
Aurelius and his Cranian curse

In the vibrant city of Eldoria, where the mundane and the extraordinary often intertwined, a young man named Aurelius found himself thrust into a world he had never anticipated. Struggling through the trials of middle-class life, his existence shifted dramatically when a mysterious letter led him to an enigmatic woman named Evelyn Vale. As their encounter revealed hidden truths, Aurelius learned that he was being sought after by a camp of mages, led by a powerful Principle. Aurelius' future took an unforeseen turn as he was drawn into a web of intrigue, magic, and destiny. Despite his initial confusion, he discovered his significance in a larger narrative. Unbeknownst to him, his unique qualities held the potential to impact the balance of an unseen conflict between magical forces.

Surprise_4541 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Djinn veil ~ declaration

Aurelius' journey towards mastering his magic continued. Today, under Nadeem's watchful eye, the focus was squarely on physical training, pushing Aurelius to his limits.

The morning sun beat down on the training grounds as Nadeem put Aurelius through an exhausting regimen. Running, muscle workouts, and jumping exercises were the order of the day. Hours passed like moments, and as the first day of physical training drew to a close, Aurelius's body ached from head to toe.

Yet, a fire of determination burned within him. The desire to grow stronger, to unlock the full extent of his magic, drove him forward.

After four grueling hours, lunch was a welcome respite. Aurelius ate voraciously, replenishing his energy reserves that had been drained by the intense training.

Following lunch, Nadeem and Aurelius spent thirty minutes in meditation. The peaceful moments of mindfulness allowed their bodies to relax and their minds to prepare for the challenges ahead. Aurelius found solace in yoga and meditation, despite the lingering soreness in his muscles.

The evening brought the end of Aurelius's physical training for the day. As he wiped the sweat from his brow, Nadeem called him over for a chat. Aurelius's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"It's time, kiddo," Nadeem announced, his voice holding a hint of excitement.

Aurelius's eyes widened, hope and curiosity gleaming in them. "So, are we going to use magic now?"

Nadeem smiled knowingly. "Not so fast, kiddo. First, we need to work on your reaction time and weapon techniques."

Aurelius nodded, eager to progress. "Alright, but what kind of weapon are we talking about?"

Nadeem's response left him surprised. "It's up to you. Would you like a new katana?"

Aurelius's eyes lit up at the prospect, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, please, Master."

With an air of determination, Nadeem prepared himself. He took a deep breath and uttered, "Spirit Technique, Djinn Veil."

A brilliant dark blue storm swirled around Nadeem, creating fierce winds and crackling blue thunder. He spoke loudly, "Breech."

The storm split in two, forming an opening to the world of devils, and from it emerged a colossal beast-sized devil. Its eyes gleamed with terror, its fangs sharp and menacing. In the blink of an eye, the devil threw a katana to the ground.

As the colossal devil emerged from the Djinn Veil and threw the katana to the ground, Aurelius stood frozen in astonishment. His mouth hung agape; his eyes wide with surprise. What had he just witnessed? What kind of magic was this?

Nadeem, the seventh Forsaken, observed Aurelius's shocked expression with a hint of amusement in his eyes. He waited for the young apprentice to collect his thoughts.

"This is the power of the seventh Forsaken," Nadeem declared, his voice carrying a weight of experience that seemed to resonate in the air around them.

Aurelius's mind raced with newfound understanding. If Nadeem, the seventh Forsaken, possessed such incredible magic, what kind of power would the first Forsaken wield? The thought sent shivers down his spine.

Breaking the spell of astonishment, Aurelius reached down and picked up the katana that had been thrown to the ground. As he held it in his hand, he couldn't help but be captivated by its beauty. The blade shone with a brilliant gleam, the tsuka (hilt) intricately detailed.

Aurelius's face lit up with excitement as he examined the katana. It was a weapon of elegance and precision, a tool that held the promise of battles yet to come.

Nadeem, with his characteristic calm, offered a bit of perspective. "This sword is not particularly special," he explained. "One of my devils in the Djinn Veil wields a katana, and he has accumulated quite a few of them. Consider it a gift from me."

Aurelius's eyes sparkled with gratitude as he looked at his mentor. "Thank you, Master."

Aurelius stood before Nadeem, his mentor in the intricate art of the katana. The gleaming blade rested in his hands, its presence both awe-inspiring and intimidating. He had never swung a katana before, and the weight of its history and power hung heavily in the air.

Nadeem, the seventh Forsaken, watched Aurelius closely, understanding the mixture of curiosity and trepidation in his apprentice's eyes. He began the lesson by giving Aurelius precise instructions.

"First thing, Aurelius," Nadeem said, "hold the katana with both hands. Your dominant hand, usually the right for most people, should be closer to the sword's guard, or tsuba. Your non-dominant hand should be closer to the pommel, or kashira. Your grip should be firm but not overly tense, allowing for flexibility and control."

Aurelius nodded, his brow furrowing slightly as he tried to assimilate the details. He followed Nadeem's instructions carefully, aware that mastering the basics was essential for any progress.

Nadeem, with his years of experience, helped Aurelius maintain his posture and technique, adjusting his grip and stance as needed. He continued, "Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Position your dominant foot slightly forward and your non-dominant foot slightly back, forming a balanced stance. Keep your knees slightly bent, ready to move and pivot as needed."

Aurelius couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at Nadeem's knowledge. The mentor possessed a wealth of information and skill, and it was clear that there was much to learn from him.

As the lesson progressed, Nadeem brought out a bundle of bamboo, and Aurelius's eyes lit up with anticipation. He realized that he was about to take his first step into practical application.

Nadeem explained the technique as he demonstrated it with grace and precision. "To execute a proper swing," he began, "start with the katana held at shoulder height. Pivot your hips and shoulders as you bring the katana down in a diagonal motion. The power comes from your core and lower body."

Aurelius watched intently, absorbing every detail. He knew that the true essence of katana mastery lay not just in physical strength but in the harmony of mind, body, and spirit.

Nadeem continued his guidance, "Keep your arms relatively straight during the swing, using your core and hips to generate force. The target of your swing should be a specific point, not a broad area."

Aurelius nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility. His mentor's words echoed in his mind as he prepared to take his first swing. He gripped the katana, felt the balance of the blade, and breathed in deeply.

Nadeem's voice resonated, "Wait before swinging. After the katana makes contact with the target, continue the motion with a smooth follow-through. Your hands should end up around waist height. Avoid abruptly stopping the blade after contact, as this can strain your wrists and elbows."

Amidst the tranquil surroundings of their training grounds, Aurelius stood poised, his katana held with focused intent. The blade gleamed in the sunlight as it awaited its first true test. With a deep breath and unwavering determination, Aurelius executed his first swing, slicing through the bamboo with grace and precision.

A triumphant smile crossed his face as he saw the cleanly cut sections of bamboo fall to the ground. He had done it, a testament to his dedication and the guidance of his mentor, Nadeem.

"Well done, Aurelius," Nadeem praised, his eyes reflecting pride in his apprentice's accomplishment. "Keep swinging the sword until the bamboo ends. Every strike brings you closer to mastering the katana."

Aurelius nodded, his enthusiasm undiminished. He was eager to continue, each swing feeling more confident and controlled than the last. With each cut, he drew nearer to unlocking the full potential of the katana.

However, far from the peaceful training grounds on Earth, a malevolent force was gathering in the distant realm of Crania. Surprise, the embodiment of the strongest cranian curse, sat upon a throne-like chair, his presence exuding an air of dominance.

The grandeur of his surroundings matched the aura he projected, and as the doors of the main building swung open, twenty more figures entered the room, their expressions deferential. They seated themselves on the floor, their gazes fixated on Surprise.

Surprise rose from his throne and began to pace amongst his followers, a sinister smile playing on his lips. Among the group, some of the girls couldn't help but be captivated by his chiseled physique and long, flowing hair.

With an evil laugh that sent shivers down the spines of those in his presence, Surprise declared, "One more week, my faithful companions. Get ready, for we are going to raid Earth once more. This will be our final battle, where we shall not only slay the Sakens but shatter the planet into pieces."

His words hung in the air like a dark omen, and the weight of his intentions bore down upon those assembled. Surprise's demands were clear: there would be no retreat, no escape. All were bound to fight by his side, or face the direst consequences.

As he continued to speak, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation. Some among his followers were motivated by the prospect of the ultimate battle, while others felt the icy grip of fear. It was a suicide mission for some, an unforgiving path to annihilation.

The impending clash between Earth and Crania, between the forces of good and evil, seemed inevitable. The fate of both worlds hung in the balance, as the countdown to the ultimate disaster drew near.

As the wheels of destiny continued to turn, another figure, shrouded in mystery and concealed behind a mask, made her way towards the Spirit Circle. She was the Transpose Magic user, her presence known to few. Her determination and the secrets she carried hinted at a destiny intertwined with the unfolding events.

In the training grounds, Egnatius and Cordelia had completed their healing journey, their bodies and spirits renewed. They were eager to resume their training, driven by their shared purpose and a burning desire to grow stronger.

With their readiness, the trio now stood at the threshold of new beginnings. Together with Aurelius, who had been diligently honing his katana skills, and the enigmatic newcomer, they represented the hope and determination of Earth's defenders.


See you in the next Chapter.....