

The next day, Daoist Yixiao sent Bai Lixin to Broken Sword Peak as scheduled. Broken Sword Peak was indeed as Feng Baixiao had said. Not only was its spiritual energy much more abundant than Xuanyuan Peak, but the land was vast and the resources rich.

They arrived just in time to see Sect Leader Shui Wuxin teaching a group of disciples to practise sword training, and Feng Baixiao and Shui Kongling were among them.

When Shui Wuxin saw Daoist Yixiao, he bowed his head and said a few words to Feng Baixiao before beckoning to Daoist Yixiao.

Daoist Yixiao nodded at Bai Lixin and then walked away with Shui Wuxin. This departure nearly became an eternal goodbye.

Bai Lixin felt a little less threatened by being discovered now that he had taken the form removal pill. Because he was an outer disciple, he was still wearing the grey Daoist robe issued to outer disciples. His appearance was not very outstanding, and the bland outfit made him look even more dishevelled.

As soon as Shui Wuxin and Daoist Yixiao left, Feng Baixiao took over what Shui Wuxin had just left unfinished and continued to teach his junior disciples sword practice. While teaching, Feng Baixiao casually picked up a wooden sword and threw it in front of Bai Lixin, saying, "Junior brother Cha, join the lesson."

Bai Lixin caught the wooden sword and looked at the neatly white-clad sect uniform. He finally gave a light laugh, walked over, and put the wooden sword back on the rack, wordlessly refusing.

Feng Baixiao was not annoyed either, and let Bai Lixin stand on the side like a wooden stake.

An hour passed before Feng Baixiao dispersed the group.

As soon as the group broke up, a man stood in front of Bai Lixin.

The young man was dressed in white robes, and his hair was tied high. He looked at Bai Lixin apologetically, "Junior brother Cha, I was wrong about you back then. Don't blame me."

Bai Lixin looked at the young man before hesitantly asking, "You are…."

"I'm Sun Xu. If I hadn't been straightforward back then, you might not be in this state today… " Sun Xu let out a long sigh.

Bai Lixin finally remembered him, "Oh, it's you. Did you join Broken Sword Peak? Shouldn't the heart technique be suitable for... "

"I don't like it there!" Sun Xu spoke out and interrupted Bai Lixin in a loud voice, "I prefer the energetic and brave technique of the Broken Sword Peak to that soft kung fu. I succeeded in the Inner Sect Trials in my first year. At that time, Senior Uncle Gongsun wanted me to go to Tianshui Peak, but I refused. " Although he recounted it flatly, Bai Lixin could hear the superiority in his tone very clearly.

'Back then, you were loved and I was ignored, but now I am too high for you to climb?' Brother Sun, is that what you intend to express?

Bai Lixin kept silent and then he heard Sun Xu say, "I heard that tomorrow is the opening day of the Demon Secret Realm, which only opens once every ten years and only cultivators with Foundation Establishment cultivation can participate. By the way, I don't think Senior Brother Che knows about the Demon Secret Realm, right? "

Bai Lixin smiled and chuckled, saying lightly, "I know. I will be following Senior Brother Feng into the Demon Mystic Realm tomorrow, ah."

Sun Xu looked stunned. His slightly open lips quivered as if he was about to continue to say something, but before he could speak, a person gave him a hard, heavy push, pushing him aside.

Shui Kongling pushed aside the obstructive Sun Xu and stood in front of Bai Lixin, pointing at his nose and scolding him, "Senior brother Feng was kind enough to teach you swordsmanship, but you didn't appreciate it and refuted his face in public. You are so ungrateful, and I don't know what senior uncle Yixiao sees in you. "

The disciples who were about to disperse stopped at the sound of Shui Kongling's voice and drew close one after another.

Bai Lixin shrugged helplessly, "Senior sister, I'm an outer disciple. What your senior brother Feng intends to teach me is the sword technique for inner disciples at Broken Sword Peak. Your senior brother Feng is trying to get me killed. I've already been ordered by the Sect Master to spend ten years in seclusion in a horrible place like the Demon Mystic Realm. If the Sect Master sees me learning the Broken Sword Peak's swordsmanship, won't I have to be there for another ten years? "

Shui Kongling was so angry that she stomped her foot, "You, my senior brother Feng is not the kind of person you think he is!"

At this extraordinary time, Bai Lixin wanted to keep his tail between his legs, and he did not want to be the object of the crowd's attention. As more and more people came over, Bai Lixin was about to beg for mercy when he heard Feng Baixiao step in, "Alright, Junior Sister Shui, it was my poor consideration. Junior Brother Cha, come with me for a moment."

Feng Baixiao was an absolute existence on Broken Sword Peak. He was the future of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, the Jewel of the Sect Leaders, and the idol of his peers.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Shui Kongling stopped pestering Bai Lixin, only looking at him with accusations and complaints still in her gaze.

Although he did not expect Feng Baixiao to save him, Bai Lixin was still very aware of the time and quickly followed Feng Baixiao without hesitation as more people were coming over.

After spending the night meditating in Feng Baixiao's room, he followed Feng Baixiao to Taiji Square the next day.

The entrance Demon Mystic Realm appears in Taiji Square once every ten years, and it remains open for two months. Every year at this time, each sect would send their cultivators in the foundation establishment stage for training, to gain a chance to break through the bottleneck. Over time, duelling competitions between sects also became part of the trials.

The Immortal Venerable who ascended to the heavens also seemed to be extremely concerned about the Demon Realm, and he would send three lower heavenly-grade magic treasures every time it opened. The top three cultivators would receive any one of them as prizes. The content of the competition was an item set by the Immortal Emperor. The cultivator who offered the most items would be the winner.

In addition, each cultivator held a jade slip in his or her hand whch could be used to teleport out in case of danger or if they intend to give up midway.

The Demon's Mystic Realm was not yet open, but the Immortal Venerable's emissaries had been waiting there for a long time.

Bai Lixin observed the two emissaries with their heads held high in front of him out of the corner of his eyes and lowered his head again. Those two were among the cultivators he met on the first day he crossed over to this world. So the Immortal Venerable they were talking about was the one who went on the path of immortality thousands of years ago?

The messenger stood on top of the high platform, looking down at the crowd below as if he was looking at ants. His hand reached into his storage bag and, with a flick, three items floated in mid-air, "These are the items for this year's winners. The Feather Cloth, the Water Diamond Belt, and the top-grade Foundation Establishment Pill. This year, your competition will be to get the head horns of the golden-armoured beasts. Whoever brings out the most will have the right to pick any of these items first. "

Shui Kongling, who was standing next to Feng Baixiao, saw this water diamond belt and her eyes lit up. She was unable to resist tugging at Feng Baixiao's sleeve and whispering, "Senior brother, I want that water diamond belt."

The messenger looked over and said, in a cold voice, "If you want it, you can fight for it with your strength."

Shui Kongling's cheeks flushed, and she lowered her head in shame.

One of the messengers averted his gaze and continued to speak about what he had noticed, while the other swept a few glances back and forth between Feng Baixiao and Bai Lixin before slowly withdrawing his gaze.

The three magic treasures were revealed for a moment before being taken back into the messenger's storage bag.

The emissary had just put the items away when a huge dark blue, rotating circle of light suddenly appeared behind him. The circle of light was semi-circular in shape, allowing only two people to pass through it side by side. It was the entrance to the Demon's Mystic Realm.

Seeing the entrance open up, various sects let their disciples enter the secret realm in order.

Although the entrance was the same, the place where they land after entering the secret realm was random, but the two people who enter the secret realm will land in one place at the same time.

There were certain resources in the secret realm. Some places were rich in spiritual energy and had all the supplies, while others were extremely barren. Whoever was lucky enough to find a rich place would only be a step away from success. So everyone prayed that they would land in a better location when entering.

Feng Baixiao and Bai Lixin didn't have to wait long. Bai Lixin only felt a blur on entering the circle before his eyes, and his body felt like it was surrounded by a torrent of water.

It was the same feeling as when he transverses, only this was much gentler. It took about ten breaths before his feet felt solid.

Only when he was sure he had reached the ground did Bai Lixin slowly open his eyes, and what he saw was a swarm of golden-armoured beasts…

Bai Lixin:"..." Is this a pie falling from the sky? Not really…

The golden-armoured beasts were third-grade beasts. Just as cultivators are divided into many classes, the beasts of the cultivation world are also divided into nine classes. From low to high, there were nine levels; Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3... of which Level 1 was equivalent to a cultivator in Qi inducing stage.

Level 2 was equivalent to the Qi Refining stage, and Level 3 was then equivalent to the Foundation Establishment stage.

In other words, it was like they were surrounded by hundreds of hostile Foundation Establishment cultivators!

The golden-armoured beasts were shaped like rhinoceroses, with a huge golden unicorn horn on their heads. The thick skin covering their bodies was shiny and hard like metal, hence their name. In a matter of seconds, one of the leading golden-armoured beasts let out a cry, and all the golden-armoured beasts suddenly turned their attention to Bai Lixin and Feng Baixiao, who were surrounded.

Bai Lixin saw that the situation was not good, so he summoned countless vines from the ground without hesitation.

The vines rose from the ground, like maggots attached to bones, and became entangled with everything they saw. In a short while, the feet of the golden-armoured beasts on the ground were all entangled. But he was only at the Qi refining stage, and the vines could not last long.

The golden-armoured beasts were filled with roars of rage, and Bai Lixin, enduring the shrill sounds, shouted to Feng Baixiao, "Capture the leader first!"

Feng Baixiao had already unsheathed his sword and he rose into the air.

The sword was flung out, and Bai Lixin could only see a blur before the intact horn of the golden-armoured beast disappeared.

Feng Baixiao finished harvesting the horns of the golden-armoured beasts, and he stood on the head of a golden-armoured beast before bending down to pull Bai Lixin up, dragging him on the back of the beast.

The golden-armoured beast could only watch as Feng Baixiao cut off the horns of his companions because their legs were still tied up by the vines. The sound of crying in the air resounded through the whole area, and Bai Lixin felt like his eardrums hurt and were about to be shattered.

As time went on, Bai Lixin's vines began to be broken by the golden-armoured beasts. Bai Lixin dared not delay and cast a spell to summon vines from the ground, once again wrapping them around the golden-armoured beasts. The two worked well together; one wrapped the beast's feet while the other harvested. When they finally reached the edge of the forest, Feng Baixiao led Bai Lixin to jump off the back of the golden-armoured beast and dive straight into the dense rocky forest next to them.

When they had a chance to catch their breath, they stopped running and leaned against the rocky trees, panting heavily when they saw that the golden armoured beast was not coming after them.

When Bai Lixin thought about the battle that had just ended in the blink of an eye and Feng Baixiao's loaded storage bag, and he gasped and laughed, "Senior Brother Feng, a smile from a beauty is worth a thousand pieces of gold." This brother had done his best to get that water diamond belt for Shui Kongling. 

In the original plot, Shui Kongling's injury originated from her taking a fancy to a lower heavenly grade magic weapon, the Water Diamond Belt. Shui Kongling was good at using the Water Diamond Belt, but she only had a medium-grade Xuanji. Now that she saw a Lower Heavenly Grade magic weapon without an owner, she naturally liked it very much.

Although the three treasures were good, they were not what Feng Baixiao needed, so when Shui Kongling expressed her desire for the Water Diamond Belt, Feng Baixiao promised to win it for her. It was only then that the two of them mistakenly broke into the forbidden land and entered the place where the Demon King lay in slumber sleeping.

Bai Lixin suddenly stopped laughing.

Why did he feel that the environment they were in was the same place where the Demon King lay in slumber when he was watching the plot screen at that time??


Feng Baixiao didn't know what Bai Lixin was thinking. He looked around, closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them. "Do you know what the place you are going to stay in for the next ten years looks like? If you know, I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh. "

Bai Lixin: "..." I already can't laugh anymore. Thanks.

Feng Baixiao paused and said, "You used the wood green vine technique well just now. That is not the strength you should have at the fifth level of Qi refinement. "

"How? Senior Brother's swordsmanship is what I call "good." Bai Lixin hurriedly replied after hearing Feng Baixiao's compliment. But he always felt that something was not quite right, but he could not figure it out exactly.

There was no telling how many golden-armoured beasts there were in the demon secret realm, but Bai Lixin guessed that the large group of golden-armoured beasts just now should be the largest in this demon realm. In other words, even if Feng Baixiao didn't do anything in the remaining two months, he would be able to win first place in this trial competition.

The only problem was how they were going to get out of this forest with its strange rocks!

They had been walking around for a long time. It was easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

Bai Lixin knew many ancient formations, but this one he had never seen before, and he had no idea how to break through it.

After walking around for a long time, they circled back to the far point.

The Devil's Secret Realm was like a small spatial realm. There are days and nights. Bai Lixin watched the sun go round several times and finally asked, "What should we do? We seem to be trapped inside. "

Feng Baixiao also tried to fly into the air to check the exit, but to his surprise, no matter how high he flew, the mountain forest only grew faster. It was not a point taller or shorter than twice the height of a cultivator.

After searching through the introduction of formations in his mind, there didn't seem to be any similar to this one, and Bai Lixin was at a loss as to how to face this formation. If the system was still operational, he might have been able to obtain a way out through S419M, but now there was nothing more he could do.

When he looked at Feng Baixiao at a loss, he saw Feng Baixiao pick up his sword and walk to the place he had marked several times earlier and thrust it in.

As the sword plunged into the forest floor, Feng Baixiao's fingers and his lips moved up and down in a silent recitation of the spell. Bai Lixin also gradually felt the earth begin to tremble.

As Feng Baixiao's silent recitation gained momentum, the ground changed from a slight tremor to a violent tremor, and the rocks and trees that stood around also trembled.

Suddenly, a discordant "crack" reached Bai Lixin's ears. Bai Lixin looked up at the stone tree beside him and saw that a crack had opened in its trunk. With the trembling, the crack grew bigger and bigger, and it looked like it was falling apart.

Seeing that the trunk of the stone tree was about to tumble down and smash into him and Feng Baixiao, Bai Lixin quickly summoned a huge umbrella-like plant to block the trunk.

The stone wood broke, and only then did Feng Baixiao stop his incantation and pull his sword back from the ground. "Let's go, the formation is broken."


Bai Lixin followed behind Feng Baixiao, but in his heart, he got a sense of dissonance once again when he thought of Feng Baixiao's actions.

This male protagonist. Wasn't he too powerful?

Just like Feng Baixiao said, they did not return to the starting point after walking. Seeing that they would soon reach the exit, Bai Lixin asked, "The place marked by senior brother just now is the eye of this formation?"

Feng Baixiao nodded, "Yes, it was."

The feeling of incongruity in Bai Lixin's heart intensified!