
Australian Storm 1876

This is a dark moment when the Chinese nation has fallen for a century. A group of gold diggers set foot on the distant Australian continent. Here, they pursue their dreams…

DaoistdJPqPb · History
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31 Chs

Chapter 16

Chapter 15 Bargaining Chips

  After half a day

  Queensland's Mounted Police deployed on a large scale to conduct a detailed investigation of this gangster attack that occurred not far from the city, and clean up their hands.

  This slaughter-like scene deeply shocked every mounted policeman present and lost his voice.

  Hundreds of Chinese gunmen with nuclear guns and live ammunition were silently riding on the horses, watching a dozen mounted police from a distance, which brought them great pressure and couldn't help but treat the huge power of the Red River Valley Ranch differently.

  No way, big fist these years is the last word, and everything else is not working well.

  The police finally came to a conclusion;

It was a group of gangsters committing crimes, with great contingency and uncertainty. Mendes, who was nicknamed "The Madman" among the dead, can be considered as the first evil has been eliminated. Two or three remnants of big cats and kittens are at large, which can be perfect. The case is closed.

  This kind of result is expected by Li Fushou. The so-called RCMP is nothing. Apart from blackmailing merchants and showing off force, there are almost no detective methods, and no mention of professionalism.

  Unless he was present at the time of the gun case, I would like to track down the case afterwards, ha ha... It's purely wanting to eat, there is no possibility.

  Appointing a Mounted Police is also very casual. The sheriff only needs to hand over the Mounted Police badge to someone.

  Procedures... non-existent, files... non-existent, professional training... non-existent.

  Their duty of patrolling on horseback is to deter criminals, or to chase after crimes, and everything else will do.

  If you don't catch you this time, you won't be able to arrest and imprison the culprit even if you see him on the street next time without conclusive evidence. This is no different from the wild west of the United States.

  Most white cowboys are not educated, and the same is true for the Mounted Police. They don't even understand the most basic wanted order, so don't expect anything else.

  When encountering powerful forces, the sheriff will also pretend to be confused.

  For example, Ludendorff, a rancher who looks like a giant bear among a pile of dead bodies, has extremely obvious characteristics, and it is unreasonable to recognize him!

  He is a face and face in Brisbane. There are no more than 20 large ranchers nearby, including Ludendorff and Smith.

  The sheriff can be recognized even if he is blind, not to mention there are more than a dozen mounted police officers. As a result, they didn't mention a word in the case statement, as if this had never happened before.

  Li Fushou knew this situation well, and did not expect the sheriff to enforce the law impartially. What a stupid thing to expect!

   "Look, Li, this time the Thunder's shots have shocked many people, and it has reduced a lot of trouble for me, hehehe..."

  Immigration Commissioner Mr. Wexford smiled like a chrysanthemum. He was dressed in an exquisite woolen tailored suit, and he held a Tiffany tailored cane decorated with gems and fine diamonds. His face was red and very happy.

  Only this expensive cane, worth 135 pounds, is not the best cane in Mr. Wexford's house.

  After having a huge amount of money, Mr. Wexford swelled fiercely. The collection of precious walking sticks alone exceeded 20, five precious carriages and many beautiful mistresses.

  He doesn't mention New York or Ireland anymore, and he is ready to work in Brisbane until he grows old, because the pound is so good here.

  For people in the upper class, the cane is the best way to show their identity. The great writer Tolstoy collected more than 50 handles, and Mr. Sydney, the Minister of the Interior of the British Empire, collected more than 30 valuable canes.

  By the way, the city of Sydney in Australia was named after this chief.

   "Damn, I almost lost my life."

   "That's also worth it."


  Li Fushou couldn't help showing a black question mark face, and was very dissatisfied with the partner's words. Can your special sister be a little sympathetic?

Mr. Wexford realized that the other party's mood was very bad, and said with a relieved smile; "After this incident, Governor Frank, who was originally very dissatisfied with our cooperation, finally became quiet. It would take more points to stop chattering. Some money, and proposed that I be his campaign partner to fight for re-election as governor next year."

   "Oh, what can you get?"

  "Governor Frank promised that after running for re-election, I, as the lieutenant governor, can be in charge of the State Department of Immigration, Public Security, Industry and Commerce, and concurrently serve as the mayor of Brisbane. I believe this is a big cake that no one can refuse."

   "Well, what did you promise him?"

   "I promised him to donate 1,200 pounds and try his best to collect votes, and, um...all naturalized Chinese will vote for him to be elected governor."

  Finally showed the tail of the fox, Li Fushou smiled carelessly, and raised Erlang's legs leisurely and stopped talking.

  He doesn't speak, but the meaning is obvious...what can I get from it?

  Don't be so special for a long time, you two guys are just picking up good things, I'm just like a silly kid, working hard behind me, so... I didn't catch the slightest goodness.

  There is no tempting benefit, I don't do it!

  Now the governor of the Australian Dominion has greater powers. Basically, it can be regarded as a soil emperor. The original European nobles have the same set of powers, and they can even initiate wars and determine territorial ownership.

  The entire British Empire Australia (originally including New Zealand), there are a total of 10 autonomous states, 9 of which came together and discussed together to form the Australian Dominion.

  New Zealand did not feel any benefit, so it was reluctant to participate, so it was isolated.

  I love to participate or not, no one invites you, there is no way to participate in the future!

   Regarding the joint resolutions made by the nine Australian dominions, the British Empire respects and recognizes that, after all, it is a colony established mainly by the descendants of the British Empire. The bones are broken and the tendons are connected. Of course, certain preferential treatment should be given.

  Look around the world

  The dominions and colonies under the jurisdiction of the British Empire in the world are as large as 33 million square kilometers. They are divided into three levels: the mainland, the dominions, and the colonies according to the distance between them.

  The mainland of the British Isles is not mentioned, of which only 5 dominions are sons, namely Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa.

  Yes, Europe's Ireland is on the list. It does belong to the dominion of the British Empire rather than the mainland. At this time, we can understand why Mr. Wexford agrees that he is an Irish rather than a British.

  Hundreds of years of falling in love and killing each other, the grievances and grievances are too deep, it's hard to say!

  Not to mention, the Great Irish Famine occurred from 1845 to 1850, and the Irish population dropped by nearly a quarter.

  This shocking number not only starved to death, but also included about 1.8 million Irish people who had emigrated overseas due to famine.

  Unusual population curve, a deep mental trauma.

  Since the end of 1846, immigration has reached an unprecedented scale. In the following 10 years, 1.8 million people left Ireland, and more than 100,000 of them went to Australia across the oceans, with endless blood and tears in them.

  It's only a mere ten years ago, it's just a moment in history.

  Under the colonial system of the British Empire, the dominion has the highest status, enjoys great autonomy, and enjoys the most imperial care.

  With all kinds of investment and barrier-free trade facilities, except for military and diplomatic aspects, which are under the jurisdiction of the empire, the British Empire does not ask what they want to do.

  The colonies are all directly managed by the British, without autonomy. In the eyes of the United Kingdom, they are basically pure raw materials and commodity markets.

  For example, the colonies in Central and South America, Asia and Africa, including British India, are of this type, and the same is true for Singapore and Hong Kong.

   In addition, there is a protectorate. Both military and diplomacy are under the control of the British Empire. It is the lowest in the colonial system.

  Obvious examples are the current Fusang country and Iran. After being opened by the powerful ships and guns of European colonists, they were trapped in various unequal treaties to pay military, customs, and other independent rights and interests, and they became subsidiary protectors.

  The Manchu and Qing empire does not belong to this category. The tragic scene of the Eight-Power Allied Forces entering Peiping has not happened yet, and it can still be maintained for a while.

  Back indoors

Li Fushou was silent with his legs folded. Mr. Wexford quickly turned his mind to persuade the other party to support his and the governor's campaign combination. He thought carefully and said; "Lee, we are close partners and allies. ."

  "You have got your share." Li Fushou answered indifferently.

"But... don't you want your allies to go further? This will bring great convenience to your development, and the benefits are endless. You must know that in many places, there are still great restrictions on the Chinese. If it's different, I will strive to get you equal treatment..."

   "I am not a politician or a philanthropist, I just take care of my own business."

  "There are also many commercial benefits. I will help you smooth out your competitors, as long as you speak."

  "Mr. Wexford, I am a very principled businessman. I never attempt to use unreasonable means to defeat competitors. I only want to use my strength to win the competition."

  Believe in you to have a ghost!

  Mr. Wexford couldn't help but roll his eyes, knowing that he would definitely not be able to convince the cunning Oriental in front of him if he didn't throw some dry goods.

   "Look, my dear Lee, Governor Frank and I both know who organized this despicable attack. This is nothing to hide from the caring people. Ludendorff and his like are simply uncivilized barbarians who must be severely punished.

  I will persuade Governor Frank to take decisive action against crime, expose the truth in the name of the state government, and confiscate all rights and interests of Ludendorff Ranch as a severe punishment for planning this despicable attack.

  At that time, as long as an internal small auction is held, you can expand your ranch. "

   "Then I still have to spend money to buy it?"

   "Hehe...Of course, this is a procedure that must be experienced in order to make the property you obtain reasonable and legal, and to be protected and recognized by the imperial law."

  Mr. Wexford laughed twice. Seeing that the other party was still indifferent, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious; "God, just say what you want."

"As far as I know, Ludendorff is not the only one involved in planning the attack, but there is also a rancher named Smith who is at large." Li Fushou let go of Erlang's legs, and said with a heavy sigh; "During this attack, we Sacrificed 10 brave Chinese guards. Although each person compensated 300 pounds, these are ten precious lives, which are by no means measurable by money. Ten parents lost their beloved sons and ten complete families broke down. Money can't heal the pain in the heart. Only by punishing sins can we achieve the goal of promoting justice."


  Wexford couldn't help coughing twice, interrupting the little fox's long talk.

  He swears;

  I have never seen such a difficult little fox in my life. Everyone compensates 300 pounds?

  Although we don't know how much the resettlement fee will be compensated, Wexford dare to bet on his net worth, and there is no way to have this amount of 300 pounds.

Ludendorff is dead after all. There is no resistance to legal action against his orphans and widows. The confiscation of pastures to compensate the trauma of the victims and the bureaucrats in Queensland is just a matter of course.

  But Smith is not dead yet, and he is an authentic Englishman. He enjoys a lofty status in this remote Queensland state. Killing a few Chinese is not a big deal, and just fooling around will pass.

  Want to confiscate his pasture, there is no door.

  Don't say you didn't catch it on the spot, it's useless to catch it on the spot, Smith still twisted his neck and refused to admit it, no one was wrong.

  From the state government to the parliament, from the Royal Queensland State Ranchers Association to the Royal Gold Mines Association, they are all controlled by the British. Smith, a rancher speaking, can be more useful than Wexford.

  After all, one is British and the other is Irish. There is a clear distinction between the two.

"What you said is really impossible. Let's change the terms. For example, the three thousand pounds pension will be paid from the auction proceeds of Ludendorff Ranch. This is okay." After a pause, Wexford looked sincere. He continued: "Lee, let us all be realistic. No one in Australia can hold Smith accountable. Although we know he did it, we can't do anything about it."

   "My carriage was broken."

   "Yes, we promise to compensate you for two identical carriages, brand new."

   "My spirit has been greatly traumatized, and now I can't sleep all night. When I close my eyes, I remember the **** scene of the attack. The heroic guards fell in front of my eyes..."

   "OK, OK, how much money will make you sleep soundly again, 1,000 pounds, or 1,500 pounds? Dear Li, don't go too far. The maximum of 2,000 pounds can't be more."

   "Well, I reluctantly accept it."

   "Then we have reached an agreement?"

   "What are you kidding me? I just healed the pain in my heart. I haven't thought of what suitable conditions should I offer?"

Hearing this answer, Wexford felt that the blood vessels in his forehead jumped like he was about to explode. He couldn't control his hand, and wanted to swing a hard cane and hit the eastern man in the face. superior.

  Looking at his unhappy face, Li Fushou smiled gently;

  I just like to see you look angry, but I can't help it.

  Fool, I want to change to a lieutenant governor for 5,000 pounds. I really have a good abacus.

  No wonder it is the worst among Oxford University students, not without reason.

  Uh... By the way, I will add a Ludendorff ranch, but I need to spend money to buy it, which can only be slightly cheaper.

  Have already completed 3,011 certificates of naturalization, plus the 555 copies brought this time, which means 3566 certificates of naturalization, and 3566 qualified votes next year.

  Before the election in August next year

At least 10,000 more Chinese workers across Australia can make at least another 10,000 votes, which means 13,566 votes, which is enough in Queensland, which has a population of less than 200,000 (including more than 50,000 Chinese without voting rights and East Indies immigrants). Can influence the Queensland state election situation and determine the final candidate for the governor.

  This is where Li Fushou's influence lies. He cannot be easily sold at a low price, and must be exchanged for substantial benefits.

  For example, they control the Queensland public security or the mounted police force. This is the only organized paramilitary force in the entire autonomous state and has established its own armed organization of the Chinese People's Army.

  Militia armed forces are very marketable among whites. In the civil wars in the South and North of the United States, militia armed forces are an important force to control the situation. This is also common in Australia.

  The establishment of their own militia forces by the Chinese will stir the sensitive nerves of the British, but the endorsement by the elected autonomous prefectures is relatively simple and will not cause fierce backlash.

  Li Fushou does not believe in those white armed organizations, let alone that they will defend his own interests. He wants to control armed organizations that are sufficient to maintain his own security. This concern must be understood by the other party.

  But he will not propose it now, but will directly propose it to the right person at the right time, such as when the campaign is anxious, to Governor Frank.

  If you agree, hello, hello everyone, Mr. Governor.

  If I disagree, I can only call you Mr. Frank, congratulations in advance for your decision to lose the election, get ready to go back to the British Isles!

  As long as Governor Frank is not stupid, he should know how to choose.

  (End of this chapter)