

The elder in charge of the outer disciples carried Bai Lixin. Bai Lixin's hand gently pinched a token on the ground where they could not see, and vines were planted underground. The vines implanted were not as gigantic as those Feng Baixiao set up in the mystic realm. In order not to attract the attention of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, he deliberately modified the vines so that they were as thin as grass roots. They looked gentle and harmless, and they spread silently over the island that was floating in the air. With the central peak done and twelve to go, Bai Lixin was carried on the senior uncle's shoulders. With a slight lift of his hand, he sprinkled the dust-like seeds into the wind. The wind gently caressed Bai Lixin's cheek and carried the seeds away with a slight roll. Bai Lixin smiled as he lowered his head, then closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be dizzy. Bai Lixin took a pill to suppress his cultivation and also weaken his body when Wang Kuixi came to pick him up. Senior uncle Qi took Bai Lixin to Broken Sword Peak in his flying craft and found Shui Wuxin. "Senior brother, this is the outer disciple of Xuanyuan Peak. Wang Kuixi found him fainted in the mystic realm and brought him out. " Ten years had passed, and Shui Wuxin's voice was no longer as calm as before. When Bai Lixin listened carefully, he could hear the hostility in his tone: "How did he faint?" "I don't think it's anything serious, but he's just very weak." "Okay, I understand. Take him to the disciple's room. I will treat his injuries later. " The Senior Uncle hesitated a little: "Master, should I send him to the inner disciple or the outer disciple rooms?" "The Inner Disciple rooms." "Yes, senior brother." The senior uncle in charge of the outer disciples did not stay long after he put Bai Lixin in bed. Bai Lixin had already sprouted the vine seeds that had fallen to the ground by the time he entered Broken Sword Peak. He quickly spread them throughout the entire Broken Sword Peak and did the same to all the other peaks. In this way, the movement of the entire Ten Thousand Sword Sect was in his hands. What he needed to do now was to find Feng Baixiao, who was imprisoned in the forbidden land before Shui Wuxin came to look at him. Halfway through his search on the Broken Sword Peak, Bai Lixin suddenly sensed Shui Wuxin coming his way and quickly withdrew his divine sense. However, Shui Wuxin was just walking by. He didn't even give the room a glance as he walked straight towards a magnificent pavilion in the deepest part of the building. Bai Lixin's heart moved slightly. He guessed that the person living in that loft was most likely Shui Kongling. Speaking of Shui Kongling, Bai Lixin once again recalled "Feng Baixiao's" scent in the mystic realm ten years ago. Perhaps if he found that person, he could correct the injustice the real Feng Baixiao was facing. With that thought, Bai Lixin once again attached his divine sense to the vine and eavesdropped on the conversation between Shui Wuxin and Shui Kongling. "Kongling, that child is a sinful animal. Leaving him alive will only harm you, you know. " "So what if he's a sinful beast! This was my brother Baixiao's child. Even if it is a sinful animal, I would still give birth to his child! It's all because of you. You've killed my child! " "Kongling, father is doing this for your own good. You know that? Feng Baixiao is already on a demonic path and will probably become the second Nine Heavenly Demon King. Do you want to live with such a person for the rest of your life? Besides, he was only using you. How many female cultivators have been ruined by his hands in this Ten Thousand Swords Sect? Can't you still see that? You have given your heart to him, but he only sees you as a tool. Is it worth it? Wake up, Khongling! Stop being infatuated and obsessed! " "I wish to win the heart of one person and never part with it. So what if he becomes a demon? He is the only person I recognise in the Heavens and on Earth! Father, those female cultivators…those female cultivators are all evil people! They coveted my brother Baixiao and framed him. He is a star in the sky. How could he do such a thing? Father, I beg you, please look into it. There must be something wrong somewhere." Shui Kongling suddenly knelt in front of Shui Wuxin and said, "Father, don't use the ice and lightning torture on brother Baixiao. I beg you, I beg you!" Shui Wuxin frowned at the despondent Shui Kongling kneeling in front of him. There was a time when his daughter was as confident and proud as a flower on a high cliff. When had she ever suffered such humiliation? Even if it wasn't Feng Baixiao's fault, it was still because of him. So what if he was the most admired disciple? Compared to his daughter's fame and dignity, he was no more than a sidekick. His daughter is a dual-spiritual root of earth and fire, while Feng Baixiao is a single-type of fire-spirited root. He suggested dual-cultivation with Feng Baixiao because he wanted to use the power of dual-cultivation to push her to a higher level of cultivation. He had never imagined that Shui Kongling would fall so deeply. It didn't matter whether Feng Baixiao was the culprit or not. What matters is that Feng Baixiao has to take the blame. It is true that he should investigate the matter thoroughly and find the person who really defiled his daughter. But when he does, won't Shui Khongling be even more devastated? Rather than being defiled by someone else, she would really be defiled by someone she loved. Shui Kongling did not understand his parenting, but so what? If his daughter could have a good life afterwards, if Feng Baixiao's death could make his daughter come to her senses and ascend the path of immortality, it would all be worth it. "There is no doubt that he is the culprit. I and your uncles have always agreed that he should be punished with the ice and lightning execution in ten days' time. If you have anything else you want me to bring to you, you'd better tell me now. " Shui Wixin replied in a harsh voice. "Then let me see his face one last time!" Shui Kongling's eyes were teary and her face was covered with two lines of tears of despair; "Since he's about to die, let me see him one last time before he's really dead so that I can rest my mind and fulfil my last wish." Shui Wuxin hesitated for a moment, "Okay, I promise you. But I have one condition. I will put a ban on you in advance. Don't think, I don't know what you're thinking. You want to jump into the ice and die for love, right? Don't even think about it! " Seeing that he could not wake up his stubborn daughter no matter what, Shui Wuxin sighed. "Think about it. I have something to do. I'll take my leave now. " I didn't expect that Feng Baixiao would be executed in ten days' time. It was as if Shu Wuxin wanted to kill him as soon as possible to seal the deal. Bai Lixin noticed that Shui Wuxin had left Shui Kongling and was coming towards him, so he quickly withdrew his divine sense and pretended to be unconscious. It was not long before the door was pushed open from the outside and a man entered the room with steady steps. Shu Wuxin looked at the pale face of the young man on the bed. His fingers made a motion, and a trace of spiritual power was injected into Bai Lixin's brow. Bai Lixin quickly withdrew his protection when he noticed this and let Shui Wuxin search his consciousness. Soul Searching and Memory Extraction? This was a forbidden technique. What does Shui Wuxin want to do? Seeing that Shui Wuxin was about to start interpreting his memories, Bai Lixin quickly created a memory and guided Shui Wuxin's consciousness into it. Before Shui Wuxin knew that he had fallen for Bai Lixin's trick, he explored the memory as he pleased. Before joining the sect, he was just like any other ordinary person, growing up in the chaotic world of war and chaos. After the death of his parents, he entered the Ten Thousand Swords Sect through various opportunities. There was the short life in the sect before he entered the Demon Clan Mystic realm. In Bai Lixin's memory, Feng Baixiao and Bai Lixin were not sure whether they were lucky or unlucky enough to land directly into a herd of golden-armored beasts. Because of this, Feng Baixiao was able to harvest almost all of the golden-armored beasts' horns on the first day. The process was a little more dangerous, but the two worked together perfectly. After harvesting the golden-armored beast horns, Feng Baixiao sent Bai Lixin to the secret cave as instructed by Shui Wuxin. However, what Shui Wuxin saw afterwards made him even more determined to get rid of Feng Baixiao as soon as possible. Right after Feng Baixiao had sent Bai Lixin to his destination, he took the jade slip out of his pocket and crushed it! The implication of crushing the jade slip was that Feng Baixiao was immediately transported out of the Demon Clan's mystic realm! Shui Kongling's confession reveberated in his mind. Feng Baixiao was in the Demon Clan's mystic realm for five days before leaving it. In other words, the person who had defiled and deceived her daughter was clearly not Feng Baixiao! If Shui Kongling got to know the truth of this matter, that the person she had given her body and soul to was not Feng Bai Xiao but someone else, would his daughter still be safe and sound? His daughter would be devastated! Feng Baixiao must die immediately, without delay! Not only should Feng Baixiao have to die, but the bastard who pretended to be Feng Baixiao to lure his daughter would also have to be killed by his own sword! Shu Wuxin pulled his divine sense out of Bai Lixin's sea of consciousness, his coloured with killing intent. This young man also knew the truth of the matter. If he told the truth, then wouldn't all that he had done be undone? Although he felt sorry for Master Yixiao, he had to sacrifice this child for the sake of his daughter. Shui Wuxin made his fingers into a sword shape and gathered spiritual energy onto the tip of his finger, slowly approaching Bai Lixin's forehead in an attempt to completely shatter his divine sense. Suddenly, Bai Lixin sat up with a carp-like roll. His eyes were staring blankly ahead with fear as he screamed in terror, "Don't come over!" Shui Wuxin's hand hung in mid-air, his eyes darkened, and he quickly withdrew it, "What is it, little Cha?" But Bai Lixin did not seem to hear Shui Wuxin's voice. He muttered in a dull whisper, "Father and mother, run away. The bandits are coming. Father and mother ..." Oh, it turned out to be a nightmare. Perhaps he triggered some memories as he searched through the boy's memories, causing him to remember the painful past buried deep in his mind. Shui Wuxin gathered his spiritual energy into the tip of his middle index finger, the murderous intent in his heart still not fading away. As if he did not feel the killing intent, Bai Lixin's hand reached out to his face and shook desperately as he held his head while begging for mercy, "Please, please save my mother. I can make pills! I can make potions! Can I exchange pills for my mother? Longevity pills, foundation building pills, Reiki pills, love forgetting pills… I can make many pills. Please, save my mother. She will be killed by bandits! " The hand that was about to touch the back of Bai Lixin's neck suddenly stopped! The love-forgetting pill! How could this young man be able to make the love-forgetting pill? As long as Shu Kongling took that pill, how could she not forget Feng Baixiao and go back on the cultivation path?