
Auctioned Off

In a world where people's futures are shaped by their status, a life-changing moment occurs at an auction. Dante Blackwood, the alpha of Voss Pack goes to an auction and sees his mate being bided on Mia Crest an ignored illegitimate child, claimed at an auction and gets swept into a new reality. As their connection grows, her absent father returns, not because of genuine care but because she's now linked to a powerful alpha.

peacegeorge · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

As the morning sun gently filters through the curtains, its warm rays touch her face, and she stirs in the soft embrace of an unfamiliar bed. Confusion clouds her thoughts as she blinks awake, wondering why the mattress feels so luxuriously soft beneath her.

In a split second, panic grips her, fearing she's missed her duties. The room, bathed in the gentle morning light, feels both comforting and alien. She sits up, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings. A sense of dread lingers as she tries to recall how she ended up in this strange room.

Then, the wave of the events of yesterday rush back. The auction, the alpha claiming her, the pack house. Her heart races as she remembers the sudden change that happened overnight.

I allowed the maid to do whatever her job was and had breakfast. A part of me was expecting Dante to come around. This was his from I found out after breakfast as I looked around. Was that the reason why he didn't spend the night in his room.

I smiled at that thought but I told myself wouldn't it to be too soon and even if I stayed- would I have allowed it or not be.

I was glad the clothes were my size and wondered what will happen next. I put on some sandals and left the room. I tried recalling the way to the entrance and got there.

" Miss Mia" a man who looked no older than 26 years.He was dressed in dark blue suit with sky blue shirt.

" Hello you are?" I asked with raised brows. His voice did sound familiar but I didn't know where I had heard it from.

" I am Jack" he introduced himself with a bow.He had gray eyes that pierced and gave an air of authority but it was nothing compared to Dante.

Dante… each time I thought about his name my heart fluttered and I felt things I had never felt before but I wasn't his mate officially.

I didn't know if I wanted to be. If I was I would be able to escape from my father's clutches but if he rejected me where would I run to?Who I would be found minutes before I attempt to run.

I made up my mind that I was going to beg- at least.

' What makes you think he is a good man after all he was at the auction where several women and men were sold off. You just got lucky'

I realized I he stood there for over a minute saying nothing.

"I want to see Dante.. I mean Alpha Dante" I stammered. " Take me to him"

He nodded his head and led the way to the car before speeding off to God knows where.

We got into the building. A 20 storey building, it was humongous and it was made of glass which only reflected what was outside. I followed him silently and looked around. The staffs focused on their tasks barely paying attention to anything, some sipping their coffees while others having conversations that could barely be heard by a passerby

' Passerby, i mean me 'the human'

We got into an elevator and headed for the last floor.

It was by far the most lavishly furnished floor I had seen. I gaped at my surroundings. Two eyes were not enough to take in the beauty of this place. I followed Jack down another corridor. He walked so fast that I wondered if he didn't realize that i wasn't a werewolf and I couldn't keep to his pace?

He stopped when we reached large wooden double doors. This was the first wooden door I had seen here, all the others were glass. I nervously looked around the corridor feeling rather out of place in such expensive surroundings.

Jack raised his hand as though he intended to knock but suddenly decided against it and soundlessly pulled the door open. With a swift jerk of his head he motioned for me to follow and strode in like he owned the place. I tottered after him uncertainly.

The room we entered was dark and suddenly I felt as blind as a bat. I staggered around the room afraid of bumping into something...or someone! That's when I heard a conversation, a heated one.

"I'm telling you its nothing!"

"I've known you for long enough to know when you're lying. And this time I know you're lying."

"It's none of your business Cole!"

"If she is who I think she is then it is my business! It's the business of the entire kingdom!"

"But she isn't. And I don't want to talk about her any longer!"

And that other voice? That deep handsome voice...please don't tell me!

"Avoiding the topic won't get us anywher-"

"CUT IT OUT! I'M DONE TALKING ABOUT THIS! She is a nobody! She means nothing to me, and for the last time, she is NOT my-"

The voice that I knew was Dante stopped abruptly and I thought I heard him sniffing.

My eyes had slowly started adjusting to the dark and I was desperately trying to find Jack. I could hear heavy footsteps getting closer to where I was standing and my heart rate picked up. If anyone saw me here without Jack around, they would think I was eavesdropping!

I squinted in the dark but I still couldn't see Jack. I fumbled around trying to hold onto something so I wouldn't faint from panicking. My hand came in contact with the wall and I let out a sigh of relief. From the other side of the wall something thumped against my hand. And the soft wallpaper felt great against my palm.

I trailed my hand upwards, away from the thumping, till my fingers went around a smooth, thick trunk that felt unnervingly similar to...skin! Tingles exploded at my fingertips running up my forearm and arm and all the way down my body. I felt as if I had been zapped with electricity and an overwhelming warmth coursed through my body. The figure, which was definitely not a wall, stiffened and I heard a sharp intake of breath. I gasped but before I could pull away, large warm fingers wrapped around my wrist preventing me from withdrawing my hand. I already knew whose hand that was.

More tingles exploded around my wrist and I was nearly seeing stars. My body refused to move as I found myself wanting to lean into the large frame standing by me. I couldn't think straight, all I could feel were the fireworks exploding inside of me and the warmth that radiated off this person and engulfed me and, much to my dismay, made me feel safe and somewhat...happy.

Suddenly, bright light flooded the room and my eyes snapped shut. A few seconds later I slowly opened my eyes but as they adjusted to the light, what I saw me left me wanting to dig a hole in the marble floor, jump into it and never come out.

There I stood in the corner of a large luxurious looking office room, with Jack at the far end of the room holding the curtain cords and looking smug while the person I assumed is Cole was staring wide eyed at my wrist, which was firmly grasped in Dante hands.

My head jerked up and I found myself staring at him but something snapped within me and I looked around to find a water cooler to take some water because my throat went dry.