
Aura recovery in the comprehensive World : Beginning is Herrscher

Well at first when I saw the beautiful loli with black hair and black eyes in my childhood I thought this was the realm of Strike the Blood … Years passed and I began to read books to discover a story about the three brave men and their defeat of the Demon King. Under inquiry, I hear about a house among the nobles called Kagino. ... It's alright so far... I also saw the beautiful young lady of the Shinomiya clan... It's alright so far There is also a cooking school whose name I don't remember After I grew up, I began to watch TV to understand that I was in a kingdom called Inazuma, and its ruler was Raiden Chen Well that's too much Then I heard about the Yun clan in the next street… well there is a boy named Yun Che as I was afraid~~ It is impossible for the combat power ceiling to rise several times suddenly, right? By the way, in the neighboring Lyue, there is a small clan named Xiao, there is a genius named Xiao Yan and his childhood sweetheart Xiao Lingzhi, and next to them is a clan called Xia, with a beautiful young lady named Xia Chenyou. Oh, there is a small clan called the Lin clan and its young master, Lin Langtian, who crippled someone from the branch clan. Ah, there is a yokai called General the Dog who married a human named Izayoi and their son Inuyasha... By the way, there is also the fire village of Konoha on the outskirts of the kingdom Well this is just a mess As you see the world in this universal world are [ genshin Impact, Strike the Blood, Primal Chaos, Kaguya-sama, Martial Universe (WDQK), Battle Across the Sky (Btth), Inuyasha, There is a trouble with My Youth, Naruto , honkai 3 , high school dxd ( little )] ------------- By the way... no harem ah that's just a heartache...there is one love...well to tell the truth it is two in one....well you may not understand , right ? Well let's leave it as a surprise... although some have already guessed the meaning Hmm ok there will probably be 2 female leads with the main character ... maybe~ ok let's settle it when the time comes

true_Monarch_me · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Herrscher of .....


"I said just call me Arthur. We're friends, right?"

"Ah, I'm really touched , Arthur-san... Arthur, of course we're friends." Yoriichi tried to break free for a while, then stopped and said in a choked voice

" good "

" this ... "


"Arthur, you see, I'm so touched and we're friends and everything... But can you leave me alone, I can run alone, you see?"

"No, you're too slow."

"Oh." Yoriichi's body drooped like a salted fish that had lost its dream of life

"You know we're too late, come on, don't worry, nobody here knows us."

At least not yet

"Arthur... I guess we'll live in this place after that, won't we?"

It doesn't look very stupid

"Hmm, but now they don't know us, don't worry, everyone will forget this quickly."

"Arthur... do you not have points in your heart for the level of your appearance, also I notice so far that I have not seen anyone with red hair other than me... so how do you think they will simply forget us, this is the first day and our appearance is very special ... I don't want life From now on, just kill me."

"It's okay, it's okay, let's pass this test with an amazing result and let our results make people forget about our appearance now."

"…Well, that's very convincing." Yoichi nodded at feeling that those words made a lot of sense

Sorry Yoorichi, in fact I can move at such a high speed that most people don't even realize what we look like.. after all I've almost finished transforming into Hirccher...

By the way.. the Herrscher you turned into is very interesting

Hirtcher light!

Unfortunately there are still very few cells that haven't transformed yet so we are in this situation.. Running like this speeds up fusion a lot, sorry Yoichi...


As for the situation that makes Yoriichi want to die, it is as follows

Arthur and Yoriichi arrived at Academy City too early for the test, and at Yorichi's request, Arthur went for a walk with him to see the cities in this new world.

Well, Yoriichi...

Compared to the cities and buildings of the feudal era, the buildings in this world are very strange and similar to Yoruichi.. well, it's not unreasonable for him to get lost.

The problem is that while searching for him, Arthur is too late for the test

Well, it's not quite late, but it will be... There is no transportation in Academic City, and there was about half an hour until the start of the exam.

So Arthur grabbed Yoichi's body under his arm and started running

As we said, Yoruichi did not currently invent the same sun and he did not even want Yun to be a warrior, so the physical enhancement that [marks] give him is not very great, compared to Arthur who has trained since childhood and most importantly, he has now completed the transformation into Herrscher by 99%

Simply put, Arthur's speed is tens of times higher than Yoriichi's even without using the properties of light speed on himself and at the same time his strength is higher so that the latter can't resist.

This is how Arthur carried Yoriichi through Academy City, and as Yoriichi said, Arthur's appearance is very attractive and Yoriichi's appearance is not bad, especially the distinctive long red hair that flies backwards as Arthur moves forward.

Yeah Yoriichi's head back... It's simply a very funny look, they were photographed and posted on social media a long time ago.

Well, sorry, Yoirichi-san, you might have to do hara-kiri to wash away the disgrace

(Hara-kiri: A Samurai's Self-Execution Ritual)

However, Yoirichi doesn't even know about social media and Arthur may be trying to protect him from it for a long time after this


"We arrived early." Arthur looked at his watch, smiled lightly, and wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel from his backpack.

"Leave me…" Yoichi's current voice was extremely weak and his eyes lost the meaning of life

"Oh…Come on cheer up, man."

" Yes "

"Never mind." The corners of Arthur's mouth twitched slightly and then he helplessly shrugged, but soon smiled… After all, he was completely transformed now.

"Here we are." Arthur entered, followed by Yoriichi, with his back arched in depression

The testing ground is a huge glass dome to ensure transparency and anyone who wants to watch can watch

Unfortunately, Arthur didn't realize this...

Why ?

That's because there are so many people crammed into a frame around the glass dome that Arthur, who didn't care much, thinks they're just a wall.

As for why there are so many people? Coughing naturally, they wanted to satisfy their curiosity about the strange creature that had been running around the city carelessly for about half an hour and headed towards the test site.

So many people gathered to satiate their curiosity, whether they had seen Arthur on the run or seen him on social media.

Anyway, as soon as Arthur entered the dome, the girls' cheers erupted throughout the city... Yes, the city, Arthur is being filmed now.

Unfortunately, the soundproofing effect of the test dome is very good, otherwise Arthur's expression would be very interesting now


"Hello." A middle-aged man with black hair and black eyes came up to Arthur and looked at Arthur coldly

" Hi teacher "

"You are Arthur-kun"

"I am," Arthur said softly and took out his identification card

The man nodded slightly and then continued, "So this is your summon."

"It is, Yoriichi. Come say hello to the professor."

"Hi, Professor," Yoichi suppressed his sadness, pressed a smile and said softly

"Hi." The man nodded softly

"My name is Zoro, and I am a sword warrior. I served in the elite units of the army and was recognized by the Knights Guild as an outstanding general-level warrior after years of training… My overall strength is valued at the general level."

Oh, interesting, the academy doesn't seem to be taking me lightly...

Does Nayu-chan have a lot of enemies now... It doesn't matter anyway

General huh... not bad

"Professor, as you can see, I want a place for myself and a place for my friend Yoriichi… so should we be together or one by one?"

"Pulse!" A green vein appeared on Professor Zoro's forehead. What do you mean, did the academy send me to fight you alone... a summoner?

"Come together, I am examining the academy for both of you, but please know that failing this exam means you failed."

Zoro looked at the boy who didn't seem to take him seriously and started getting really angry

"Now we begin...the rules are to carry on, hey."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Arthur had already appeared beside him and slashed the sword

"Ding" The sound of the clash of swords echoed, and Professor Zoro's expression suddenly changed, then he took out a dagger from his belt and repelled Yoriichi's sword, then with a cracking sound, half of Yoriichi's sword fell to the ground

"Hey… Professor, this dagger is at least a mid-level weapon," Arthur backed off and pulled Yorichi with him and said with narrowed eyes.

Zoro grabbed his chin a little... Basically the test was to be able to withstand him for five minutes... But now he's forced to use the dagger he keeps as my periphery for emergencies all of a sudden.... Well the test is supposed to be over already but, it seems that There's a change of plans.... Looks like this stinky boy deserves a spot in the first grade elite division

"Heh, you can also use classified weapons."

"Oh!" Arthur raised his eyebrows slightly... Is Nayu-chan's attitude that bad

"Then I'm coming." Arthur smiled slightly and glanced at Yoriichi who pulled out the Sun Knife

As for the Sun Knife, it is the knife used by the powerful samurai in the Demon Slayer world, and it appeared even before the advent of breathing techniques.

At that time, twelve Demon Slayers had to be consumed to kill one relatively powerful demon

If the sword that can kill ghosts does not exist, then what is the use of breathing techniques?

In the eyes of Zoro, Arthur quietly closed his eyes and Yoriichi on the other hand ran towards him

"Heh." With a slight laugh, he moved his sword and struck Yoruichi's sword, leaving most of his focus on Arthur's body, which represented the real danger.

"Ding, ding, ding" Blow after blow, Zoro felt like he was fighting an inhuman beast.

Damn what is your learning speed this? Is this even human

He started to pay more attention to Yoriichi

As a teacher who could sense a terrible flaw in Yoriichi's sword skills...


So restrictive, damn who the hell knew him

A gem like this instead of leaving it in the dirt, someone grabbed it and threw it in the shit....

Damn, don't make me know who you are!

What is this !

Zoro's pupils suddenly dilated uncontrollably in the face of those stinging orange eyes

"Damn!" Zoro shouted, then by mustering his will admirably, he was able to move his sword to meet Arthur's sword, and of course due to the difference in the level of the swords, Arthur's was shattered into pieces.

But why is he smiling

Right there is another

Zoro quickly realized the problem and wanted to take out his dagger, but before he had time to do so, his vision darkened, and then he found that his head had been smashed to the ground.

Arthur simply did not wait for Yoriichi to attack, but relied on Hercher's relatively strong structure and grabbed Professor Zoro's head, then hit it on the ground.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, we won." Arthur laughed and raised his hands, but unfortunately, there was no one watching to cheer him on.

Well, in fact, a riot has broken out in Academy City now

It's like the national team won the World Cup, of course not the whole reason for this is Arthur's appearance

The thing that triggered this storm was the feeling of the weak defeating the strong.. After all, everyone saw that the professor's actions were extremely unreasonable, whether it was the use of classified weapons which was forbidden, or even the presence of a general-level professor in the entrance exam... Even If the competitor is two people

Basically the test is to fight a Master at the Master level or at most the Grand Master for Geniuses

Arthur looked at the dome and suddenly noticed something strange


"Ouch, who is attacking with sneak attacks?" Arthur quickly raised his head but found no one


"Hey." Arthur grabbed his knee and looked at the black-haired girl in front of him who was now using the murder weapon to fan herself.

"Hey, Naiyu-chan! Why are you bullying me?" Arthur's expression was very darkened, which made Nangong Naiyu suddenly feel pitiful… Well, at least for a while, until Arthur continued.

"You don't love me anymore"


"Hey! Woman, stop bullying the young and the poor!"


"Okay, I will shut up."


A black streak suddenly appeared on Arthur's face

"Oh." Nangong Naiyue realized her slip up just now but didn't speak

"Well, may I know why I am being beaten now?"

"Heh." Nangong Naiyue laughed lightly with her gentle hoarse voice, "Don't you think that what you have done so far deserves a beating?"

"What did you do?" Arthur raised his eyebrows but his heart was already sinking.. He knows Nayu-chan well and she is not good at talking nonsense.

Nangong didn't speak, she just took out her phone and then opened the academy page

As soon as Arthur looked up he began to struggle not to laugh

{Urgent: A beautiful red-haired woman has been kidnapped by a super-handsome man. Whoever catches him will be rewarded with 2,000 high-ranking Energy Stones}

There were some comments that said Yoichi was a man but some people didn't believe it and a fight started

{Urgent: A handsome red-haired master has been kidnapped by a super-handsome man. Whoever catches him will be rewarded with 5,000 high-ranking Energy Stones.}

Well, why do I feel like I'm an item in an auction?

{Urgent: The appearance of a strange creature with a red tail and the face of a super handsome man. Whoever catches him alive will have a reward of 2,000 Energy Stones. A dead person will have only 5,000 high-rank Energy Stones}

Oh, a crazy doctor showed up too, but with my face being super handsome, that's a crazy doctor... Well, it's not like I care, just watch out for female doctors

{Urgent, the truth was revealed in the newcomers' test area. The unknown thing is a super handsome man and a beautiful person... The gender is not specified. Anyone who finds it will be rewarded with 2,000 high-rank Chi Stones}

ok i know the answer can i say .... no cough the problem now is that i am starting to lose my sense of safety in this academy

{Urgent: Master Zoro himself is their examining supervisor, weird~"

{Urgent: The plot was discovered... Because the wife of an official had sex with the super handsome boy, this test was prepared with prejudice to make him fail and expel him from the academy}

No, it's too much now~~ By the way, what's the name of that official's wife?

{Urgent: Insane Zoro was defeated by the newcomer... Is this the justice of heaven}

{The official account of the academy: Urgent report: Everyone who participated in the fun in this matter is expelled from the academy, but the truth is as follows...} Then the matter was finally explained

Well finally I'm starting to feel safe again

By the way, Nayo-chan.


What do I have to do with all these rumours?

Nangong Niyue's face wrinkled in disgust, "Your ability to attract trouble is too great, you haven't joined yet, and even entered Academy City for less than a few hours and actually started a huge problem like this."

"Hey first I would like to make it clear that it is not my fault that I am very handsome, well.... Secondly, is it not your problem in the administration to have such a yellow press as an official newspaper?"

The corners of Nangong Naiyue's mouth raised slightly but she quickly brought it back softly

Arthur notices this reaction, "Hey, don't say this guy has a high status."

"The cough, well, it does have a high pitch and I can't expel it.... In fact, the opposite is possible."

Arthur's eyes widened for a moment, then he thought of a certain fox crumb with pink hair and the first letter in his name being [Yai Miku]

Arthur lost in a moment the feeling of safety he had gained moments ago

"Well, anyway, where is my dormitory?"

"Tusk… I didn't think you would be so strong. Basically, I intended to see how good you are against a general's level…."

Arthur's eyes suddenly widened, "Hey, Nayu-chan...you set me up."

"Knock!" Nangong Naiyue folded her fan, "What do you mean by incited you, I'm just testing you because you left it vague yesterday."

"Hey Nayo-chan, you said a moment ago that you never expected me to defeat him."

"....well, sorry, I was joking." Nangong's face reddened for a moment but soon returned to normal

Arthur shook his head slightly at this obvious corruption and restrained his hand that wanted to stroke Nangong's hair in an instant

"Anyway, your current residence is in the elite area, and this is the map… Please enjoy." Nangong gave him a small map, then smiled strangely and disappeared in an instant.

Arthur sensed that something was wrong as soon as he saw her strange smile and quickly became alert

"Alright let's go... By the way, where's Yoriichi?"

"behind you"

!! Arthur turned around and met Yoruichi's eyes, then calmed down quickly, as if nothing had happened

" Let's go "

" Let's go "


Upon reaching the dormitory, Arthur finally understood the reason for Nangong's strange smile, and then his roar resounded throughout the entire palace.

"Akatsuki Kujo!!!!"

(end of chapter)