
Aura recovery in the comprehensive World : Beginning is Herrscher

Well at first when I saw the beautiful loli with black hair and black eyes in my childhood I thought this was the realm of Strike the Blood … Years passed and I began to read books to discover a story about the three brave men and their defeat of the Demon King. Under inquiry, I hear about a house among the nobles called Kagino. ... It's alright so far... I also saw the beautiful young lady of the Shinomiya clan... It's alright so far There is also a cooking school whose name I don't remember After I grew up, I began to watch TV to understand that I was in a kingdom called Inazuma, and its ruler was Raiden Chen Well that's too much Then I heard about the Yun clan in the next street… well there is a boy named Yun Che as I was afraid~~ It is impossible for the combat power ceiling to rise several times suddenly, right? By the way, in the neighboring Lyue, there is a small clan named Xiao, there is a genius named Xiao Yan and his childhood sweetheart Xiao Lingzhi, and next to them is a clan called Xia, with a beautiful young lady named Xia Chenyou. Oh, there is a small clan called the Lin clan and its young master, Lin Langtian, who crippled someone from the branch clan. Ah, there is a yokai called General the Dog who married a human named Izayoi and their son Inuyasha... By the way, there is also the fire village of Konoha on the outskirts of the kingdom Well this is just a mess As you see the world in this universal world are [ genshin Impact, Strike the Blood, Primal Chaos, Kaguya-sama, Martial Universe (WDQK), Battle Across the Sky (Btth), Inuyasha, There is a trouble with My Youth, Naruto , honkai 3 , high school dxd ( little )] ------------- By the way... no harem ah that's just a heartache...there is one love...well to tell the truth it is two in one....well you may not understand , right ? Well let's leave it as a surprise... although some have already guessed the meaning Hmm ok there will probably be 2 female leads with the main character ... maybe~ ok let's settle it when the time comes

true_Monarch_me · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

the sword path

After drinking tea and some talking about memories, Nangong Naiyu naturally left, and naturally took the sword with her

So the next morning

"Hmm?" Arthur raised his eyebrow suspiciously and let go of the weights he was lifting, then stood up and held the phone in his left hand while wiping the sweat on his forehead with the back of his right hand, then finally looking at the caller to raise his eyebrow again

"So what do you want Nayo-chan?"

"oh yeah sorry i forgot hello"

"..no, I don't mean that, only someone calls at seven o'clock in the morning." During the conversation Arthur had put the earphones in his ear and left the phone on the sofa and then went to wash his face

"Well, well, sorry, I know you're in school, and I don't want to upset you with my vacation."

"Oh, was it done so quickly?" Arthur paused for a moment to pat his face dry with the towel, and then continued

"Good... you can have him send them through my National Bank account... yeah well I know you're very busy." While talking Arthur turned on the water heater

"Good bye." Arthur hung up the phone and sat quietly for half a minute

"Can Power Stones also be sent via the National Bank?" Well that is a question that needs a philosophical seminar to answer

But well, since Nayu-chan didn't object, it's probably not a problem

Arthur stood up after calming down a bit and then went out into the street to run

The streets in Inazuma are very clean and the air is fresh

Tsk, I have to praise Lady Raiden Chen for being five trillion points better at judging than her sister

Anyway, Arthur started running around town

Well, it's seven o'clock now, and basically now isn't the time for most people to wake up

Work starts from approximately nine in the morning until three in the afternoon, which is the official working time in Inazuma

As for seven o'clock, no one wakes up except students, teachers, and some private jobs. In any case, the streets are almost empty of people, and in the absence of heat at noon, Arthur feels cool air with every breath, which gives a wonderfully refreshing feeling.

Arthur ran for about two hours until he started to feel congested and then made his way home

This time in order to receive the crystals he deliberately ran towards the National Bank branch in the city

By the way, the current city of Arthur is a city somewhat close to the capital.. Originally, his clan was based in the capital, but later he decided to move to this city in order to avoid crowding....

Anyway, after taking his own number, which represents his number in accessing the withdrawal service between customers in the bank, and after a period of waiting and thinking about what needs to be taken for the test tomorrow, finally it is his turn.

After receiving the elegant leather bag containing the Energy Stones, which he knew to be 1,200 stones, of which he also understood that part of them were caused by Nayu-chan's face.

But it does not matter, I use your face today, you will use mine tomorrow, Arthur has no doubt that he will become a strong person

Even without a system, he has a way to become a strong person which is cultivation... Even if his mana cultivation talent is rubbish which is very difficult considering his genes but even then Arthur has no doubt that he will become strong in the future.

the reason ? This is because he is unprecedentedly talented in the way of the sword

This is why Arthur has been accustomed since childhood to train his body.... This is so that his body can support him in practicing the sword until he realizes the sword intent

As for the way of the sword, there are three ways of strength, and they all start with form

As for the form, it is the usual sword practice... swinging the sword

1- The form, then the intention

2- The shape, then the heart

3 - The form and then the world


Sword intent is to make one's intent extremely sharp like a sword until it reaches the stage of being a sword in itself…

Well, basically there are many intent, such as killing intent, sword intent, void intent~, each of these intent has a certain ability and each person can realize it if the right circumstances, opportunities and talent are available.

By the way, Void Intent is something akin to a state of enlightenment…

In any case, intentions are a big issue, and it is not the time now


With regard to the heart, it is precisely and naturally the heart of the sword, and with the heart of the sword, a person's talent in form increases in a terrifying way, to the extent that it brings him to the level of intent, and the upper limit does not exist just like any of the other methods.

That is, the path of the form and then the heart, is basically a path that takes the form as an origin and a path, and of course there is no defect in this

There are even some people who are born with a normal sword heart... These people don't need much, only with the practice of the sword and specifically the form they become stronger, the more they find a new path in the form and the more they find inspiration they are able to penetrate themselves... Well simply cheating last


With regard to the path of form and then the world, this path is a path to building the domain of the sword, or rather the world of the sword.. In this world, its owner can control every sword in the world... Everything works like a sword... Even the paper, even the grain of sand, even the atoms. .. Of course, this is at a ridiculously high level

The way of form then world is a path that looks very handsome but is despised by many sword practitioners because of the enormous limitations it has when facing another person who has the ability to restrict domains which is not a rare thing in this world, once one encounters such a person, a form then world practitioner becomes devoid of his world And he can only fight with what he learned from the form… Of course, other talents can be used if there are any, but for extremely upright sword practitioners, this limitation is just a humiliation of the sword.


By the way, Arthur does not have an innate sword heart, but his innate talent in swordsmanship is above average for those with an innate sword heart

It can be said that in Arthur's case, if he chooses the path of form and then the heart, his talent in form will reach an unimaginable level... literally unimaginable.

But after thinking about it for a bit, Arthur decided to go through the path of form and then intent first, for nothing else, just to open the path of intent for himself, so he would understand how to open another intent.

Also, there is no problem even if he does not get good talent from the lottery. The maximum thing is to go for a year in the science department, and then after this year and get some good talent from the system, he moves to the combat department simply.

Arthur doesn't have much paranoia, not to mention that he basically loves science

Also, no one would mock a person in the science department, even a strong warrior had no right

After all, he is strong but weaker than Lady Reign Belizibebe (Rayden Chen), so if he persecutes someone this beautiful lady admires, it is not difficult for her to persecute him...

Lady Raiden Chen is simply an amazing ruler

Ah fortunately there is no canary in this world ~

In fact, there are only these three kingdoms of Tivat. There are other kingdoms or countries here, but they are human and mainly depend on diplomacy and politics to survive. They simply do not have high-end power~

On the other hand, the Demon Clan has three Night Empires for the vampire ancestors and one western city for the yōkai, and as for the rest of the demons, they...well, they can count on no one caring for them to survive.

By the way, after a lot of investigation, I unfortunately found that there are no elves in this world, tsk tsk, that's very unfortunate.

Oh, there aren't even mythical beasts like dragons, nor phoenixes

Tsk tsk, what a fantasy world this is.. But fortunately, I heard from Nayu-chan that there is a world next to us that has begun to merge with our world. It has elves, dragons, and even fairies to whom Arthur's talent [Eye of Fairies] belongs exists.. Simply a magical world

Negotiations are currently underway, so the humans are intensifying their efforts to be stronger

Well, maybe if these humans knew Arthur wasted his time just trying to get a sense of how intent entered, they might rally around to kill him.

Oh, anyway, that's not the only reason Arthur does this...

The main reason is that Arthur intends to walk the three roads at the same time

Yes, since he read The Tale of the Three Heroes and learned about the Kageno clan, he knew that there was a sword beast like him in this world, so he couldn't be so dirty.

Well even though Arthur doesn't consider Shidou Kagino as a rival, since he's taken the path of his Flensor to the farthest the ancestors ever imagined, having Shidou as a grinding stone might help.

Of course this is in terms of swordsmanship... In anything else, Arthur doesn't really care about Shido, even the sheer amount of energy he's proud of... I'm a man of order here

Well, no one really knows how much of a boost someone like Shido would receive in this world... but then again, I'm not competing with anyone.

I just want to walk the road to the end, I don't care who is better than me at the moment because in the end I will reach the end

Oh sorry I seem to have gone a bit off here... Anyway let's start the lottery

Oh by the way

Arthur thought, then while holding the Right of Energy Stones, a new interface was displayed in front of him


Energy Stone = 0.5 energy units

exchange [quantity] ]

Well it's not too bad although I was coveting more than this like an energy stone = a complete power unit

Anyway, it doesn't matter, that's enough to draw six whole lotteries, which is one more than yesterday

As for whether there is an increase in the proportion of good things because it is a gift for beginners, it is not clear

In any case, there is no other solution, and I do not like borrowing, so I will skip it and try our luck anyway. Perhaps something else will come up that I will sell in exchange for a few more lottery times.

By the way, it showed the exchange value for energy stones only, is that because I only had these energy stones and nothing else

As you know energy stones are divided into levels and what Arthur used now were intermediate stones.. there are still high level and ultra

This is other than natural pearls and precious natural gems... It seems that this dumb regime does not speak

By the way you could have a different priced lottery that has different percentages for the goodies

For example, there is a lottery with a price of 100 and the percentage of golden in it is 0.0000001 and another with a price of one million and the percentage of golden in it is 0.1 for example....

(Note: These are just Arthur's thoughts; I haven't made this part clear yet.)

Well, after thinking for a while, Arthur decided to try it and thought of the word [lottery].

The lottery appeared in front of him, but there was only the one with the price of 100

"Hmm?" Arthur suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up, then while standing on the lottery page Arthur thought of a [? ]

A page of words suddenly appeared, making Arthur want to cry at his profound wisdom

Anyway, after some time of reading, Arthur understood

So on some special occasions and some celebrations there are special lottery packages....

.... well not bad ~

Unfortunately I don't have that patience

While thinking Arthur had come to the front of his neighborhood

... By the way, I remember that I intended to buy a sword, by the way

Well let's take a detour to the blacksmith in the next neighborhood


Did you reincarnate again?

Yun Che suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar figure in the mirror, and his mood moved slightly violently

Can't I die? Will I be stuck in this cycle of reincarnation forever!?

Thinking of this, Yun Che's face suddenly turned pale

Well calm down, calm down... death or something let's just leave it for later... maybe I should look for death in this life

Ah anyway let's sort out these messy memories in my mind

hmm? Well, identity is not half bad, talent is a waste.... Was I poisoned to death to leave an exam place for the National Academy tomorrow.. And who poisoned me....

Yun Che's eyes gleamed with a fierce killing intent

Well it doesn't matter now....let's just go buy some weed to fix this shit body before exam tomorrow...by the way I'm buying a gun

(the chapter end)