the incubator and listening to the report of the relevant person in charge, Cai Guangfa;

  "Farmer, according to the current momentum of development, by the end of this year, our sheep herd will be expanded to about 320,000 to 350,000.

  The size of the cattle herd will be expanded to more than 3,500 heads. The herd of this size has greatly exceeded the market capacity. By then, the slaughtered beef may not be sold, and no one cares about the cowhide.

  Relatively speaking, the problem of sheep is bigger.

  Brisbane has a small population, and the carnivorous furs from the ranch cannot be sold to neighboring New South Wales.

  Neighboring states are also trapped by too many agricultural and animal husbandry products. If we add expensive freight, it is actually not as cost-effective as killing the fertile fields. "

  Cai Guangfa is a veteran gold prospector. He has been in Australia for nearly 10 years. He is able to communicate with white people in English proficiently. He has worked in white farms for a long time, so he understands the conditions of the farms relatively well.

  Agricultural and animal husbandry products are abundant throughout Australia. There is no shortage of cattle, sheep, horses, and poultry products. Coupled with the large area and large area, they are basically local sales, because the expensive shipping costs are enough to make people desperate.

  The main force of transporting goods in this era is the four-wheeled carriage. The only way to sell the herd to other autonomous prefectures is to drive the herd through a long migration, which lasts for two months or more.

  When the herd arrives at the destination, it will inevitably lose weight seriously, and the skinny coat will be dim, so naturally it will not sell for a good price.

  To tell the truth, it is better to kill and throw it into the ground.

  The limited population size restricts the size of the market, and the sales market is so large. If the herd is developed arbitrarily, it will inevitably lead to group siege by surrounding ranchers.

  Calculated based on the fact that a ewe breeds 2 to 3 lambs per year, minus the normal mortality rate, if it is allowed to breed, the herd size will nearly double in a year.

  Therefore, ranches generally slaughter rams and male lambs on a large scale to supply the meat sheep market.

  The ram has no value in continuing to develop. The same is true for the male lamb. Instead, it will disrupt the entire flock because of the competition for the mating rights of the ewes.

  Queensland ranchers don't know the benefits of careful feeding?

the answer is negative.

  It is through extensive stocking that over half of the weak lambs are eliminated by nature, and the strongest lambs are selected to survive, and the number of the entire flock is limited.

  Li Fushou picked up a cute lamb, gently stroked the white fluff and said; "Although you do your best to expand the herd, I have my own countermeasures. By the way, how many pigs are there today?"

"In response to the farmer, there are more than 600 breeding sows, more than half of them have brought their young. We recently purchased about a thousand gilts through other ranches, and they can bring their young after May. If we calculate this by the end of the year It can grow to a scale of nearly 10,000. The sows give birth to seven, eight to ten piglets per birth, and the number grows faster."

   "Well, the point is to expand the size of the pig herd. Don't neglect."

   "Understood, I must do my best for my humble duty."

  After a long time in the incubator with a compelling smell, Li Fushou made clear instructions after understanding all aspects of the situation;

  Continue to vigorously develop the herd, the more the better.

   Expanded the recruitment of 150 celebrities in two steps to cope with the growing herd and more heavy work.

  Established an evaluation system for rewards and penalties for laziness, to widen the gap in income, and refer to the implementation of promotion and promotion of supervisors.

  As a rancher, Li Fushou personally goes deep into the front line of the ranch to understand the needs, guide agricultural production and engineering construction, and never leave a chance to fool.

  Under its strict supervision, the Red River Valley Ranch runs at full speed like a winding clockwork, showing an unstoppable vigorous momentum.

  Leaving the breeding base, Li Fushou and his party were stopped halfway, and it turned out that Fan Asheng, the chief logistics officer, came to report in person, which seemed to be a very important matter;

  "Master, the news just came from Brisbane that Ludendorff Ranch will be auctioned off at 2:00 this afternoon."

   "What... It's almost noon now. You told me to auction at 2:00 in the afternoon?"

   "No way, we don't have a source at the State Attorney's Office." Fan Asheng looked bitter, and sweat broke out on his anxious head; "You can quickly get out a charter, what should we do?"

   "Wait... this is not right!"

  After experiencing the initial shock, Li Fushou calmed down quickly, and after calmly thinking about it, he felt that it seemed more like a trap.

  The State Attorney's Office did not leave enough time at all. After receiving the news, Red River Valley Ranch must rush to Brisbane as soon as possible, otherwise it will automatically withdraw.

  How you look at it... it's full of conspiracy.

  It can't be blamed on Li Fushou for thinking too much. Unlike the local Tu-Australian corner, the Chinese nation's thousands of years of history is a history of strategy and fighting wits. There is too much to learn from, too much...

  There are clouds in the ancients;

  The early 橼子 was bad first.

  The gun shot the bird, the knife cut the snake.

  Happiness breeds sorrow, wealth is original sin.

  The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

  It is the most dangerous to get rich before being strong, just like a child holding money through a busy city.


  There are too many similar proverbs and aphorisms. The so-called people are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong. Don't overestimate the moral bottom line of robbers.

  Slightly consider

  Li Fushou pulled Fan Asheng over, whispered something like this in his ear, and then galloped towards the manor.

  Not too old for a while

  The men and horses drove out of the brigade from the manor, surrounded by bulletproof and armored carriages, heading towards the Brisbane city.

  Densely leafy hilly area

  The gray-black road extending from Brisbane came to an abrupt end in the distance. It was approximately in the middle of reaching the Red River Valley Ranch, which was 15 or 6 kilometers away from the city.

  These roads that are padded with cinders have advanced a lot more than they were more than a month ago.

  In the bushes behind the hills, there are a large number of bandits with live ammunition lurking. In the bushes, the sturdy quarter horse herd with irritable snouts from time to time, squeezing and gathering in the lower part of the hill.

  The fully-armed cowboys kept reaching out and stroking the back of the horse. Some people were feeding some black beans and water, trying their best to soothe the sensitive and anxious horses.

  The tall and lanky rancher Smith stared in front of him coldly, with a solemn expression in his eyes.

  On the muddy road, two full oak barrels of black powder were buried, weighing more than 300 pounds. Once ignited by the fuse on the edge of the grass, the armored carriage can be thrown into the sky.

  Too bad, it can also shake all four horses to death.

  This is almost a deadly game. As long as the arrogant Dongfang boy dares to step into the trap, there is absolutely no life.

  It's up to you whether you get the bait?

  (End of this chapter)