
Care for a strange child

It was nightfall when the captives finally got to Devontae. The Kingdom was entirely different from what they thought it would be. , it was different from their quiet Reeve kingdom.

The towns and villages were still alive as oil lamps and coals burned brightly. People in different colors of attires were going up and down without any worries nor fear of what might happen.

Children were still playing while some were being carried to their homes by their parents. Most shops were still open while others were packing up.

Carl was more merrier when he saw kids of his height playing happily without sorrow in this world. Aurelia noticed this and kept walking along with the crowd.

He had forgotten he would never have that kind of freedom to play just like those children. "Aurelia, can't we go our own ways without being a slave?" He asked, still staring at the playing kids.

"We can't. We are now under the King and his commands. Once we're sold to slavery, there's no going back." She said trying to make him understand life wasn't as easy as he thought.

She, as a former Princess, has experienced that. Before the war, she was bathed in rose and adored like an angel. She was a rare gem to her family and the Kingdom as a whole, , she was like a crystal egg.

But now, all those moments are now gone. She would have to live her life the way she finds it. The once Princess of Reeves Kingdom wasn't even recognized by her own people.

"I'm not going to be sold right?" Carl's brownish red eyes were gazing at her for answers.

Aurelia felt bad for the kid. "Yes."

"That also means you won't be sold, right?" He questioned.

"Wrong. I'll be the first person to be sold out..."

"Time to fill your stomachs!" One of the warriors announced and everyone rushed towards his direction. After they got to Devontae, Aurelia didn't miss the disappearance of Adolphus.


*Knock Knock*

Aldophus knocked on the expensive dark wooden door. He had come to the castle to report the arrivals of the captives in Devontae but there had been no sounds from the room.

He was about to go in when the King's still heart voice echoed in the vast corridor. "Why are you disturbing my door early this morning?"

Aldophus in shock turned to see the King and his brother advancing towards him with their face devoid of any emotions.

"Ahh... Good morning, Your highness." He gave a full ninety degree bow.

"State your reason!" Cassius was in a hurry to the courtroom because he would be entertaining some unusual guests his uncle brought.

"The captives are here in Devontae. We arrived last night." He said and threw a quick glance at his brother who was still a rock.

"Xander, take Roxanne with you and see to it that everyone is sold to the establishment. Handover the funds to the magistrate of Olive town, I'll visit him sooner or later." Cassius said in one go before bending into another corridor.

"How was your trip?" Was the first question Xander asked his brother who was already shaking in his shoes.

"A sad one." Aldophus replied and walked past him.

"Father has been missing. Visit the old man, I'm tired of babysitting three grown adults." He added and walked away.

Aldophus knew his brother was referring to their mother and father including their sister as a baby. "Tsk, whatever."



Aurelia rolled out of the blanket quietly so as not to wake up Carl who was sleeping soundly beside her. Few of them have woken up while others were still sleeping.

Last night, they had to camp close to the slave establishment because of their number.

She tiptoed quietly to the side the guards were stationed if she could find Aldophus but he wasn't there. She was about to tiptoe back when she ran into a hard body.

"Ah..." A small cry left her lips as she quickly held the spot that was aching. Lifting her head she was met with fiery red eyes.

Aurelia jolted back in shock at the smiting resemblance between this person and Aldophus.

"Who is she?" A lady's voice was heard.

"One of the captives." Xander replied to Roxanne who was some steps away from them.

"Reeves Princess." He said with a smirk on his face.

Aurelia could clearly see the mockery in his face as he didn't bother to hide it.

"Xander what are you doing? Don't scare her." Aldophus said and came in between the two.

Aurelia gulped an invisible lump on her throat and quickly lowered her head.

Xander's eagle sharp eyes locked with his younger brother's. "Do I look like a ghost?" He asked and walked away from there.

Aurelia exhaled heavily and clenched her fingers into a fist. "I'm good."

"What are you doing here? This is the guard's area." Aldophus asked. No wonder his brother was staring at the girl with a suspicious gaze.

"I...I was looking for you." She replied.


"It's about Carl, he's too young to become a slave." She said to hear him chuckle.

"Are you not young?" He asked and started walking towards the captives area.

"I know but I can manage myself. Will you please help him?" Aurelia pleaded.

"There's my brother, he's in charge. Go and tell him yourself." He replied nonchalantly.

"I don't know him."

"Do you know me?"

"I...I...at least you helped me before."

"Don't get it wrong, I didn't help you, I was only doing it out of goodwill."

Aurelia felt as if she had heard the most painful words. "Could you please help him? Take care of him."

Aldophus remained quiet as they were closing on to the captives area. Aurelia felt complicated at the moment.

Carl spotted Aurelia from afar and left the line to meet her. They were already counting the total slaves with one still missing which was Aurelia.

"Aurelia, they are going to make me a slave. You lied to me right?" His eyes were glistening with tears.

"No. You aren't going to be a slave neither did I lie. Just hold on." She said and turned to Aldophus who was watching them with keen interest.

Two hefty vampire guards rushed towards them and grabbed Aurelia to pull her away. "Let go of me....let go...of...."

"I'll keep him. Take her." Aldophus finally said.

Aurelia turned quiet immediately and started sobbing quietly. Not just her, most girls in the crowd were also crying silently or they would be badly whipped by the slave warden.

Carl didn't understand what was happening. But seeing Aurelia cry, he knew it wasn't good so he too starts crying.

Aldophus shook him playfully and lifted him off the ground. "Don't cry, you're not a slave okay?" He had never petted a child before so it felt odd to him.

"If... I'm not a slave.... Aurelia should also not....be a...slave." He said in-between sobs.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be alright. She gave up her position for you. Now do her good by obeying me." Aldophus said and walked away with Carl.

Not too far was Xander standing close to a tree. He heard everything that transpired between the Princess and his brother and remained quiet.

"Take them away." Roxanne said after the talks and dealt with the slave wardens.

Aurelia kept looking at the lady who was acting with authority and for a second, Aurelia disliked her.

Roxanne felt a pair of eyes staring at her. She had always experienced this kind of feeling but this particular one was new and strange. Turning her head in the direction, her eyes met with the girl who was with Xander and Aldophus earlier."

She walked towards the girl who looked dirty and weird. "Why are you looking at me?" She asked.

Aurelia's hands were locked with heavy chains to prevent the captives from escaping.

Aurelia didn't say a word and turned her face away from the heavily dressed lady. Just looking at her, she kept on recalling the Devontae King.

When Roxanne saw the girl was not answering her, she walked away angrily.

Another thing Xander noticed from the Princess.


Alright, we're home." Aldophus said and walked into a magnificent mansion with Carl in his arms. The latter had already stopped crying but he wasn't his usual self.

"You're going to be the baby of the house now, don't you think so?"

"I'm not and will not be a baby." Carl mumbled and crossed his arms above his small chest.

"Brother. Who's this?" A small voice said, making Carl lower his eyes. Below was a young girl around the age of twelve, holding a doll.

"Our new guest. He's Carl. Carl met my sister, Lilac." Aldophus said and placed him on the floor carefully.

"You two have some fun while I go to Mom and Dad." He added and rushed upstairs.