
Australian Storm 1876

This is a dark moment when the Chinese nation has fallen for a century. A group of gold diggers set foot on the distant Australian continent. Here, they pursue their dreams…

DaoistdJPqPb · History
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31 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Great Construction

After nearly 600 years of disintegration, the Greater Germany region has finally unified into a modern country. This is a major historical event in European history and will influence the general trend of the world for more than a hundred years.

  The current international situation is that there are many European powers, and the big powers gather together. On the land, the top four are Russia, France, Germany, and Austria-Hungary, each occupying one side.

  Supplied by second-class powers such as Italy, Ottoman, Spain, and the Netherlands, they compete fiercely with each other, and large-scale wars continue.

  The unrest in the world originates from the British Empire, the world overlord who hangs lonely overseas. It is a complete **** cudgel, and every war has its horrible shadow behind it.

  Europe is too far away, and Li Fushou can't feel all these disturbances. He is now an overseas Australian citizen of the British Empire, and a citizen of the Qing Dynasty, a native of China.

  You can fully enjoy the trade convenience of the Commonwealth Colonial System of the British Empire, so as to develop your own strength and watch the ebb and flow of the world.

  After a round of inspection

  Li Fushou returned to the manor with a lot of emotion, the Red River Valley Ranch's family background is too solid, and three exclamation points are not enough.

  What he saw made him go around the room twice in excitement, and shouted: "It's worth it, it's worth it, it's very profitable this time."

   More than two dozen large barns are filled with grain, and there are mountains of wool and countless cows and sheep leathers in the warehouses, all of which are left unattended.

  Owen, the prodigal son, I'm afraid I've never cared about it.

  A large number of crops are rotted in the ground because no one harvests them, so they can only wait until the spring is crushed and plowed into the ground to be used as fertilizer.

  So much food storage means that Fulinmen Restaurant will not need to buy rice and noodles for a long time in the future, and the meat supply is also guaranteed.

  Oh... By the way, there is no need to buy coal.

  The Red River Valley Ranch itself has an excellent open-pit coal mine. The coal used in the hotel is just sprinkled with water, even if it's planed.

  The large amount of materials needed for the construction project can be solved by the Red River Valley Ranch itself. Grain, meat, vegetables, and fruits are all available, just eat it hard enough.

  There is no shortage of main building materials such as earth, stone, wood, etc. The animal power such as cattle and horses is also very abundant. What needs to be purchased is cement and construction steel, and the overall cost is not high.

  Calculated on the basis of the first batch of 600 workers, each person's monthly salary of one shilling plus food and accommodation is 50 pounds per month.

  This little money can be earned by selling three certificates of naturalization.

  Now Li Fushou is not short of money. He used a loan of GBP 15,000 from Standard Chartered Bank to purchase Red He Valley Ranch, and the remaining GBP 22,000 was paid in cash.

  No one knows that he still holds nearly 30,000 pounds in cash in his hands. It is a staggering amount of money in this era, all stored in the thick safe of the ranch.

  No need for publicity and encouragement. The Chinese are very enthusiastic about the certificate of naturalization. If they try to borrow money, they have to buy a copy. As long as they can stay in Australia and develop, are they afraid that they will not have the opportunity to make money?

  Everyone knows the truth. The Chinese workers who have already applied for the entry certificate are jealous and the news spreads among the Chinese community in the entire Australian mainland.

  A large number of wealthy Chinese from Sydney and Canberra are constantly rushing to Brisbane, which has become a hot spot in the Australian mainland, with endless temptation and attraction.

The deal between Li Fushou and Mr. Wexford involves more and more big names. In the face of interests, everyone has forgotten the British Empire. Even the most mean white supremacists dare not act rashly at this time. .

  Blocking people's wealth is like killing a parent. Standing on the opposite side of everyone, silently dying is the best destination.

  After entering December, 3011 certificates of naturalization of Chinese workers have been completed so far.

  Such a big matter, because everyone in the interest chain helped to cover it up, but it didn't explode. It can be seen that the entire state government and even the city of Brisbane are all trapped in corruption and are completely malfunctioning.

  Only in this item, Li Fushou earned 58,000 pounds. In addition to buying the manor, he also paid a large amount of cement and construction steel funds, and customized three 3,500-ton freighters in North America, which cost a large amount of pounds.

  Even if you spend so much money, there is still nearly £30,000 in cash in the safe, which is more profitable than grabbing money.

  Every month, Fulinmen Hotel also brings a stable income of thousands of pounds, so much money, he doesn't know how to spend it.

  It is a matter of course for the large-scale construction of civil engineering to transform huge amounts of funds into tangible foundations.

  According to the calculation, if the second batch of 600 workers is added, the number of employees under Li Fushou will reach 1,760. Of which, excluding 1,200 construction workers, there are also as many as 560.

  Except for more than 30 white cowboys and a dozen professionals like Feuerbach-Kant, all the others are Chinese.

  Uh... black slaves are not counted, they are the private property of the rancher.

As a result, Li Fushou established an armed team of as many as 200 people. All of these gunmen had obtained naturalization certificates. Therefore, he owed him a large sum of money. The naturalization certificates were locked in the safe of the ranch and could not be taken away until the debts were paid. .

  A certificate of naturalization costs 40 pounds. Li Fushou actually paid only 21 pounds and 3 pence. The rest is his profit.

  The gunmen didn't know this. They tried their best to make up a range of money. The shortfall could only be borrowed from Li Fushou, and since then they have been burdened with heavy debts and interest.

  These measures ensured that the 200 gunmen would follow Li Fushou all the way to the dark, and they would be able to pull out and chat with others at any time. This was where he had the confidence to dare to act boldly.


  Li Fushou did not spend any money, and he gained the loyalty of 200 gunmen. This is the power of money, which locks the gunmen tightly like a cage.

  Everyone is prosperous, and every one loses.

  No one knows why Li Fushou mobilized people to build dams and spent huge sums of money to build large hydroelectric power stations. What is the purpose?

  No one dared to question, all this is the private property of the rancher, he can splurge and do whatever he wants.

  Li Fushou doesn't need to explain, he will naturally understand then.

  From last year

  France, the United Kingdom, and the United States have successively built a series of thermal power plants for lighting and other power generation facilities, which greatly promoted social progress and urban construction, and set off a wave of construction of power plants in various economic powers.

  Now this boom has not spread to remote Australia, but it is not far away.

  The thermal power generation equipment is mature. Compared with hydroelectric power generation, it is just that the driving force is changed from a coal-fired boiler to a hydraulic lever. There is no technical difficulty.

  Hydraulic levers can use ship-grade transmission shafting, which only needs to be customized in the shipyard. Powerful countries such as the United States, Britain, France and Germany have this kind of high-strength steel shafting technology, which is easy to implement.

  After the hydropower station is established, a 30-kilometer power transmission line can be pulled into Brisbane to support the lighting of the entire city and establish its own power company.

  As the first person to eat crabs, there is no doubt about the profit.

  The vision of rebirth people is not lacking. When you have money to spend as much as you want, the combination of the two will become extremely terrible, and you will be at the forefront of the trend everywhere.

  With sufficient electricity, steel plants, shipyards, milk powder plants, woolen mills, printing and dyeing plants, food processing plants, and canning plants can all be established to further process the primary resources of the ranch to increase the added value and sell them overseas.

  After the huge increase in production capacity, the entire Queensland home-made collar is from Australia, and will become the primary raw material supplier for the Red River Valley Ranch, and will be forced to accept the squeeze of the factory.

You can be arrogant and show off the superiority of white people. The premise is that you have to bear the cost of a large number of agricultural and sideline products that rot in the ground. Obviously you have a large amount of high-quality land but cannot expand production and cannot be converted into money. Lord, buy expensive Paris style dresses for women and children.

  Otherwise, you must lower your arrogant head, soften your stance, and beg to become a stable raw material supplier for Red River Valley Ranch, and accept the harsh pricing and exploitation of Red River Valley Ranch.

  The reality is so harsh. With the control of industrial production and transoceanic trade, Red River Valley Ranch choked the economic throat and decided the jobs of tens of thousands of people.

  This will greatly expand Li Fushou's right to speak, and his influence from the Chinese ethnic group to white ranchers comes from every level of society and has a pivotal position.

  In Li Fushou's heart:

  This is a five-year plan. The Red River Valley Ranch will be built as the core base of the entire plan because of its excellent iron and coal resources, as well as convenient river traffic conditions.

  Red River Valley Reservoir Power Station is the key first step. The starting point of the entire development plan, all planning will rely on the infrastructure of the power station.

  This is related to Li Fushou's far-reaching plan and is the foundational project of the entire broad blueprint. The importance cannot be overemphasized.

  Those who do not seek forever are not enough to seek for a while.

  In these days, Li Fushou has thought a lot. Destiny is composed of choices made at intersections, as if there is an incredible magic power to push people forward.

  When he first disembarked, Li Fushou was optimistic and never expected that he would be able to create such a magnificent situation in a short period of time, which was beyond expectation.

  After opening the Fook Lam Man Restaurant, he had the idea of ​​a steel lunch box, which made the hotel popular and became one of the leading Chinese restaurants in Chinatown.

  The real turnaround occurred at Standard Chartered Bank. When I met Manager Kestner at the bank, I learned that I could start with Red River Valley Ranch, which can be said to be the real starting point for changing Li Fu's life.

   Suffering from insufficient funds, it is the beginning of another leap to be forced to participate in the Chinese naturalization certificate transaction to earn much-needed funds.

  From then on, Li Fushou's career took off in the air relay, and it was unstoppable, and finally created the current good situation, magnificent and exciting.

  Reflecting the present and the past, something called ambition is slowly sprouting and growing, and while subtly changing Li Fushou's character, it will also change more things.

  A butterfly in the Amazon jungle flapped its wings, and a hurricane formed in the central Pacific a month later, affecting the climate of the entire North American region.

  (End of this chapter)