
Australian Storm 1876

This is a dark moment when the Chinese nation has fallen for a century. A group of gold diggers set foot on the distant Australian continent. Here, they pursue their dreams…

DaoistdJPqPb · History
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31 Chs

Chapter 10

With sufficient funds in hand, the expansion of Fulinmen Hotel has entered the fast lane. In addition to the main store, a second store and a third store have been opened in Chinatown, and new locations of four stores have been prepared.

  As a result, the number of employees has also ballooned to more than 260.

  The third batch of 10,000 steel food containers arrived. After the first few days of excitement, the leasing situation slowed down and only sold about 1/3.

On the one hand, because the market is saturated, basically one Chinese gold digger rents a food box for every two people, and the rest are basically diehards who save money. They would rather be physically broken than spend two silver shillings. .

  There are still a small number of people who have unique solutions, such as arranging rabbits to hit yellow goats, fishing and hitting kangaroos, anyway, there are many prey in the wilderness, and they are stupid and easy to catch.

  On the other hand, because the weather is getting colder, the method of panning for gold mainly in shallow rivers is no longer feasible. Gold prospectors are forced to go ashore to screen for gold mines on nearby land, and their income plummets, less than 1/4 of the original.

  In the cold weather in October, standing in the ice-to-bone water, even a strong man can't support it for 20 minutes, and it often leaves serious sequelae.

  In this case, some gold prospectors tightened their money bags and were unwilling to pay more.

  After entering November, the weather is getting colder.

Li Fushou was riding a four-wheeled carriage with a steel plate sandwiched on its inner wall. He had just returned to his residence from Standard Chartered Bank. Nan Huaiyu was sitting next to the carriage driver with a short gun in his waist. There were two long guns full of bullets in the long box under the buttocks. , In order to deal with any unexpected events.

  On both sides of the carriage are Chinese gunmen with live ammunition. After a period of training, they are now vigilant.

  Li Fushou got off the carriage and looked around, and walked into the courtyard without saying a word.

  Although the business has been declining recently, the customer base of nearly 20,000 people is not for fun, and the deposit discount in his pocket still steadily grows to around £6,900.

  Recently, I have been in frequent contact with the banker Kevin Turner. I contacted the Irving family through Standard Chartered Bank, and received mixed news;

  Owen doesn't care who is the buyer, as long as he is willing to pay cash as soon as possible, he agrees to sell the ranch. The current price is 33,000 pounds.

  In addition to the permanent property rights of 530 square kilometers of land, there are also a large number of auxiliary buildings and large-scale sheep pens, stables, cow sheds, a coal mine, a bauxite mine, and 3000 acres of land that have been reclaimed.


  Owen Farm also has more than 100,000 sheep, more than 2,000 cattle and a large number of chickens, ducks, geese and poultry. This part is worth more than 4,000 pounds.

   Therefore, if you want to win the entire Irving Farm, you have to pay more than 37,000 pounds, and it is impossible for less.

  In this era, it is really a huge sum of money, enough for the British Imperial Navy to buy a 4500-ton steam ironclad ship, which can buy 2,000 strong black slaves in the French-ruled area of ​​southern America.

  Calculating the money under his control, Li Fushou still missed a full £30,000.

  Standard Chartered Bank is willing to provide 15,000 pounds of credit support. This part must be mortgaged by pasture, but there is still a shortfall of 15,000 pounds.

  In the past few days, Li Fushou is troubled by this.

  Because that boy Owen can't wait to go to Europe, it seems that he can't wait for a day.

  Li Fushou walked into the room and closed the door. This is the place where Mr. Mike Hamner and his family originally lived. The doors and windows are beautifully decorated in European style, and there is also a large fireplace.

  He sat on the chair and sighed, full of longing for the vast Irvine Farm, knowing that once the opportunity is lost, it will never come again.

  For white ranchers, farms are the lifeblood of generations of business, the foundation of survival, and the unique lifestyle of white ranchers, and it is impossible to transfer them out easily.

  Unless the previous generation passed away or was burdened with heavy debts, or met a prodigal like Owen, who would be willing to ruin the foundation.

Irvine Ranch is also in the top 10 in Queensland. Although there are many white ranchers who are greedy and know that this is a good industry that can be handed down, they are far inferior to Li Fushou and can't come up with a large amount of cash. Purchase a ranch.

  Owen, a natural prodigal son who recognizes money and does not recognize people, things froze there.

  Li Fushou took a sip of coffee, letting the bitter taste linger in his mouth, he couldn't help but feel refreshed.

  No way, buddies can only make big moves.

  The slender fingers tapped the leather backrest of the chair lightly, and the look in Li Fushou's eyes gradually became firmer, ready to implement the plan.

   "Huaiyu, you can go to the State Immigration Department for a trip, and invite Mr. Wexford to come. I have important matters to discuss with him."

   "I see, Master."

  Nan Huaiyu went out immediately, and went to the immigration officer according to the orders of the young master.

  After coming to Brisbane for more than two months, Li Fushou became a rising star in Chinatown, and he was well-known by the upper echelons of Queensland, so he also knew many powerful people.

  For example, state legislators, lawyers and bankers, members of the Royal Australian Gold Mine Committee and members of the Rancher Association, members of the upper echelons of police and politics, etc.

   After all, Brisbane is just a small city with less than 100,000 people, and there are only dozens of people with faces and faces, so it's not difficult to get acquainted with.

  Li Fushou's plan is very simple. He is going to sell the naturalization permits of the British Empire and Australian colonies. This thing looks like a simple piece of paper, but it is actually the official recognition of the Chinese identity.

   is completely different from a simple entry permit, which is an extremely important proof of identity.

In other words, the British Empire recognizes that the Chinese who have obtained this naturalization permit are citizens of the British Empire's overseas colonies, can conduct business in accordance with the law, get married and obtain property and personal rights protection, have the right to elect and be elected in autonomous states, have the qualifications for political and public office, and Have all other corresponding rights.

  The Chinese who have obtained the naturalization permit can become police officers and government personnel, can join the army or enter politics, and become one of the true masters of this land.

  Of course, this refers to the Australian colonial government of the British Empire, not the mainland of the British Isles, which is thousands of miles away.

  Why does Li Fushou dare to do this?

  The reason is very simple. Mr. Wexford, the director of the Queensland Immigration Department, is a typical Irishman.

  The so-called interests of the British Empire are in his eyes, nothing.

  In the eyes of those who don't know the inside story, Mr. Wexford is considered to be an authentic Englishman, but he thinks he is an Irishman, which is different from those Englishmen.

  The grievances and grievances in it are too long to speak of, so I won't mention it for the time being.

  Therefore, there is no psychological barrier for Mr. Wexford to sell Queensland naturalization permits in private.

  The Chinese gold diggers in Queensland are rich in nature, but because of the Chinese tradition of thrift and frugality, they are unwilling to expose their wealth to the whites.

  Only in 1876, gold prospectors in Queensland sent £800,000 worth of gold to Eastern China. It can be seen that this is a big gold mine worthy of further excavation.

  Why did the tens of thousands of Chinese gold prospectors in Brisbane, fewer than a hundred naturalized, and finally married white women and settled down, becoming a part of the city.

  Because the British have always been wary of Chinese naturalization and are easily reluctant to open their mouths. This will cause an imbalance in the national structure and is not conducive to white rule.

  Chinese gold diggers, even if they were holding money, could not find temple doors to worship Buddha, let alone obtain naturalization permits to settle down.

  Is they unwilling?

   Feiye, deep in the heart of every Chinese gold digger, he is willing to settle in this beautiful and fertile land, take root deeply and thrive.

  But I can't get a naturalization permit, I can't take my lover's arm into the church here, get married and have children, do business and buy a house, I am a casual worker, which shows the extreme importance of naturalization permit documents.

by the way

  Li Fushou also met Mr. Wexford, Director of the Immigration Department when he was applying for a naturalization permit. The two had a friendly and in-depth conversation and understood what was beyond the topic.

  In a moment

  Mr. Wexford came as scheduled, Li Fushou let him go to a quiet study to discuss in detail, and asked Nan Huaiyu not to disturb this important private meeting.

  "Mr. Wexford, come to a Havana cigar. This is the best product from America."

   "Hmm, why not?"

Mr. Wexford is a middle-aged man with a slightly blessed stature. He graduated from the famous Oxford University. Most of his authentic British classmates hold important positions, or hold important positions in the Admiralty or the Ministry of the Interior, and the worst are also everywhere. The chief of the colony of the British Empire in the world.

  For example, his Irish countryman is the Chief Secretary of Administration in Hong Kong. He is much better than Mr. Wexford, at least not in this remote place where birds don't shit.

  So for Mr. Wexford, making a sum of money to return to Ireland or go to America is a very realistic choice.

  At least New York, a gathering place for Irish people, is also 100 times stronger than Brisbane.

  The secret conversation between the two people lasted for about 30 minutes, and then ended the topic in a pleasant atmosphere, and the two big hands were tightly held together.

  From this moment on, the two people become an alliance of interests.

  Mr. Wexford is responsible for the wrangling of the Queensland Dominion Government. It is Li Fushou who is responsible for finding wealthy Chinese gold diggers for naturalization and paying related payments, and both parties share the benefits.

  Queensland Department of Immigration does not cost much to perform official documents, only one pound and six pence, mainly because the photo and related procedures are required on the naturalization documents. This part of the cost is borne by the applicant.

  The two parties agreed that the Chinese gold digger needs to pay 40 pounds for naturalization. The money is divided equally between the two. Mr. Wexford will receive 20 pounds for each certificate of naturalization.

  Mr. Wexford cannot own it alone. He needs to be in the rain and dew with the co-conspirators. He will definitely take the big head, which is also a lot of money.

  Li Fushou sent someone to run errands to obtain a certificate of naturalization to obtain 18 pounds, 11 shillings and 14 pence. In addition to rewarding his subordinates, everything else was included in his own pocket, which was more profitable than gold rush.

  After the two sides broke up, they started intensive preparations.

  The news spread quickly among the hired staff of Fulinmen Hotel;

  The young master has channels to obtain an official certificate of naturalization in Australia, and he only needs to spend 40 pounds to clear the relevant personnel.

  Every Chinese who hears this news are all moved by it.

  Young Master Li Fushou, who is doing such a big business, still cheats others?

  The fast-moving ones have already taken action. You can get the naturalization certificate by raising funds over the box. If you want to get ahead of others, the sooner the better.

  Only three days

  Li Fushou's men collected 21 naturalization certificates and £840, demonstrating the wealth of Chinese gold diggers and the infinite magic of naturalization certificates, allowing the Chinese to open their belts and take out the last steel jump.

  Mr. Wexford is also very efficient. A series of procedures such as photographing and filing were completed in one day, and then a formal naturalization oath was held at the Immigration Department, and a formal naturalization certificate stamped with a stamp was obtained.

  This action, like a large rock thrown into a calm lake, exploded in an instant among the Chinese workers.

  No need to mobilize more, 52 applications were received on the 4th day, 71 applications were received on the 5th day, and the number soared to 171 applications on the 6th day...

  The enthusiasm for naturalization from Chinese workers left the initiators Li Fushou and Mr. Wexford stunned, and it seemed as if something extraordinary had happened.

  But they couldn't disembark anymore. The surging large sums of pounds made everyone red-eyed, and they worked harder to work overtime.

  As of the end of November

The 1920 official certificates of naturalization were completed. Li Fushou rushed to pay all the money for the purchase of Irvine Ranch before the end of the month, and formally completed the bulk property rights transaction through the lawyer's office, and renamed Irvine Ranch to Red River Valley Ranch, truly becoming his own Subordinate industry.

  By facilitating this large-scale transaction, Standard Chartered Bank also received thousands of pounds of intermediary fees, and the three parties were very happy.

  The vast Red River Valley pasture

  Li Fushou riding a horse standing on a high mountain collar, overlooking the distant sky, until the end of his line of sight is all his pasture land, and an overwhelming pride rises in his heart.

  Look far away

  Several silver-white rivers meander into the Brisbane River, and then flow down the red valley of the peaks to the lower Brisbane city, and finally enter the endless South Pacific through Moreton Bay.

  Ocean-going ships transporting goods can enter the hinterland of the pasture through the big river and go back to more distant places.

  The dark forests in the distance are too dark to see. On the vast pastures, cattle and sheep wander leisurely in groups of three to five. The rich pastures are as tall as half of the people, and they don't need anyone to look after them.

  The high-quality sheep on the pasture can give birth to 2 to 3 lambs every year. If it is not slaughtered, the hundreds of thousands of sheep all over the pasture will soon double, which is a headache.

Li Fushou took a deep breath of the icy air with the fragrance of mud, and pointed to the front with a horse whip in his hand, and said, "Morita, Asheng, when you just got off the boat, did you think that in just over three months, I will be able to create Such a grand scene?"

  "The young master's appearance is far behind my generation."

   "Yes, I can't even dream of it! The young master is a mighty man like a god, and being able to follow along is the greatest blessing in my life, Fan Asheng."

"Yeah yeah…"


  Li Fushou burst into laughter, the pleasure in his heart was simply unparalleled, jumping and hitting his chest, as if he was about to come out in the next minute.

  (End of this chapter)