

Until the Demon Clan's mystic realm closed, Bai Lixin had not found any trace of Feng Baixiao. Although he did not find Feng Baixiao's whereabouts, Bai Lixin naturally locked onto Shui Kongling.

Shui Kongling did not leave the secret realm on her own but in the company of a man. This man's scent was even a little familiar to Bai Lixin, but no matter how much he recalled, he just couldn't remember where he had met this man.

If his guess was correct, the man accompanying Shui Kongling was most likely the one who had pretended to be Feng Baixiao to deceive Shui Kongling that day!

Three minutes past noon, the gates of the Demon's mystic realm closed on time. Any further questions Bai Lixin had would have to wait until ten years later to be resolved.

Although he had been cultivating for the previous fifty days or so, the real cultivation began the moment the demon's mystic realm closed.

Without the disturbance of outsiders, Bai Lixin got a better feel for the outside world through the vines.

Time passed day by day, and he did not stop cultivating.

Bai Lixin had already reached great perfection in the Qi Refining Stage. He only needed to break through before he could step into the Foundation Establishment Stage. He had made a lot of progress with his wood spirit root, but the control of his water spirit root was not good enough. If the cultivation of spiritual roots is uneven even before foundation building, it will seriously jeopardise the cultivator's training. It was a point of particular concern to cultivators.

To use an analogy, if you compare a single spirit root with a single skill point, you will need all the skill points to advance to the next stage. A person with a single spiritual root only needs to fill one skill point. The more spiritual roots a person has, the more skill points they need to fill, and the more time-consuming and difficult it is to cultivate. This is why a single spirit root is much easier to cultivate than a multi-spirit root.

However, water resources in this realm were scarce, so Bai Lixin's understanding of the water technique was a little slower than the wood.

As he was still unable to transform into a human body, Bai Lixin had to use the Iris body to cultivate slowly.

On this day, he was still meditating on the water technique to refine his water attribute when the earth suddenly trembled discordantly.

The unusual trembling interrupted Bai Lixin's cultivation, so he attached his divine sense to a vine and began to investigate.

With the accumulation of time, Bai Lixin had become more and more familiar with the earth's tremors and various sounds. He could now easily tell what was happening on the ground just by the different sounds.

While the earth trembled, the animals on the ground began to revel. The golden-armoured beasts howled in excitement and run back and forth. Birds began to migrate back to their nests; fish emerged from the bottom of the water to spit bubbles; insects took back their wings and stopped chirping noisily; they quietly stayed in their nests.

This is ...

The trembling of the earth intensified, and then not only did the earth tremble, but countless tiny particles hit the ground. They were densely packed, and they made the ground wet.

Rain? Yes, it was rain! It was raining outside!

The body of the blue-blooded Iris trembled. Water gave birth to wood, and wood liked water. Bai Lixin's divine sense was attached to the vine, and he could feel the joy from the vine. The vine spread its limbs with pleasure, absorbing the gifts of nature to its heart's content.

Bai Lixin activated the Ethereal Wood and Water Technique in his mind, extending the vines above the ground.

Above the watery ground, countless tiny shoots slowly emerged from the ground, shaking their weak bodies and spreading their not-so-broad branches to embrace the long-lost light!

At last! After months, Bai Lixin could once again see the light of day! It was raining heavily outside. The sky was filled with thunder. The wind gathered up the clouds, and the thunder broke them up and brought down rain. The water fell onto the earth and was absorbed by the plants growing on the earth.

The plants absorbed the water and returned it to the earth at a very slow rate. Where the moisture gathers, the clouds take it up into the sky and the thunder strikes it down. It is a closed-loop mini-circulation!

The principle of water and wood growing together and circulating!

Qian is Heaven, Kun is Earth, Zhen is Thunder, Xun is Wind, Kan is Water, Li is Fire, Gen is Mountains, and Ze is blending. Wind and thunder are all mutated wood attributes, while water is a water attribute.

So the cycle goes on and on. It was like a small cycle of the five elements?

In an instant, Bai Lixin was enlightened!

He activated the Ethereal Wood and Water Technique and ran through the twenty-four Great Circuits and forty-eight Lesser Circuits in his sea of consciousness. The body of the Iris suddenly unfolded into huge petals, and its whole body glowed with dazzlingly beautiful light!

If there had been anyone else around the Iris, they would have had to cover their mouths and marvel at the fact that this object was from the divine realm.

After the intense glow, a golden light broke through the vines that had been holding it captive and reached the sky, where it was still raining!

In the light, a young boy was revealed, curled up and sleeping naked in the tattered vines.


When Bai Lixin woke up again, the rain outside had stopped. He looked down at his long-lost hands, hooked his lips, and smiled gently. He once again used magic to turn the scattered leaf petals into clothes.

After trying to run the Ethereal Wood and Water Technique on his body for a week, Bai Lixin realised that not only had his Water Spirit Root grown rapidly after he had realised the principle of the dual attributes of water and wood, but he had also broken through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and directly advanced to the third level of the Foundation Establishment stage.

He did a cleansing mantra and cleaned himself up before walking to the palace gate. Instead of stepping out, he tried to throw a water whip at the Soul Locking Formation. However, the Soul Locking Formation, which had previously held him captive, had lost its effect once he reached the Foundation Establishment stage.

Bai Lixin smiled brightly, stretched his back and left the hall where he had been imprisoned for three years.

Time passed, and before he knew it, ten years had passed. He had turned the mystic realm inside and out after breaking through the Foundation Establishment stage and regaining his freedom.

There was a great deal inside, especially the demon king's palace and the cave where he was supposed to be meditating behind closed doors.

The palace of the Demon King was home to many hidden magic weapons and spells, while the cave where he was supposed to go contained some long-lost cultivation techniques!

Both of these parties had hidden their treasures so tightly that if it weren't for him, who could use plants to see the whole picture, no one would be able to discover these things.

But Bai Lixin did not take them away. He left them in their original state. Things have spirits, and if one were to take them away greedily, it would only add to their grief and hasten their demise. Instead, they were left for their master to come. One day, the right person will appear here. After ten years,

Bai Lixin's cultivation had already reached the full circle of Foundation Establishment, and he was only one step away from the Golden Elixir stage.

It was only after a few days after he had regained his body that Bai Lixin remembered to look at his face in the water. Cha Zijin's original face could only be considered pretty. It didn't stand out among the handsome and beautiful cultivators.

But with the establishment of his foundation, his face naturally changed. He had beautiful, delicate, and flawless features, with skin as smooth as white milk. His green hair reflected the sunlight, and he had red-flaming pupils.

If he were to appear in the public like this, people would see at first glance that he was a demon and not a human.

As there was no one else in the mystic realm, Bai Lixin did not do anything to hide his appearance and kept his appearance as is.

Seeing that the time for the mystic realm to open was near, Bai Lixin looked at himself in the lake, and the appearance of the divinely beautiful young man changed as fast as the naked eye could see. He changed back to the weak and ordinary little Cha, and his eyes and hair also changed back to black.

Only after this was done did Bai Lixin go to the previously agreed-upon place of seclusion and close down to meditate.

Bai Lixin had already taken over the vines Feng Baixiao summoned. So, although he was meditating in seclusion, nothing that happened in the mystic realm escaped his eyes.

The moment someone entered, Bai Lixin discovered their presence. With that, Bai Lixin knew that the ten-year seclusion period was finally over!

It was Feng Baixiao who had sent him in, but now that ten years had passed, he was probably already a Jindan practitioner. In the mystic realm, only cultivators at the foundation establishment stage were allowed to enter. In other words, it was someone else who had come to pick him up.

Bai Lixin pressed on. Since no one had come to find him, he would not take the initiative to show himself.

Some he had an impression on, but the majority of those who came in were newcomers. Bai Lixin hid in the retreat and secretly listened as they chatted about gossip.

"I didn't think that Senior Brother Feng, who seemed so clean, would be that kind of person. One really can't judge by appearances." Bai Lixin became interested in a topic, and without saying anything, he focused his attention and listened.

Bai Lixin still remembers the two men who just spoke. They were from the Broken Sword Peak and were among those Feng Baixiao taught sword techniques to. Now the two male cultivators were walking around and muttering in whispers about Feng Baixiao.

"Heh, I don't think he's any good either. He usually has a high and haughty look, but what is he pretending to be? Although there are so many beautiful and charming sisters in our Ten Thousand Swords Sect. I don't want anyone else; just give me Sister Shui. "

"Heh, even if Sister Shui was victimised by that guy, it would never be our turn. Hey, keep your voice down. If anyone hears your disrespectful words, watch out for your tongue and mine! "

"Alas, I am not worthy of Senior Sister Shui. Her promising career was ruined by Feng Baixiao. If Senior Sister Shui's pregnancy was discovered by the Master, I don't know how long Feng Baixiao's evil deeds would have gone on. It's a pity that Sister Shui has become so crazy and stupid ever since she saw Feng Baixiao's face. Sometimes she doesn't recognise even you and me. A villain like Feng Baixiao should not be punished by ice and thunder, but even his soul should be scattered!"

Ice and lightning punishment?

Bai Lixin's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and he abruptly sat up from the ground.