
Chapter 2

His look of surprise suggested that I was unbelievable and maybe he was right but I didn't care because I had to get to my brother.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?!"

I stepped forward and came close to him, so close that the tip of our noses almost touched. Of course since he was way taller than I was, I had to tiptoe. I then yelled, "Yes! Maybe I am! But my brother is not well and I will not let you be the reason that something bad happens to him!"

He stayed silent after my outburst, I stayed where I was and held my ground. It's too late to back out now so I have to maintain my brave facade.

"You are getting in my nerves," he said, drew a deep breath and let it out (which smelled so nice), and clicked the control of his car before getting in.

I stood there feeling stupid because I didn't know how else to get to the hospital in time. Tears welled up in my eyes and I looked up so they wouldn't fall.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he yelled from his car window.

I looked at him, confused.

"Get the fuck inside," and he opened the door to the passenger seat.

This shocked me but I was too panicked to think and before I knew it, I was seated on the passenger seat of a Mercedes Benz beside a man who almost hit me with that very same car.

The car ride was silent and awkward. We only spoke when he asked me where to turn or which streets were less busy.

"Uhmm, I'm August, by the way. I'm sorry about earlier I was just so distracted I didn't notice your car approaching the lane," I initiated.

He stayed silent. I pursed my lips and shifted in my seat uncomfortably as I looked out the window.

The next thing I knew, his coat was already placed on my thigh, covering my skin.

"Would it kill you to wear a longer skirt?" he irritably questioned. I looked at him and saw him gulp, face red. He loosened his tie and continued staring at the road.

"Th-thank you," I stuttered.

Again, a moment of silence.

"Myth," he suddenly said.

"W-What?" I asked again in confusion.

"It's my name, idiot," he said and I smiled. Maybe he wasn't that bad after all. I mean he did call me an idiot but he's also driving me to the hospital and even bothered to introduce himself.

"That's a nice name," I commented and he nodded.

I eventually ran out of topics so I had to stop pushing my luck and just shut up.

"We're almost there," he said. I looked at him again and he had a blank expression but unlike earlier, his jaw seemed a little less tense.

"Thank you, I owe you a lot for this. Let me try to make it up to you. Can I give you gas money?" it seemed fitting to offer something in return.

"Do I look like I have a hard time affording gas?" was what I got from him.

He was probably right. I mean he didn't have to flaunt it and say it to my face, it was evident that he was some rich ass business person. So what could I give him?

"Okay, can I do anything else for you?"


"Yes, anything."

"Here's my card. Go to that building tomorrow. 7 AM sharp," he tossed a card at me and I bent over to pick up causing his coat to slide off my thighs.

"You can't cross the streets and you can't even catch that. Seriously, what the hell can you do right?" he said in an irritated tone and used one hand to place the coat back on my lap.

I didn't mean to seduce him but what the hell? Does he not like the view of my legs? I don't mean to generalize but most men would have reveled at the sight of my legs and enjoyed it for as long as they could but he was different. He seems to be a gentleman and very respectful if you choose to ignore how he calls me names and the frequent cursing. Of course a man with a status like him must have been bred and educated that way, to be sophisticated.

"We're here," Myth announced.

"Uhmm, thanks... I owe you bigtime, Myth." I said smiling and hurriedly walked out of the car and rushed to where my brother was confined.

I swear, I'll repay him someday.

Laura was outside the room talking to the doctors and she called me as soon as she saw me.

"Hi, Doc. The patient is my brother. How is he?"

"He's okay now but he'll have to stay for about 3 days because he's severely dehydrated. I recommend you buy him these meds as soon as possible so we can start treatment as early as tomorrow." the Doctor answered.

"Thank you, I appreciate it. Do I have forms to sign?" I asked and he nodded motioning for me to follow him to the nurse's station.

I signed form after form and proceeded to get the bill for today's confinement. The TV in the station was on and somehow it caught my attention.

As the news went to the business section, my jaw and the pen I was holding dropped to the ground.

That face... it was Myth. And he owned Evergreen Telecommunications.

I mean, I knew he was rich but I didn't think he'd be THAT rich. I didn't think he'd be the CEO of the larges telecommunications service provider in the country.

How the fuck do I face him tomorrow?