
Chapter 0 Prologue



In the vast, dark expanse of space, a solitary planet floated, an enigmatic gem glittering amidst the void. Draped in obsidian shadows, its surface hinted at untold tales and secrets hidden within the cosmic fabric. An ethereal allure emanated, drawing curious gazes from afar. From this distant world emerged a cosmic envoy, a meteorite released from the planetary embrace. Gracefully descending through the cosmic theater, this celestial emissary carried an enigmatic force, hurtling towards an unforeseen destiny on a distant planet below.

As the celestial envoy hurtled towards its destined planet, its descent culminated in a breathtaking spectacle—an impact that sent shockwaves rippling through the land. The meteorite's collision unleashed a wave of mystical energy, casting an otherworldly hue across the skies. A radiant pulse emanated from the epicenter, spreading a mystical resonance that permeated the surroundings, resonating through the very fabric of reality.

The forceful meeting of the cosmic emissary with the terrestrial realm set forth an array of iridescent lights, a symphony of vivid colors streaking across the heavens. The impact's aftermath birthed an undulating field of magical energy, imbuing the atmosphere with an enchanting glow, an ethereal dance manifesting in the air.

From the epicenter of the collision, a pulsating aura cascaded outward, weaving a tapestry of mystical waves that traversed the terrain, entwining the mundane with the magical. The once serene landscape now hummed with a newfound mystique, as if touched by a realm beyond mortal understanding.

The mystic aftermath of the celestial encounter breathed life into the environment, infusing the air with an unseen energy that stirred the essence of the land, setting the stage for an enigmatic journey to unfold.

Thousands of years later, the aftermath of that celestial impact lingered, buried in the annals of time until humans stumbled upon the site pulsating with this abundant energy. Drawn by the mystical aura exuded by the land, they established the renowned Arcadian Empire, shaping it around this mystical source.

The discovery of this energy-rich haven led to the birth of a civilization that would be known for its mastery of the magical arts. The settlers, entranced by the allure of this cosmic bounty, erected the Arcadian Empire, its foundation rooted in the very essence of this mystical source.

Through the centuries, the civilization within the Arcadian Empire flourished, its boundaries expanding as knowledge of the arcane arts became the cornerstone of their society. The allure of the mystical energies woven into the land birthed a civilization that melded the arcane with tradition, fostering a realm where magic intertwined with everyday life.

The Empire stood as a testament to humanity's reverence for the mystical, a bastion where sorcery and ancient wisdom danced in harmony, shaping the destiny of its inhabitants and heralding an era of magical enlightenment.

Despite their mastery of the arcane, technological advancement within the Arcadian Empire lagged far behind. The society, heavily reliant on magic, had diverted attention from technological progress. Instead, they embraced an amalgamation of ancient knowledge and sorcerous prowess.

However, the societal structure restricted access to advanced magical learning. The nobles and privileged few held exclusive access to the pinnacle of arcane mastery. Meanwhile, the lower-status citizens were limited to basic magical teachings, useful for daily tasks but lacking the depth of the more powerful sorceries reserved for the elite.

This division in magical education perpetuated the societal divide, wherein the lower strata relied on rudimentary magic, fostering a dependence on those of higher status. The empire's deliberate control over arcane knowledge fortified the hierarchy, cementing the division between those who wielded significant magical power and those relegated to mere basics.

Beyond the outer periphery of the Arcadian Empire's boundary walls, lay a tranquil expanse. Within this area, a modest home, surrounded by lush, expansive fields. Within this tranquil environment lived a kind farmer couple, their dwelling serving as a haven amidst the fertile lands spanning an acre in size.

Their life was far removed from the bustling streets and mystical intrigues of the inner empire. Instead, their daily rhythms were attuned to the flow of agricultural chores, the fields an embodiment of their aspirations for sustenance and prosperity.

Despite their proximity to the mighty Arcadian Empire, their lives were shaped by the simplicity of their dwelling. The couple's bond, fortified by resilience and unwavering devotion, remained untouched by the opulence and enigmatic advancements of the inner city.

In the tranquil canvas of this countryside, amid the picturesque beauty of their farmlands, the couple harbored a deep yearning for a child. Unbeknownst to them, their heartfelt desires echoed softly across the fields, blending with the whisper of the winds that traversed their land.

One day, while tending to the fertile soil with his trusty hoe, the husband stumbled upon something unexpected. Amidst the earth he toiled, his tool struck upon a peculiar object a fist-sized stone, its shape peculiar and its surface weathered by time.