
Strange and unknown II

Cassius touched the fallen tree and took a long look at the large cracks on the ground. It was very visible that something foreign got into Devontae but what could it be?

He stood up with his hands akimbo while Roxanne stayed on a safe spot. Cassius won't let her near the spot the event took place despite it wasn't dangerous.

Louis was quiet as he examined the cracks. The fallen tree was broken at the trunk, meaning it was the force of the portal that must have done it but the cracks on the ground were strange.

" Louis, what's your say in this because I haven't heard or seen this kind of portal in my entire lifetime and revolution." Cassius was still surprised.

Louis squints his eyebrows as he tries to picture something in his head, something long forgotten but it can't be, they have long been extinct. " Perhaps it's a sorcerer or a witch." He concluded but inwardly made up his mind to find out about those mythical creatures.

" Probably." The King exhaled and walked towards the nearest mansion which belonged to one of his men.

" Where have you been Xander, Cassius would've killed me because of you," Roxanne flared the moment Xander appears with his ever stoic face like a rock in iceland.

Hearing that name in particular, Louis turned to look at the man with sharp eyes. It was definitely the Vincent eldest son, Xander. He straightened his back and quietly glared at Xander who hadn't noticed his presence.

Meanwhile, Cassius didn't need to knock on the door before Wellington opened the huge door for the King to come on. They knew how temperamental Cassius was and little delays were not in his book.

" Your highness, it's a pleasure to us for honoring our home with your graceful presence, kindly…"

" Enough! Show me to the injured, I heard she was around the spot when the portal appeared," Cassius inquired.

The Wellington fidgeted for sometime before nodding in agreement. If the young master was here, he wouldn't have let the King set eyes on their daughter. Mr Wellington led the way to their daughter who was barely strong enough to move as the portal had sucked her energy.

" She's in there," he pointed to the door with a rose symbol on it.

For a few minutes, Cassius wondered why they were hiding their daughter from the people in Devontae. " You may leave."


Xander raised his head to see the Duke of Devontae staring at him with a hot piercing gaze. He had heard from one of the maids at the Vincent mansion that Aldophus and Carl sent something to the Duke's mansion but he had no idea what it was.

" Why isn't your brother here? It has been a while since I last saw him," Louis asked as if he was on their good side.

Xander clearly knew the Duke was around with the King and bringing the foolish Aldophus along would result in nothing but another round of investigation by Louis.

" He is out of town currently and might return in two weeks' time," Xander lied. It was hard to tell if he was lying or telling the truth but Roxanne knew it was a lie not to talk of the Duke.

Louis raised an eyebrow at the prompt lie he was expecting, "really?" He questioned with less effort.


Shutting the door, Cassius walked into the room which sent sweetly making him wonder if all the ladies' rooms smell like this.

On the beautiful bed with a gorgeous tent above it, a young girl was sleeping soundly. At first, there was a similarity with a girl he couldn't forget despite the years that had gone by. Her long hair was scattered on the pillow making her look alluring.

Cassius sat on the couch opposite the bed and crossed his legs above the other. Soon, her eyes which were shut opened immediately and Cassius could find no traces of sleep in it.

" Don't tell me you did that Isabelle, I'm not in the mood for jokes and childish business," he wasn't patient anymore.

The girl called Isabelle suddenly removed the blanket on her body to reveal the small scratch on the skin in her leg, up to her thigh.

" You have your advisor on your bed now and completely forgot me," she stressed out and stood up from the bed.

Her hair was messy and the night dress she was putting on revealed her womanly curves. It was as if she had planned it well.

Cassius pinch the space between her brows and stared at the mesmerizing figure before him. " I told you before Isabelle, there's nothing I want other than your body," he stressed and stood up from the couch.

Isabelle felt bitter as her heart ached in pain and rejection. " You didn't say that when we did it, you didn't even come here to say sorry after the incident yesterday, you just came here to mock me right?" She poured out all her emotions on him.

" I have been in this room for the past two months, suffering while you and your advisor have fun." She wailed quietly so her parents won't hear her.

" What does she have that I can't? Maybe I'm more special than her, who is just a vampire. Why?" She said in-between sobs.

Cassius turned his back on her as she cried heavily, he didn't want her to keep dreaming and waiting on him because he isn't ready to have a woman by his side.

" I have said to my mind Isabelle, you should stop dreaming and focus on your job." He said in a low voice. He couldn't stand to watch her cry like this but it's best if she gets the right words into her head.

" Cassius!" She called out loudly but he silently left the room without another word. Staying longer there would hurt him and her.

Mr and Mrs Wellington watch as the King ambles out of their mansion. They heard everything Isabelle said but not his. They were shocked to their bones as the blood on their face drained away.

Two months ago, Isabelle was pregnant with a child. They didn't know who the father was and Isabelle refused to say who it was. The Wellington were ashamed and decided to lock Isabelle in her room until she changed her mind to speak but she never said a word.

Isabelle is a witch and could leave the mansion anytime she wants but she was adamant in staying inside rather than seeing the outside world. Last night, she left the mansion without them knowing until her scream came from the spot the portal appeared.

Now, they couldn't believe it was the king who certainly didn't know Isabelle was pregnant.

Louis watched as Cassius walked out of the mansion feeling lost in his thoughts. Of course, Louis knew what happened there and the King could tell.

" Don't say a word to Roxanne about this," he said in a threatening manner.

" Do you love her? " Louis asked. Cassius frowned in confusion, " I mean the witch," he said bluntly.

Cassius was quiet as he contemplated in his heart, " maybe not." He then walked towards his carriage to go back to the palace, leaving Roxanne who was amused.

" Take your men and search the town for any strange act," Louis ordered Xander, one of his ways of unleashing punishment on Xander who lied to him.

Before Xander could say another word, Louis also got into his carriage and left almost immediately. Aurelia might be in danger if she hasn't had anything down in her stomach.


Reaching the Duke's mansion, Louis found Maria standing outside with a worried expression on her face. The moment she saw him, she hurried towards him and said, " Aurelia's condition has worsened."

Louis remained quiet as he trotted into the mansion with hurried footsteps. It didn't take him long to reach her room and find Stanley outside.

" Her friend is taking care of her," said Stanley, who was deeply worried about the girl. It was rare for Aurelia to fall sick.

Opening the door, Louis got in to find Vivian cleaning Aurelia's face and forehead with a wet towel. The instant she saw the Duke, she quickly left what she was doing and stepped out of the room.

Louis felt thousands of needles pricking his heart as he picked up her burning hand. She was fragile and subconscious about her surroundings.

Feeling that familiar air around her, Aurelia tried to free herself from his hand but her body was too weak. It was more like a maggot move to Louis.

" Don't move," he whispered close to her ear and Aurelia stopped moving her body.

He carefully removed the chain which was locked on her legs, something he never planned to use on her.

Lifting her up from the bed, he gently gathered her in his hands and walked out of her small shabby room towards his, taking all the maidservants and Stanley off guard.

Eva couldn't comprehend the shock she received on seeing the Duke carry the good for nothing bum into his room when she hadn't had that chance to see what his room looks like.

Aurelia didn't move or wince as the Duke carried her. The first time he did this was when he bought her from the establishment.

Placing her on his king size bed, Aurelia made an effort to stand up but Louis was quicker. " Don't plan on getting up, Aurelia." He said and touched her smooth face with a smirk on his face. She never ceases to amaze him with her attitude.

Aurelia was forced to obey him and she placed her body on the bed fully.

" You didn't eat anything for the past three days Aurelia, was that as a result of anger or what?" He asked and removed his jacket while staring at the young lady who was doing the same.

" I have spoiled you a lot." Louis muttered under his breath and called Stanley. " Get me a tray of food and medication, her temperature is burning."

" Yes Master." Stanley replied and went out of the room immediately.

" Louis, you're back! How was the trip to the King?" Eva poked her head into Louis' room, afraid if she went in he might scold her.

"Get out and shut the door.”